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NIST Authors in Bold

Displaying 101 - 125 of 899

VECSEL systems for quantum information processing with trapped beryllium ions

March 10, 2023
Shaun C. Burd, Jussi-Pekka Penttinen, Panyu Hou, Hannah Knaack, Sanna Ranta, Mika Maki, Emmi Kantola, Mircea Guina, Daniel Slichter, Dietrich Leibfried, Andrew C. Wilson
We demonstrate two systems based on vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs) for producing ultraviolet laser light at wavelengths of 235 and 313 nm. The systems are suitable for quantum information processing with trapped beryllium ions

Nb/a-Si/Nb-junction Josephson-based arbitrary waveform synthesizers for quantum information

February 24, 2023
David Olaya, John Biesecker, Manuel Castellanos Beltran, Adam Sirois, Paul Dresselhaus, Samuel P. Benz, Pete Hopkins, Logan Howe
We demonstrate Josephson arbitrary waveform synthesizers (JAWS) with increased operating temperature range for temperatures below 4 K. These JAWS synthesizers were fabricated with externally-shunted Nb/a-Si/Nb junctions whose critical current exhibits

Colloquium: Advances in automation of quantum dot devices control

February 17, 2023
Justyna Zwolak, Jacob Taylor
Arrays of quantum dots (QDs) are a promising candidate system to realize scalable, coupled qubit systems and serve as a fundamental building block for quantum computers. In such semiconductor quantum systems, devices now have tens of individual

Topological charge pumping with subwavelength Raman lattices

February 15, 2023
Ian Spielman, Gediminas Juzeliunas, Domantas Burba, mantas Raciunas
Recent experiments demonstrated deeply subwavelength lattices using atoms with $N$ internal states Raman-coupled with lasers of wavelength $\lambda$. The resulting unit cell was $\lambda/2N$ in extent, an $N$-fold reduction compared to the usual $\lambda/2

Tight Bounds on the Convergence of Noisy Random Circuits to the Uniform Distribution

December 16, 2022
Michael Gullans, Abhinav Deshpande, Bill Fefferman, Alexey Gorshkov, Pradeep Niroula, Oles Shtanko
We study the properties of output distributions of noisy, random circuits. We obtain upper and lower bounds on the expected distance of the output distribution from the uniform distribution. These bounds are tight with respect to the dependence on circuit

High-Fidelity State Preparation, Quantum Control, and Readout of an Isotopically Enriched Silicon Spin Qubit

December 12, 2022
Adam Mills, Charlie Guinn, Michael Gullans, Mayer Feldman, Anthony Sigillito, M. Rakher, J. Kerckhoff, A. C. Jackson, Jason Petta
Quantum systems must be prepared, controlled, and measured with high fidelity in order to per- form complex quantum algorithms. Control fidelities have greatly improved in silicon spin qubits, but state preparation and readout fidelities have generally

Ultra-low loss quantum photonic circuits integrated with single quantum emitters

December 12, 2022
Ashish Chanana, Hugo Larocque, Renan Moreira, Jacques Carolan, Biswarup Guha, Emerson Goncalves De Melo, Vikas Anant, Jin Dong Song, Dirk Englund, Daniel Blumenthal, Marcelo Davanco, Kartik Srinivasan
Photon-based photonic quantum information systems require both scalable ultra-low loss photonic circuits and high-flux sources of single-photons. Direct integration of these sources and circuits is critical to realizing quantum systems that are scalable

Role of Non-Temperature-Gradient Power Flow Terms in Low-Temperature Regenerators

December 1, 2022
Ryan Snodgrass, Joel Ullom, Scott Backhaus
The total power flow through cryocooler regenerators is key to their performance because it reduces the cooling available at the cold heat exchanger. At temperatures near 4 K, the real-fluid properties of helium and the finite-heat-capacity of regenerator

The Mathematics of Quantum Coin-Flipping

December 1, 2022
Carl A. Miller
An expository article (aimed at the general mathematics community) about quantum cryptography and the philosophy of applied mathematics. The article focuses on quantum coin-flipping, a research problem that has a particularly long history.

Constructing quantum many-body scar Hamiltonians from Floquet automata

November 22, 2022
Michael Gullans, Pierre-Gabriel Rozon, Kartiek Agarwal
We provide a systematic approach for constructing approximate quantum many-body scars (QMBS) starting from two-layer Floquet automaton circuits that exhibit trivial many-body re- vivals. We do so by applying successively more restrictions that force local

Dynamical Instability of 3d Stationary and Traveling Planar Dark Solitons

November 9, 2022
Ian Spielman, Amilson R. Fritsch, T. Mithun, Panayotis Kevrekidis
Here we revisit the topic of stationary and propagating solitonic excitations in self-repulsive three-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates by quantitatively comparing theoretical analysis and associated numerical computations with our experimental results

Quadrature Squeezing And Temperature Estimation From The Fock Distribution

November 3, 2022
Italo Pereira Bezerra, Hilma Vasconcelos, Scott Glancy
We present a method to estimate the amount of squeezing and temperature of a single-mode Gaussian harmonic oscillator state based on the weighted least squares estimator applied to measured Fock state populations. Squeezing and temperature, or equivalently

Scalable Quantum Logic Spectroscopy

November 2, 2022
Kaifeng Cui, Jose Valencia, Kevin Boyce, Ethan Clements, David Leibrandt, David Hume
In quantum logic spectroscopy (QLS), one species of trapped ion is used as a sensor to detect the state of an otherwise inaccessible ion species. This extends precision measurements to a broader class of atomic and molecular systems for applications like

Lattice-Based Quantum Advantage from Rotated Measurements

October 18, 2022
Yusuf Alnawakhtha, Atul Mantri, Carl A. Miller, Daochen Wang
Trapdoor claw-free functions (TCFs) are immensely valuable in cryptographic interactions between a classical client and a quantum server. Typically, a protocol has the quantum server prepare a superposition of two bit strings from a claw and then measure

Hybrid Quantum-Edge Computing: A New Computing Paradigm

October 4, 2022
Lijun Ma, Leah Ding
Edge computing network and quantum network are two emerging technologies in current communication fields. Edge computing has emerged to support the computational demand of delay-sensitive applications in which substantial computing and storage are deployed

Portable polarization-entangled photon source & receiver toolset for quantum network metrology

October 4, 2022
Anouar Rahmouni, Thomas Gerrits, Paulina Kuo, Dileep Reddy, Lijun Ma, Xiao Tang, Oliver T. Slattery
A quantum network will consist of many physically separated nodes connected by quantum communication channels that distribute entanglement between them. Such nodes will require mechanisms for the generation, routing, and measurement of quantum states to

Towards entangled photon pair generation from SiC-based microring resonator

October 4, 2022
Anouar Rahmouni, Lijun Ma, Xiao Tang, Thomas Gerrits, Lutong Cai, Qing Li, Oliver T. Slattery
Entangled photon sources are fundamental building blocks for quantum communication and quantum networks. Recently, silicon carbide emerged as a promising material for integrated quantum devices since it is CMOS compatible with favorable mechanical

Tightly Confined Surface Acoustic Waves as Microwave-to-Optical Transduction Platforms in the Quantum Regime

September 26, 2022
Ryan DeCrescent, Zixuan Wang, Poolad Imany, Robert Boutelle, Corey McDonald, Travis Autry, John Teufel, Sae Woo Nam, Richard Mirin
Surface acoustic waves (SAWs) coupled to quantum dots (QDs), trapped atoms and ions, and point defects have been proposed as quantum transduction platforms, yet the requisite coupling rates and cavity lifetimes have not been experimentally established
Displaying 101 - 125 of 899