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NIST Authors in Bold

Displaying 1 - 25 of 837

Certification of Standard Reference Material(R) 965c Glucose in Frozen Human Serum

March 13, 2025
Amanda Bayless, William Davis, Elena Wood, Abraham Kuri Cruz, Johanna Camara, Blaza Toman, Komal Dahya, Katherine Earl, Chui Tse, Uliana Danilenko, Hubert Vesper
Standard Reference Material (SRM) 965c Glucose in Frozen Human Serum is intended for use in validating methods for the determination of glucose in human serum and plasma. A unit of SRM 965c consists of three ampoules each of four materials: Level 1, Level

Role of NEIL1 in genome maintenance

February 19, 2025
Amanda McCullough, Irina Minko, Michael Luzadder, Jamie Zuckerman, Pawel Jaruga, Vladimir Vartanian, M Miral Dizdar, R. Stephen Lloyd
Phylogenetic analyses of DNA glycosylases that function in the initiation step of base excision repair reveal a high degree of conservation within the genes encoding Nei-like DNA glycosylase 1 (NEIL1). In concert with other glycosylases, this enzyme is an

Impacts of household water demands and water heater delivery temperatures on opportunistic premise plumbing pathogens (OPPPs) in a residential setting

February 1, 2025
Alshae Logan, Jumana Aljafari, Visesh Uppoor, Tania Ullah, Jennifer Dootz
Efforts aimed towards water and energy conservation within residential buildings may create enhanced conditions for Opportunistic Premise Plumbing Pathogens (OPPPs) growth. To investigate this issue, a study was conducted to assess the effect of water

Aflatoxin B1-induced DNA adduct formation in murine kidney and liver

January 31, 2025
Pawel Jaruga, Vladimir Vartanian, Irina Minko, M Miral Dizdar, Amanda McCullough, R. Stephen Lloyd
Aflatoxicosis is a life-threatening nephrotoxic condition arising from eating foods highly contaminated with aflatoxin-producing molds. Additionally, chronic aflatoxin exposures are linked to enhanced hepatocellular carcinomas. Using recent advances in

Commutability Assessment of New Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) for Determining Serum Total 25-Hydroxyvitamin D using Ligand Binding and Liquid Chromatography - Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) Assays

January 10, 2025
Stephen Wise, Etienne Cavalier, Pierre LUKAS, Stephanie Peeters, caroline Le Goff, Laura Briggs, Emma Williams, Ekaterina Mineva, Christine Pfeiffer, Hubert Vesper, Christian Popp, Christian Beckert, Jan Schultess, Kevin Wang, Carole Tourneur, Camille Pease, Dominik Osterritter, Ralf Fischer, Ben Saida, Chao Dou, Satoshi Kojima, Hope Weiler, Agnieszka Bielecki, Heather Pham, Alexandra Bennett, Shawn You, Amit Ghoshal, Chistian Vogl, James Freeman, Neil Parker, Samantha Pagliaro, Jennifer Cheek, Jie Li, Hisao Tsukamoto, Karen Galvin, Kevin Cashman, Hsuan-Chieh Liao, Andrew Norbert Hoofnagle, Jeffery Budd, Adam Kuszak, Ashley Boggs-Russell, Carolyn Burdette, Grace Hahm, Federica Nalin, Johanna Camara
Commutability is where the measurement response for a reference material (RM) is the same as for an individual patient sample with the same concentration of analyte measured using two or more measurement systems. Assessment of commutability is essential

Recommendations for assessing commutability of a replacement batch of a secondary calibrator certified reference material

December 16, 2024
Liesbet Deprez, Jesper Johansen, Thomas Keller, Jeffrey Budd, Neil Greenberg, Cas Weykamp, Sverre Sandberg, MAURO PANTEGHINI, Ferruccio Ceriotti, Elizabeth Barczak, Robert Rej, Pernille Kjeilen Fauskanger, Finlay MacKenzie, Johanna Camara, Alicia Lyle, W. Greg Miller, VINCENT DELATOUR
Commutable secondary certified reference materials (CRMs) play an essential role in the calibration hierarchy of many in-vitro diagnostic measurement procedures used in the medical laboratory. Therefore, sustainable availability of these CRMs is crucial to

Color-map recommendation for MR relaxometry maps

October 16, 2024
Miha Fuderer, Fabio Crameri, Nandita deSouza, Bettina Baessler, Vikas Gulani, Meiyun Wang, Ruud de Boer, Matt Cashmore, Wolter de Graaf, Kathryn Keenan, Dan Ma, Carolin Pirkl, Nico Sollmann, Sebastian Weingartner, Stefano Mandija, Xavier Golay

Feasibility of Metrological Traceability Implementation Using the Joint Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine Database Entries Including the Fulfillment of "Fit-for-Purpose" Maximum Allowable Measurement Uncertainty

September 24, 2024
MAURO PANTEGHINI, Johanna Camara, VINCENT DELATOUR, Katleen Van Uytfanghe, Hubert Vesper, Tianjiao Zhang
Background: In previous publications, the Task Force on Reference Measurement System Implementation proposed a procedural approach combining a critical review of entries available in the Joint Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM)

Bilirubin measurements in neonates: uniform neonatal treatment can only be achieved by improved standardization

July 26, 2024
Christian Hulzebos, Johanna Camara, Miranda van Berkel, VINCENT DELATOUR, Stanley Lo, Agnes Mailloux, Marcel Schmidt, Mercy Thomas, Lindsey Mackay, Ronda Greaves
Measurement of total serum bilirubin (TSB) concentration is the gold standard approach for diagnosing neonatal unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. It is of utmost importance that the measured TSB concentration is sufficiently accurate to prevent

Morphologic alterations across three levels of biological organization following oral exposure to silver-polymer nanocomposites in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes)

July 5, 2024
Melissa Chernick, Alan Kennedy, Treye Thomas, Keana C. K. Scott, Joana Sipe, Christine Hendren, Mark Wiesner, David Hinton
Polymer nanocomposites have diverse industrial and commercial uses. While many toxicity studies have assessed the individual materials (e.g., polymer, nanomaterial) comprising nanocomposites, few have examined the potential toxicity of the nanocomposite as

Investigation of the effect of peptide p5 targeting CDK5-p25 hyperactivity on Munc18-1(P67) regulating neuronal exocytosis using molecular simulations

July 2, 2024
Tejaswi Tammareddy, Walid Keyrouz, Ram Sriram, Harish Pant, Antonio Cardone, Jeffery Kluada
Munc18–1 is an SM (sec1/munc-like) family protein involved in vesicle fusion and neuronal exocytosis. Munc18–1 is known to regulate the exocytosis process by binding with closed- and open-state conformations of Syntaxin1, a protein belonging to the SNARE

Fully integrated multifunctional sensor and open-source ASIC for flexible wearables

June 25, 2024
Anhang Li, Hongyi Wu, Ashbir Aviat Fadila, Chanho Kye, Arvind Balijepalli, Johan Euphrosine, Tim Ansell, Nigel Coburn, Sachin Nadig, Mehdi Saligane
The open-source hardware movement has made significant progress over the past few years. Increasingly, more individuals are engaging with and participating in the open-source chip design community - not only to design their own chips with the available

Identification of Candidate Protein Biomarkers Associated with Domoic Acid Toxicosis in Cerebrospinal Fluid of California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus)

May 28, 2024
Gautam Ghosh, Ben Neely, Alison Bland, Emily Whitmer, Cara Field, Padraig Duignan, Michael Janech
Since 1998, California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) stranding events associated with domoic acid toxicosis have consistently increased. Currently there are no practical non-lethal clinical tests for the diagnosis of domoic acid toxicosis (DAT) that

Standards and Metrology for Viral Vectors as Molecular Tools: Outcomes from a CCQM Workshop

May 24, 2024
Janathan Campbell, Neil Almond, Y Bae, Ravneet Bhuller, Andrea Briones, S-Y CHO, Megan Cleveland, Thomas Cleveland, Francis Galaway, Hua-Jun He, U Herbrand, Jim Huggett, Sarah Kempster, Ibolya Kepiro, Afifa Khan, Edward Kwee, Wilson Li, Sheng Lin-Gibson, Luise Luckau, Caterina Minelli, M Ryadnov, I Searing, Lili Wang, Alexandra Whale, Julian Braybrook
Viral vectors are agents enabling gene transfer and genome editing and have widespread utility across the healthcare and biotechnology sectors. In January 2023, the International Bureau for Weights and Measures' Consultative Committee for Amount of

Ensuring accuracy in the development and application of nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) for infectious disease

May 20, 2024
Jim Huggett, Denise O'Sullivan, Simon Cowen, Megan Cleveland, Jacob Moran-Gilad, Amanda Winter, Michael Messenger, Julian Braybrook
Diagnostic tests were heralded as crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic with most of the key methods using bioanalytical approaches. Bioanalytical techniques can be loosely described as methods that identify and quantify larger molecules (than conventional

Nondestructive, Longitudinal, 3D Cell Viability Assessment in a Multi-well Plate System Using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Oxygen Imaging

May 1, 2024
Safa Hameed, Navin Viswakarma, Eliyas Siddiqui, Greta Babakhanova, Carl Simon Jr., Boris Epel, Mrignayani Kotecha
Cell viability is an essential measurement for cell therapy, tissue engineered medical products (TEMPs), drug development, and many other biological processes and products. These systems rely on viable, healthy, and functional cells to work as intended

Spatial Variation in Mercury Accumulation in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops spp.) in Southeastern U.S.A.

April 30, 2024
Mackenzie Griffen, Colleen E. Bryan Sallee, Tara Cox, Brian Balmer, Russell Day, Laura Garcia Barcia, Antoinette Gorgone, Jeremy Kiszka, Jenny Litz, Robin Perrtree, Teri Rowles, Lori Schwacke, Randall Wells, Eric Zolman
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) inhabit bays, sounds, and estuaries (BSEs) throughout the southeast region of the U.S.A. and are sentinel species for human and ecosystem-level health. Dolphins are vulnerable to the bioaccumulation of contaminants

A Four-Grating Interferometer for X-Ray Multi-Contrast Imaging

March 24, 2024
Daniel Josell, Houxun Miao, James Williams, Jr.
Background: X-Ray multi-contrast imaging with gratings provides a practical method to detect the differential phase and dark-field contrast images in addition to the traditional X-ray absorption image in a laboratory or hospital environment. Systems have
Displaying 1 - 25 of 837