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NIST Authors in Bold

Displaying 1 - 25 of 152

Preliminary observations of the April 5th, 2024, Mw4.8 New Jersey Earthquake

October 1, 2024
Oliver Boyd, William Barnhart, James Bourke, Martin Chapman, Paul Earle, Guo-chin Dino Huang, Jessica Thompson Jobe, Won-Young Kim, Frederik Link, Mairi Litherland, Andrew Lloyd, Maureen D. Long, Sara McBride, Andrew Michael, Walter Mooney, Gregory Mountain, Aspasia Nikolaou, Alexandros Savvaidis, Felix Waldhauser, Cecily Wolfe, Clara Yoon
On April 5, 2024, at 10:23 am local time, a moment magnitude 4.8 earthquake struck Tewksbury Township, NJ, about 65 km west of the New York City metropolitan area. Millions of people from Virginia to Maine and beyond felt the ground shaking, resulting in

Systematic Review of Embodied Carbon Assessment and Reduction in Building Life Cycles

September 18, 2024
Yating Zhang, Siamak Sattar, Dustin Cook, Katherine Johnson, Juan Fung
The building and construction sector is the largest carbon emitter, accounting for more than one-third of annual global emissions. The emissions can be divided into operational and embodied carbon, associated with building operations and building materials

Community Resilience Economic Decision Guide and Tool: Research Overview

August 20, 2024
Christina Gore, Jennifer Helgeson
Community resilience planning often requires quantifying and understanding the trade-offs that communities make between the benefits and costs of different resilience actions. The Economic Decision Guide walks communities through the steps to evaluate

Global Community Technology Challenge (GCTC) Strategic Plan 2024-2026

June 28, 2024
Michael Dunaway, Thomas Roth, Edward Griffor, David A. Wollman
This document provides a strategy and a project plan for the Global Community Technology Challenge, a federal smart cities program led by the Smart Connected Systems Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, an agency of the U.S

Advancing Methodologies for Hurricane Disaster Research Using Social Media Data

May 29, 2024
Emina Herovic, Caerwyn Hartten, Emily Walpole, Katherine Johnson, Cameron Busser
The National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) investigations of disasters and failures that affect the United States including devastating hurricanes like Hurricane Maria (NIST, 2023), require the assessment of risk communication, especially

Human-in-the-loop Technical Document Annotation: Developing and Validating a System to Provide Machine-Assistance for Domain-Specific Text Analysis

May 14, 2024
Juan Fung, Zongxia Li, Daniel Stephens, Andrew Mao, Pranav Goel, Emily Walpole, Alden A. Dima, Jordan Boyd-Graber
In this report, we address the following question: to what extent can machine learning assist a human with traditional text analysis, such as content analysis or grounded theory in the social sciences? In practice, such tasks require humans to review and

Using Disaster Surveys to Model Business Interruption

October 8, 2023
Maria Watson, Yu Xiao, Jennifer Helgeson
Business interruption after disasters is an important metric for community resilience planning because has both economic and social consequences. Each additional day that a business is nonoperational further compounds lost revenue, wages, and lack of

Report on High Energy Arcing Fault Experiments: Experimental Results from Medium-Voltage Bus Duct and Switchgear Enclosures

September 15, 2023
Gabriel Taylor, Anthony D. Putorti Jr., Scott Bareham, Christopher U. Brown, Wai Cheong Tam, Ryan Falkenstein-Smith, Stephen Fink, Michael Heck, Edward Hnetkovsky, Nicholas Melly, Kenneth Hamburger, Kenneth Miller
This report documents an experimental program designed to investigate high energy arcing fault (HEAF) phenomena for medium-voltage, metal-enclosed bus ducts and switchgear. This report covers full-scale laboratory experiments using representative nuclear

National Institute of Standards and Technology Environmental Scan 2023: Societal and Technology Landscape to Inform Science and Technology Research

August 23, 2023
Ashley Boggs-Russell, Kerrianne Buchanan, David W. Griffith, Heather Evans, Dimitrios Meritis, Lisa Ng, Anna Sberegaeva, Michelle Stephens
The 2023 National Institute of Standards and Technology Environmental Scan provides an analysis of key external factors that could impact NIST and the fulfillment of its mission in coming years. The analyses were conducted through three separate lenses

ASCE/SEI 41 Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Buildings: Comparison of the Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure with Other Evaluation Methods

May 22, 2023
Andrew Sen, Dustin Cook, ABBIE LIEL, Tarbin Basnet, Russell Berkowitz, Ariel Creagh, Wassim Ghannoum, Ayse Hortacsu, Insung Kim, Hamid Koodiani, Dawn Lehman, Laura Lowes, Adolfo Matamoros, Farzad Naeim, Siamak Sattar, Rob Smith
The U.S. consensus standard for seismic evaluation and retrofit of existing buildings, ASCE/SEI 41, establishes provisions for seismic analysis procedures that vary in complexity and fidelity. Although ASCE/SEI 41 provides detailed nonlinear dynamic
Displaying 1 - 25 of 152