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Search Publications by: Dean G. Jarrett (Fed)

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Displaying 51 - 75 of 92


May 1, 2010
Dean G. Jarrett, Andrew J. Dupree
Guarded Hamon transfer standards have been used at NIST for decades for scaling to high resistance levels. A recent project has been undertaken to apply improved designs in guarded Hamon transfer standards to the 1 MΩ to 100 MΩ ranges with the larger goal

SIM Comparison of DC Resistance Standards at 1 {O}, 1 M{O}, and 1 G{O}

January 1, 2009
Dean G. Jarrett, Randolph E. Elmquist, Nien F. Zhang, Alejandra Tonina, M Porfiri, Janice Fernandes, H Schechter, Daniel Izquierdo, C Faverio, Daniel Slomovitz, Dave Inglis, Kai Wendler, Felipe Hernandez-Marquez, B Rodriguez
A set of regional comparisons of dc resistance standards at the nominal values of 1 {Ω}, 1 M {Ω}, and 1 G {Ω} has recently been completed in the Sistema Interamericano de Metrogia (SIM) region. The motivation, design, standards, and results of these

Procedures for the Traceability of High Resistance Standards Using a Teraohmmeter

August 1, 2008
Dean G. Jarrett, Marlin E. Kraft, Isabel Castro, Brett Degler, Mark Evans
The Metrology of the Ohm Project in the Quantum Electrical Metrology Division (QEMD) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) routinely disseminates the U. S. representation of the ohm through our calibration services and measurement


June 1, 2008
Dean G. Jarrett, Angelica M. Muniz-Mercado, Marlin E. Kraft
The automation of ultra-high resistance measurements at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the range 1 TOhm to 100 TOhm has been completed with the use of a programmable XY positioning system to facilitate the guarded connection


June 1, 2008
Dean G. Jarrett, Randolph Elmquist, Nien F. Zhang, Alejandra Tonina, Janice Fernandes, Daniel Izquierdo, Dave Inglis, Felipe Hernandez-Marquez
A regional comparison of DC resistance standards at the nominal values of 1 Ohm, 1 MOhm, and 1 GOhm has recently been completed in the System Interamericano de Metrogia (SIM) region. The motivation, design, standards, and results of this regional

Settling Times of High-Value Standard Resistors

June 1, 2004
Dean G. Jarrett, Randolph Elmquist
An investigation of the response of high-value resistance standards and elements to applied potential has showed that the processes used to prepare and construct high-value resistance standards can effect the settling times of these standards. Improvements

Tech Note 1458|NIST Measurement Service for DC Standard Resistors

March 8, 2004
Randolph Elmquist, Dean G. Jarrett, George R. Jones Jr., Marlin E. Kraft, Scott H. Shields, Ronald F. Dziuba
At the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the U.S. representation of the ohm is based on the quantum Hall effect, and it is maintained and disseminated at various resistance levels by working reference groups of standards. This document

A Bridge for Scaling to Higher Resistance from the QHR

August 21, 2003
Randolph Elmquist, Dean G. Jarrett
A two-terminal bridge for resistance scaling directly from the quantum Hall resistance (QHR) to higher-resistance values now provides a secondary starting point in decade scaling at NIST, beginning at the 1 M(Ohm) resistance level. This cryogenic bridge

CCEM-K2 Key Comparison of 10 Mohm and 1 Gohm Resistance Standards

April 1, 2003
Dean G. Jarrett, Ronald F. Dziuba
An international comparison of dc resistance at 10 Mohm and 1 Gohm was organized under the auspices of the Consultative Committee for Electricity and Magnetism (CCEM) and piloted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) with 14 other

Statistical Uncertainty Analysis of Key Comparison CCEM-K2

April 1, 2003
Nien F. Zhang, N Sedransk, Dean G. Jarrett
The details of a statistical uncertainty analysis applied to key comparison CCEM-K2 are reported. The analysis presented here provides an approach for addressing known correlations which have been of concern in reporting key comparison results

A 10T Mohm Per Step Hamon Transfer Standard

June 1, 2002
Dean G. Jarrett
To evaluate high resistance measurements and scaling in the range 1 Tohm to 100 Tohm, a 10 Tohm per step Hamon transfer standard is being developed. The design uses fabrication techniques developed in recent years at NIST to construct high resistance

Key Comparisons for Dummies: Lessons Learned

June 1, 2002
Dean G. Jarrett
This paper will discuss some of the challenges encountered during a recent key comparison. From these experiences, general lessons will be drawn that should prove useful both for the consultative committees and for future pilot laboratories as they

Statistical Uncertainty Analysis of CCEM-K2 Comparisions of Resistance Standards

June 1, 2002
Nien F. Zhang, N Sedransk, Dean G. Jarrett
Details of the statistical uncertainty analysis applied to key comparison CCEM-K2 are reported. Formulas were derived to determine the uncertainty of the combined difference between the measurements of multiple artifacts by an NMI and the corresponding

Statistical Uncertainty Analysis of CCEM-K2 Comparisons of Resistance Standards

June 1, 2002
Nien F. Zhang, N Sedransk, Dean G. Jarrett
Details of the statistical uncertainty analysis applied to key comparison CCEM-K2 are reported. Formulas were derived to determine the uncertainty of the combined difference between the measurements of multiple artifacts by an NMI and the corresponding

Analysis of a Dual-Balance HIgh Resistance Bridge at 10 T{O}

April 1, 2001
Dean G. Jarrett
The NIST guarded active-arm bridge, using a third dc source and a second detector to balance the guard network, is described. Improvements to the NIST active-arm bridge and the design and construction of improved high resistance standards have facilitated

A Dual-Balance High-Resistance Bridge in the Range of 1 T{O} to 100 T{O}

May 1, 2000
Dean G. Jarrett
The NIST dual-balance guarded active-arm bridge, using a third dc source and a second detector to balance the guard network, is described. Improvements to the NIST guarded active-arm bridge and the design and construction of improved high resistance

A Comparison of 1 T O} and 10 T O} High-Resistance Standards Between NIST and Sandia

August 1, 1999
Dean G. Jarrett, Ronald F. Dziuba, Marlin E. Kraft
NIST-built 10 T ω and commercial 1 T ω standard resistors were hand carried between NIST and Sandia for a high resistance comparison. The comparison tested the ruggedness of the new NIST-built standard resistors, provided a check of the scaling between the