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NIST Authors in Bold

Displaying 1 - 25 of 226

InSAR Analysis over the Eastern Coastline of Florida

August 23, 2024
Kamel S. Saidi, TRE Altamira Inc., Exponent Inc.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) contracted TRE ALTAMIRA (TREA) for a historical Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) analysis to produce surface displacement measurements over a wide Area Of Interest (AOI) of

ASCE/SEI 41 Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Buildings: Benchmarking ASCE/SEI 41 Nonlinear Dynamic Procedures with Empirical Damage Observations

May 19, 2023
Dustin Cook, Andrew Sen, Tarbin Basnet, Hamid Koodiani, Ariel Creagh, Abbie Liel, Russell Berkowitz, Wassim Ghannoum, Ayse Hortacsu, Insung Kim, Dawn Lehman, Laura Lowes, Adolfo Matamoros, Farzad Naeim, Siamak Sattar, Rob Smith
ASCE/SEI 41 is the consensus U.S. standard for the seismic evaluation and retrofit of existing buildings. Although the performance-based engineering standard is based on decades of research and the result of significant vetting by ASCE and other committees

Radio Spectrum Occupancy Measurements Amid COVID-19 Telework and Telehealth

October 14, 2022
Dan Kuester, Xifeng Lu, Dazhen Gu, Azizollah Kord, Jake Rezac, Katie Carson, Marla L. Dowell, Elizabeth Eyeson, Ari Feldman, Keith Forsyth, Vu Le, John Marts, Mike McNulty, Kyle Neubarth, Andre Rosete, Matthew Ryan, Maija Teraslina
During the COVID-19 pandemic, NIST began a targeted campaign of measurements of averaged power and occupancy rate in the radio spectrum. The purpose was to sample real environments to offer timely insights into data infrastructure where it might be

Development and Analysis of a Database of Tornado Impacts on U.S. Critical Facilities

May 17, 2022
Nicholas de Toledo, Marc Levitan, Jamil Malik, Warren Stewart, Katherine Johnson, Patrick Crawford
Despite the significant hazard that tornadoes pose, much remains to be learned about the impacts of tornadoes on critical facilities in the United States. While a number of post-storm reports have documented the damage from individual tornadoes or tornado

Aprendiendo de los impactos del huracan Maria en Puerto Rico: Un informe de progreso

January 19, 2021
Joseph Main, Maria K. Dillard, Erica D. Kuligowski, Benjamin Davis, Jazalyn D. Dukes, Kenneth W. Harrison, Jennifer Helgeson, Katherine J. Johnson, Marc L. Levitan, Judith Mitrani-Reiser, Scott J. Weaver, DongHun Yeo, Luis D. Bermudez, Joel Cline, Thomas Kirsch
El 20 de septiembre de 2017, el huracán María tuvo un impacto devastador en gran parte de Puerto Rico, dañando edificios de los que dependían sus comunidades para atención médica, seguridad, comunicaciones, educación, negocios y más. Para comprender mejor

Learning from Hurricane Maria's Impacts on Puerto Rico: A Progress Report

January 19, 2021
Joseph Main, Maria K. Dillard, Erica D. Kuligowski, Benjamin Davis, Jazalyn D. Dukes, Kenneth W. Harrison, Jennifer Helgeson, Katherine J. Johnson, Marc L. Levitan, Judith Mitrani-Reiser, Scott J. Weaver, DongHun Yeo, Luis D. Bermudez, Joel Cline, Thomas Kirsch
On September 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria devastated much of Puerto Rico, damaging buildings that its communities relied upon for medical care, safety, communications, education, business, and more. To better understand failures in buildings and

Community Resilience-Focused Technical Investigation of the 2016 Lumberton, North Carolina Flood: An Interdisciplinary Approach

August 1, 2020
John W. van de Lindt, Walter G. Peacock, Judith Mitrani-Reiser, Nathanael Rosenheim, Derya Deniz, Maria Dillard, Tori Tomiczek, Andrew Graettinger, Patrick Crawford, Kenneth W. Harrison, Andre Barbosa, Jennifer Tobin, Jennifer Helgeson, Lori Peek, Mehrdad Memari, Elaina Sutley, Sara Hamideh, Donghwan Gu, Stephen Cauffman, Juan Fung
In early October 2016, Hurricane Matthew crossed North Carolina (NC) as a Category 1 storm, with some areas receiving 0.38 m to 0.46 m (15 to 18 in) of rainfall on already saturated soil. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) funded

Flood Performance and Dislocation Assessment for Lumberton Homes after Hurricane Matthew

May 26, 2019
Derya Deniz, Elaina Sutley, John W. van de Lindt, Walter G. Peacock, Nathanael Rosenheim, Donghwan Gu, Judith Mitrani-Reiser, Maria Dillard, Maria Koliou, Sara Hamideh
In order to better understand community resilience following a disaster, a multi-disciplinary research team from the Center of Excellence (CoE) for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Integrative Modeling of Housing Recovery as a Physical, Economic, and Social Process

May 26, 2019
Elaina Sutley, Sara Hamideh, Maria Dillard, Donghwan Gu, Kijin Seong, John W. van de Lindt
This paper presents a set of four simultaneous housing recovery states: RS0 no recovery progress; RS1 repair completion; RS2 re-occupancy; RS3 restored stability; RS4 restored accessibility. The recovery states are aimed at capturing the complex

Research Needs to Support Immediate Occupancy Building Performance Following Natural Hazard Events

August 21, 2018
Siamak Sattar, Therese P. McAllister, Katherine J. Johnson, Christopher T. Clavin, Christopher L. Segura, Steven L. McCabe, Juan F. Fung, Leslie Abrahams, Emily Sylak-Glassman , Marc L. Levitan, Kenneth W. Harrison, John L. Harris
The performance of buildings in our communities depends on multiple factors including the availability of supporting infrastructure, the original design, the current condition and capacity to resist hazard impacts, and the ability to recover functionality

A Review of Public Response to Short Message Alerts under Imminent Threat

January 9, 2018
Erica D. Kuligowski, Jessie Doermann
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)’s Technical Investigation of the 2011 Joplin, MO tornado identified that no widely accepted standards exist for emergency communications in tornado events and more specifically, policies involving

Applying Measurement Science to Evaluate Ground, Aerial, and Aquatic Robots

October 12, 2017
Adam S. Jacoff, Rick Candell, Anthony Downs, Hui-Min Huang, Kenneth Kimble, Kamel Saidi, Ann Virts
This paper reports on three measurement science field exercises for evaluating ground, aerial, and aquatic robots. These events, conducted from February to June 2017, were conducted in close co-ordination with the responder community, standards

2015 Location-Based Services R&D Summit Report

January 30, 2017
Harris Feldman, Adam H. Danielson
The Public Safety Communications Research Program (PSCR) convened over 80 stakeholders at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Boulder, CO campus to build on the findings presented in the 2015 Location-Based Services (LBS) Summit- held

The Next-Generation Firefighter: The Evolution of Technology

October 14, 2016
Kayla A. Berger, Jacob R. Crouse, Jaden Pieper
In 2013, United States fire departments responded to around 1 240 000 Fires, accounting for 106 firefighter deaths [9][7]. These fires also resulted in 3,240 civilian deaths and an estimated $11.5 billion in property damage. When responding to fires

Guide Brief 1 - Characterize the Population

September 30, 2016
Community Resilience Program NIST
This Guide Brief provides additional rationale and guidance regarding the first part of Step 2 in the Guide, “Characterize social functions and dependencies” which starts with “Characterize the population.” The intended audience is the social dimensions

Guide Brief 2 - Identify Social Institutions

September 30, 2016
Community Resilience Program NIST
This Guide Brief provides additional rationale and guidance regarding Step 2 in the Guide—“Understand the Situation” —for how to “Identify Social Institutions”. The primary intended audience is the social dimensions work group of the collaborative planning

Guide Brief 4 - Determining Anticipated Performance

September 30, 2016
Community Resilience Program NIST
This Guide Brief provides guidance for determining the anticipated performance of building clusters and infrastructure systems when subjected to hazard events. This information is needed to complete the performance goals tables, establish existing system

Guide Brief 4A: Example for Determining Anticipated Performance

September 30, 2016
Community Resilience Program NIST
This Guide Brief provides an example of how to determine the anticipated performance of water and wastewater systems subjected to an earthquake and tsunami event. The methodology used for this can be applied to all infrastructure systems. The example
Displaying 1 - 25 of 226