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NIST Authors in Bold

Displaying 1 - 25 of 3899

Fire Data Generator (FD-Gen) v1.0.0

March 6, 2025
Hongqiang Fang, Wai Cheong Tam
This document serves as the documentation for the Fire Data Generator (FD-Gen), an automated tool designed to streamline the creation of multiple Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) input files. By employing Monte Carlo methods to sample relevant fire parameters

The Burning Characteristics of 3 m to 6 m Dry Douglas-Fir Trees

February 5, 2025
Erik Johnsson, Giovanni Di Cristina Torres, Eric Mueller, Matthew Bundy, Anthony Chakalis, Marco Fernandez, Anthony Hamins
A series of experiments are reported on the burning behavior of dry, 3 m to 6 m tall, Douglas fir trees. The measurements were conducted in the open under quasi-quiescent conditions. The global measurements reported include the transient, peak, and total

An Analysis of Aerosol Dynamics with Diffusion-Limited Growth in a Batch Reactor

December 16, 2024
Jiann Yang, Thomas Cleary, George Mulholland
A set of approximate first-order ordinary differential equations was derived from the general dynamic equation (GDE) to study the aerosol dynamics with homogeneous nucleation and condensational diffusion-limited growth in an isothermal batch reactor. A

Thermal Exposure of Objects Near Burning Electrical Enclosures

December 16, 2024
Kevin McGrattan, Isaac Leventon
This report documents a series of fire experiments performed within steel electrical enclosures and on open "ladder back" cable trays. The first objective is to measure the heat release rates and qualitatively understand the burning behavior of circuit

The Global and Local Structure of Medium-Scale Pool Fires

October 24, 2024
Kunhyuk Sung, Ryan Falkenstein-Smith, Matthew Bundy, Marco Fernandez, Anthony Hamins
A series of experiments are reported that characterize key features of the structure of eight medium-scale pool fires (0.3 m to 0. 4 m) burning a variety of liquid and gaseous fuel types, including 30 cm diameter liquid pool fires burning methanol, ethanol

Deformation of PMMA samples in cone calorimeter and anaerobic gasification experiments

October 20, 2024
Karen De Lannoye, Isaac Leventon, Lucie Hasalova, Alexander Belt, Ernst-Arndt Reinecke, Lukas Arnold
16 Cone calorimetry and anaerobic gasification experiments are often used to assess material 17 flammability of bench-scale (coupon sized) samples in response to well-characterized external radiant 18 heating. In this project, it has been observed that the

Effects of Weathering and Formulation on the Properties of Vinyl Siding

September 23, 2024
Ronald Lankone, Mauro Zammarano, Song Jhang, Ickchan Kim, David Goodwin, Gianluca Sarti, Stefano Gardi, Camillo Cardelli, Lipiin Sung
Vinyl siding has become a popular choice for residential exteriors across the United States. In its insulated form, this siding includes a shell, capstock, and substrate, that encase a foamed material, serving as an efficient insulating material. While it

Smoke Emissions and Buoyant Plumes above Prescribed Burns in the Pinelands National Reserve, New Jersey

September 21, 2024
Kenneth Clark, Michael Gallagher, Nicholas Skowronski, Warren Heilman, Joseph Charney, Matthew M. Patterson, Jason Cole, Eric Mueller, Rory Hadden
Prescribed burning is a cost-effective method for reducing hazardous fuels in pine and oak-dominated forests, but smoke emissions contribute to atmospheric pollutant loads and the potential exists for exceeding Federal air quality standards designed to

Detailed radiation modeling of two flames relevant to fire simulation using Photon Monte Carlo - Line by Line radiation model

September 5, 2024
Chandan Paul, Somesh Roy, Johannes Sailer, Fabian Braennstroem, Mohamed Ahmed, Arnaud Trouve, Hadi Bordbar, Simo Hostikka, Randall J. McDermott
This work reports benchmark data sets for radiative heat transfer in two distinct fire configurations obtained from the Measurement and Computation of Fire Phenomena (MaCFP) working group database. The cases include a 19.2 kW non-sooting turbulent methanol

Detecting Firefighter's Tenability Utilizing Machine Learning

August 30, 2024
Qi Tong, Hongqiang FANG, Eugene Yujun Fu, Wai Cheong Tam, Thomas Gernay
The proposed research aims to leverage machine learning to detect thermal operating classes and improve the tenability of firefighters in a commercial building. A total of 3000 simulations are run with FDS to collect temperature from heat detectors. The

Report on High Energy Arcing Fault Experiments - International Experimental Results from Bus Duct and Switchgear Enclosures

July 1, 2024
Gabriel Taylor, Anthony D. Putorti Jr., Scott Bareham, Christopher U. Brown, Wai Cheong Tam, Michael Heck, Lucy Fox, Stephen Fink, Michael Selepak, Edward Hnetkovsky, Nicholas Melly, Kenneth Hamburger, Kenneth Miller
This report documents an experimental program designed to collect data and information to evaluate the performance of models developed to estimate the electrical high energy arcing fault (HEAF) hazard. This report covers full-scale laboratory experiments
Displaying 1 - 25 of 3899