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Search Publications by: Christopher Soles (Fed)

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Displaying 26 - 50 of 170

Mechanical response of thermally annealed Nafion thin films

December 7, 2016
Bradley R. Frieberg, Kirt A. Page, Joshua R. Graybill, Marlon L. Walker, Gery R. Stafford, Christopher L. Soles
The proton exchange membranes (PEMs) in a hydrogen fuel cell experiences hundreds if not thousands of cycles between wet and dry conditions during their service life, which leads to swelling and shrinking of the membrane material. This can lead to

Communication-Comparison of Nanoscale Focused Ion Beam and Electrochemical Lithiation in beta-Sn Microspheres

December 5, 2016
Saya Takeuchi, William R. McGehee, Jennifer L. Schaefer, Truman M. Wilson, Kevin A. Twedt, Christopher L. Soles, Vladimir P. Oleshko, Eddie H. Chang, Jabez J. McClelland
The development of Li focused ion beams (Li-FIB) enables controlled Li ion insertion into materials with nanoscale resolution. We take the first step toward establishing the relevance of the Li-FIB for studies of ion dynamics in electrochemically active

Study of Direct Lithiation of Thin Si Membranes with Spatially-Correlative Low Energy Focused Li Ion Beam and Analytical Electron Microscopy Techniques

November 22, 2016
Vladimir P. Oleshko, Christopher L. Soles, Kevin A. Twedt, J J. McClelland
Understanding and controlling defect interactions and transport properties of Li ions in silicon is crucial for the development of emerging technologies in energy storage and microelectronics. With a theoretical energy storage capacity of ~4200 mAhg-1

Elemental Sulfur and Molybdenum Disulfide Composites for Li-S Batteries with Long Cycle Life and High-Rate Capability

May 12, 2016
Vladimir P. Oleshko, Christopher L. Soles, Philip T. Dirlam, Jungjin Park, Adam G. Simmonds, Kenneth Domanik, Kookheon Char, Richard Glass, Nicola Pinna, Yung-Eun Sung
The development of next-generation battery systems beyond Li-ion technology remains a crucial challenge in accommodating the evolving energy storage demands presented by electric vehicles and efficient storage of energy from intermittent renewable sources

Structural origins of enhanced capacity retention in novel copolymerized sulfur-based composite cathodes for high-energy density Li-S batteries

September 17, 2015
Vladimir P. Oleshko, Jenny J. Kim, Jennifer L. Schaefer, Steven D. Hudson, Christopher L. Soles, Adam Simmonds, Jared Griebel, Kookheon Char, Jeff Pyun
Poly(sulfur-random-(1,3-diisopropenylbenzene) (poly(S-r-DIB)) copolymers synthesized via inverse vulcanization form high molecular mass electrochemically active polymers capable of realizing enhanced capacity retention (1005 mAh/g at 100 cycles) and

Understanding the Decreased Segmental Dynamics of Supported Thin Polymer Films Reported by Incoherent Neutron Scattering

February 10, 2015
Changhuai Ye, Clinton G. Wiener, Madhu Sudan Tyagi, David Uhrig, Sara Orski, Christopher Soles, Bryan D. Vogt, David S. Simmons
Incoherent neutron scattering (INS) has commonly reported a suppression of segmental dynamics for supported thin polymer films as thickness is decreased, which is counter to expectations based on other measurement techniques such as ellipsometry and

Inverse Vulcanization of Elemental Sulfur to Prepare Polymeric Electrode Materials for Li-S Batteries

February 20, 2014
Christopher L. Soles, Vladimir P. Oleshko, Jenny J. Kim, Adam Simmonds, Jared Griebel, Jeff Pyun, Jungjin Park, Woo Jin Chung, Woo Tae Kim, Richard Glass, Yung-Eun Sun, Kookheon Char
Sulfur-rich copolymers were synthesized via inverse vulcanization to create electroactive cathode materials for lithium-sulfur battery applications. These materials exhibit enhanced capacity retention (1005 mAh/g at 100 cycles) and extended battery

Cubic Silsesquioxanes as Tunable High Performance Coating Materials

June 19, 2013
Christopher Soles, Hyun W. Ro, Aaron M. Forster, Dave J. Krug, Vera Popova, Richard M. Laine
In this manuscript a series of cubic silsequioxane monomers with their eight vertices functionalized with different organic ligands terminated with triethoxysilane groups were acid hydrolyzed, spin cast into thin films, and then vitrified into hard

Organosilicate Polymer E-Beam Resists with High Resolution, Sensitivity and Stability

February 28, 2013
Christopher Soles, Richard Kasica, Hae-Jeong Lee, Jae H. Sim, Sung-Il Lee, Ki-Bum Kim, Hyun-Mi Kim, Do Y. Yoon
Hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) is an attractive electron-beam (e-beam) resist for sub-20 nm lithography due to its high resolution, excellent line-edge-roughness (LER), and good plasma etch resistance. However, the sensitivity and long-term stability of HSQ

Capillary Wave Dynamics of Thin Polymer films over Submerged Nanostructures

November 16, 2012
Christopher L. Soles, Hyun W. Ro, K. J. Alvine, Oleg Shpyrko, Yenling Dai, Alec Sandy, Suresh Narayanan
The surface dynamics of thin molten polystyrene films supported by nanoscale periodic silicon line-space gratings were investigated with X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. Surface dynamics over these nanostructures exhibit high directional anisotropy

Anisotropic, Hierarchical Surface Patterns via Surface Wrinkling of Nanoimprinted Polymer Films

October 22, 2012
Junghyun Lee, Hyun W. Ro, Rui Huang, Thomas Germer, Paul Lemaillet, Christopher Soles, Christopher Stafford
we demonstrated the wrinkling behavior of nanopatterned PS films, whose wrinkle wavelength and resultant morphology depend strongly on geometric parameters of surface patterns as well as the direction of the applied strain relative to the nanopattern

Polymer-Fullerene Mixing in Organic Solar Cells

August 2, 2012
Hyun Wook Ro, Bulent Akgun, Regis J. Kline, Chad R. Snyder, Sushil K. Satija, Christopher L. Soles, Dean M. DeLongchamp, Michael F. Toney, Alexander L. Ayzner, Brendan T. O'Connor, Matthew Hammond
The mixing behavior of the hole and electron transporting materials in bulk heterojunction (BHJ) organic photovoltaic (OPV) blends plays a key role in determining the nanoscale morphology, which is believed to be a decisive factor in determining device

Inelastic Neutron Scattering on Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries

May 7, 2012
Huagen H. Peng, Madhu Sudan Tyagi, Kirt A. Page, Christopher Soles
The relationship between ion transport and polymer dynamics is central to the pursuit of solid polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries. This understanding is critical to achieve solid polymer electrolyte systems of sufficiently high ion conductivities

Understanding Interfacial Structure of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

May 7, 2012
Kirt A. Page, Sangcheol Kim, Christopher L. Soles
Although substantial improvements have been demonstrated for fuel cell technology over the past decade, the major technical challenges as associated with cost and durability should be overcome for fuel cells to compete in real markets and achieve wide

Polymer Dynamics in Constrained Geometries

February 1, 2012
Christopher Soles, Ryan Nieuwendaal, Huagen H. Peng
The wide-spread interest in the dynamical property of organic materials under strong states of confinement largely began with differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) measurements in the early 90's of the glass transition and heat capacity of glass forming

Structure and Properties of Polymer Electrolyte Membranes Containing Phosphonic Acids for Anhydrous Fuel Cells

November 9, 2011
Kirt A. Page, Christopher L. Soles, Huagen H. Peng, Do Y. Yoon, Sung-Il Lee, Myeongsoo Song, Kyung-Hwan Yoon, Wolfgang Meyer
Recently, water-free, proton conducting, polymer electrolytes are attracting attention due to their possible application as fuel cell membranes at intermediate temperatures (100 ºC to 200 ºC). Phosphonic acid groups are considered feasible anhydrous proton

Formation and transfer of GaAsN nanostructure layers

September 27, 2011
Christopher L. Soles, Hyun W. Ro, A. Wood, N. Estrada, B. Dick, Y. Wang, Micheal Thouless, Rachel Goldman
Nanostructured materials with ultra-small crystallites (approaching the exciton Bohr radius) embedded in a solid-state matrix have great potential for optoelectronic and energy-conversion applications owing to the possibility of invoking quantum effects

Molecular Order in High-Efficiency Polymer/Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells

September 22, 2011
Matthew R. Hammond, Regis J. Kline, Andrew A. Herzing, Lee J. Richter, David Germack, Hyun W. Ro, Christopher L. Soles, Daniel A. Fischer, Tao Xu, Luping Yu, Michael F. Toney, Dean M. DeLongchamp
We report quantitative measurements of ordering, molecular orientation, and nanoscale morphology in the active layer of bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaic cells based on a thieno[3,4-b]thiophene-alt-benzodithiophene copolymer (PTB7), which has been

Using Block Copolymer Self-Assembly to Imprint the Crystallization of Polymer Dendrites

August 10, 2011
Sangcheol Kim, Alamgir Karim, Jack F. Douglas, Christopher L. Soles, R M. Briber
We utilize the self-assembly of cylinder-forming block copolymer (BCP) films to create templates for dendritic polymer crystallization patterns. This templating was achieved by simply spin-casting thin films from a solution containing both the BCP