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Search Publications by: Joseph Woicik (Fed)

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 110

Debye-Waller Effects in Bethe-Salpeter Calculations

March 3, 2024
Eric Shirley, Joseph Woicik
We present a method to incorporate Debye-Waller effects on core-excitation spectra in methods other than real-space multiple scattering formulations. The method draws ideas from multiple-scattering theory to realize effects of variations in interatomic

Lattice vibrations and the energy landscape of the isoelectronic semiconductor series CuBr, ZnSe, GaAs, and Ge: The special case of CuBr and its d-level chemistry

November 9, 2023
Joseph Woicik, Eric J. Cockayne, Eric L. Shirley, Igor Levin, Conan Weiland, Bruce D. Ravel, A. M. Milinda Abeykoon
We have examined the lattice vibrations and the energy landscape of the isoelectronic diamond and zincblende semiconductor series CuBr, ZnSe, GaAs, and Ge. Vibrations are found to be an increasing function of ionicity, with the cation sublattice always

Interface formation and Schottky barrier height for Y, Nb, Au, and Pt on Ge as determined by hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

January 6, 2023
Abdul Rumaiz, Ian Harding, Conan Weiland, Neha Nooman, Thomas Krings, Ethan Hull, Gabriele Giacomini, Wei Chen, Eric J. Cockayne, D. Peter Simmons, Joseph Woicik
Development of a robust, thin, hole-blocking (n+) contact on high purity germanium (HPGe) has been the main challenge in the development of Ge-based radiation sensors. Yttrium has been reported to be a viable hole-blocking contact on HPGe, and detectors

Noble-metal dark-edge fermiology: core-hole memory and the "Zeeman Auger" effect

January 12, 2022
Eric L. Shirley, Joseph Woicik, Conan Weiland, Ahmed Rumaiz, Charles Cardot, Joshua Kas, John Rehr
Gold and platinum have the face-centered-cubic crystal structure, are considered noble metals, and differ by one in atomic number. Near-edge M4,5 x-ray absorption and resonant M4,5N6,7N6,7 Auger spectroscopy reveal "dark" edges and a photon-energy

c-Axis Oriented Epitaxial BaTiO 3 Films on (001) Si

October 12, 2021
V Vaithyanathan, J Lettieri, W Tian, A Kochhar, H Ma, A Sharan, A Vasudevarao, J. A. Aust, Y Li, Long-Qing Chen, P Zschack, Joseph Woicik
c-axis oriented epitaxial films of the ferroelectric BaTiO3 have been grown on (001) Si by reactive molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). The orientation relationship between the film and substrate is (001) BaTiO3 // (001) Si and [100] BaTiO3 // [110] Si. The

Chemical Analysis of HfO 2 / Si (100) Film Systems Exposed to NH 3 Thermal Processing

October 12, 2021
Patrick S. Lysaght, Joseph Woicik, Daniel A. Fischer, Gennadi Bersuker, Joel Barnett, Brendan Foran, Hsing-Huang Tseng, Raj Jammy
Nitrogen incorporation in HfO2/SiO2 films utilized as high-k gate dielectric layers in advanced metal-oxide field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) has been investigated. Thin HfO2 blanket films deposited by atomic layer deposition on either SiO2 or NH3 treated

Displacive Phase Transition in SrTiO 3 Thin Films Grown on Si(001)

October 12, 2021
F S. Aguirre-Tostado, A Herrera-Gomez, Joseph Woicik, R Droopad, Z Yu, D G. Schlom, E Karapetrova, P Zschack
Polarization dependent x-ray absorption fine structure measurements performed at the Ti K edge together with x-ray diffraction have been used to study the local structure in SrTiO3 thin films grown epitaxially on Si(001). SrTiO3 layers on Si(001) are found

Dopant Location Identification in Nd 3+ -Doped TiO 2 Nanoparticles

October 12, 2021
W Li, A I. Frenkel, Joseph Woicik, C Ni, S I. Shah
Doping large bandgap semiconductors is typically done in order to enhance photocatalytic, photovoltaic and other chemical and optoelectronic properties. The identification of dopant position and its local environment is essential to exploring the doping

Effects of Solution pH and Surface Chemistry on the Post-Deposition Growth of Chemical Bath Deposited PbSe Nanocrystalline Films

October 12, 2021
Shaibai K. Sarkar, Shifi Kababya, Shimon Vega, Hagal Cohen, Joseph Woicik, A I. Frenkel, Gary Hodes
Chemical bath deposited PbSe films were subjected to post-deposition treatment with aqueous (typically 0.25 - 0.5 M) KOH. For films deposited using a citrate complex, this treatment resulted in dissolution of surface lead oxides (seen from XPS and EXAFS

Large Negative Poisson's Ratio for SrTiO3 Thin Films Grown on Si(001

October 12, 2021
F S. Aguirre-Tostado, A Herrera-Gomez, Joseph Woicik, R Droopad, Z Yu, D G. Schlom, E Karapetrova, P Pianetta, C S. Hellberg
The driving force of the semiconductor industry to integrate thin transition-metal oxides with Si transistor technology has led to the development of SrTiO3 thin-film growth on Si(001). As SrTiO3 represents a large class of oxides with the perovskite

Layer Perfection in Ultrathin, MOVPE-Grown InAs Layers Buried in GaAs(001) Studied by X-Ray Standing Wave and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy

October 12, 2021
J A. Gupta, Joseph Woicik, S P. Watkins, D A. Harrison, E D. Crozier, B A. Karlin
Using the In-L fluorescence produced by normal-incidence X-ray standing waves, we have measured the layer perfection and positions for ML = 1 and 1/2 (where ML = # of mono layers) InAs quantum wells buried in GaAs(001). Growth temperature effects were

NiO: A Charge Transfer or Mott-Hubbard Insulator

October 12, 2021
T M. Schuler, D L. Ederer, S Itza-Ortiz, G T. Woods, T A. Callcott, Joseph Woicik
Using site-specific soft x-ray emission and absoroption spectroscopy in conjunction with site-specific x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, we measure the magnitude of the insulating band gap of NiO to be approximately 2.0 eV, comparable to that predicted by

Pulsed Laser Deposition and Characterization of Hf Based High-k Dielectric Thin Films

October 12, 2021
M A. Sahiner, Joseph Woicik, P Gao, P McKeown, Mark Croft, M Gartman, B Benapfl
The continuous downward scaling of the complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices has enabled the Si-based semiconductor industry to meet the technological requirements such as high performance and low power consumption. However, the

Stoichiometry and Phase Composition of MOCVD Barium Titanate Films

October 12, 2021
Charles E. Bouldin, Joseph Woicik, Bruce Ravel, Debra Kaiser, Mark D. Vaudin
X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and x-ray fluorescence (XRF) have been used to study the stoichiometry and phase composition of thin (approximately equal to} 1 micron) films deposited on MgO substrates. Deposition

Surface Morphology Dependent Magnetic Thin Film Growth: Fe on GaN(0001)

October 12, 2021
P Ryan, R A. Rosenberg, D J. Keavney, J W. Freeland, Joseph Woicik
Iron deposition on ordered and disordered GaN (0001) surfaces result in dramatically different magnetic over-layer characteristics. On the ordered surface, nitrogen rapidly desorbs upon Fe deposition and a magnetically disordered film is produced