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Search Publications by: Matthew Bundy (Fed)

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 83

The Burning Characteristics of 3 m to 6 m Dry Douglas-Fir Trees

February 5, 2025
Erik Johnsson, Giovanni Di Cristina Torres, Eric Mueller, Matthew Bundy, Anthony Chakalis, Marco Fernandez, Anthony Hamins
A series of experiments are reported on the burning behavior of dry, 3 m to 6 m tall, Douglas fir trees. The measurements were conducted in the open under quasi-quiescent conditions. The global measurements reported include the transient, peak, and total

The Global and Local Structure of Medium-Scale Pool Fires

October 24, 2024
Kunhyuk Sung, Ryan Falkenstein-Smith, Matthew Bundy, Marco Fernandez, Anthony Hamins
A series of experiments are reported that characterize key features of the structure of eight medium-scale pool fires (0.3 m to 0. 4 m) burning a variety of liquid and gaseous fuel types, including 30 cm diameter liquid pool fires burning methanol, ethanol

The Impact of Material Composition on Ignitability and Fire Growth. Volume 1: Full-Scale Burning Behavior of Combustible Solids Commonly Found in Nuclear Power Plants

February 13, 2024
Isaac Leventon, Michael Heck, Kevin B. McGrattan, Matthew Bundy, Rick D. Davis
This report provides an overview of quantitative measurement data and visual observations obtained from a series of 52 full-scale fire growth experiments conducted on 16 unique combustible solids including: natural and synthetic polymers, copolymers

Fire Resilience of a Steel-Concrete Composite Floor System: Full Scale Experimental Evaluation for Influence of Slab Reinforcement and Unprotected Secondary Beam (Test #3)

October 2, 2023
Selvarajah Ramesh, Lisa Choe, Matthew Hoehler, Matthew Bundy, Rodney Bryant, Giovanni Di Cristina Torres, Brian Story, Anthony R. Chakalis, Artur A. Chernovsky, Philip Deardorff, Michael Selepak
The National Fire Research Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology conducted a series of large compartment fire tests to investigate the behavior and fire-induced failure mechanisms of full-scale composite floor assemblies with a

Coherent Laser Ranging of Deforming Objects in Fires at Sub-Millimeter Precision

July 7, 2023
Matthew Hoehler, Artur A. Chernovsky, Matthew Bundy, Esther Baumann
This paper applies coherent Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Light Detection and Ranging to capture three-dimensional measurements of objects in fire at meters of stand-off distance. Despite the presence of flame depths up to 1.5 m obscuring the target

NIST Outdoor Structure Separation Experiments (NOSSE) with Wind

May 31, 2023
Alexander Maranghides, Shonali Nazare, Eric Link, Kathryn Butler, Erik L. Johnsson, Matthew Bundy, Artur A. Chernovsky, Frank Bigelow, Steven Hawks, William (Ruddy) Mell, Anthony Bova, Thomas Milac, William Walton, Bob Raymer, Frank Frievalt
The NIST Outdoor Structure Separation Experiments are part of the NIST Structure Separation Experiments project, which is designed to assess structure-to-structure fire spread in the wildland-urban interface. In the first phase of this project, fire


November 30, 2022
Selvarajah Ramesh, Lisa Choe, Matthew Hoehler, Matthew Bundy
This paper presents the results of compartment fire experiments conducted on 9.1 m × 6.1 m steel-concrete composite floors in a full-scale, two-story, two-bays by three-bays steel gravity frame building to investigate the fire resilience of these widely

Structure Separation Experiments: Shed Burns without Wind

September 15, 2022
Alexander Maranghides, Shonali Nazare, Eric Link, Matthew Bundy, Matthew Hoehler, Steven Hawks, Frank Bigelow, William (Ruddy) Mell, Anthony Bova, Derek McNamara, Tom Milac, Faraz Hedayati, Daniel Gorham, Xareni Monroy, Murray Morrison, Bob Raymer, Frank Frievalt, William Walton
This report describes the experiments conducted during the first phase of a multi-phase project designed to assess structure-to-structure fire spread for structures in the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI). The experiments focused on quantifying thermal

Fire Resilience of a Steel-Concrete Composite Floor System: Full-Scale Experimental Evaluation for Influence of Slab Reinforcement (Test #2)

June 1, 2022
Lisa Choe, Matthew Hoehler, Matthew Bundy, Rodney A. Bryant, Brian Story, Anthony R. Chakalis, Artur A. Chernovsky, Selvarajah Ramesh, Xu Dai
The National Institute of Standards and Technology is currently conducting a series of large compartment fire tests to investigate the behavior and fire-induced failure mechanisms of the full-scale composite floor assemblies with the two-story steel

NIST Outdoor Structure Separation Experiments (NOSSE): Preliminary Test Plan

January 10, 2022
Alexander Maranghides, Shonali Nazare, Eric Link, Matthew Bundy, Artur A. Chernovsky, Erik L. Johnsson, Kathryn Butler, Steven Hawks, Frank Bigelow, William (Ruddy) Mell, Anthony Bova, Derek McNamara, Tom MIlac, Daniel Gorham, Faraz Hedayati, Bob Raymer, Frank Frievalt, William Walton
The Structure Separation Project is a multi-level project to assess structure-to-structure fire spread in Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) communities. The project is divided into three phases with each phase assessing radiant and convective heat exposures

Fire Resilience of a Steel-Concrete Composite Floor System: Full-Scale Experimental Evaluation for U.S. Prescriptive Approach with a 2-Hour Fire-Resistance Rating (Test #1)

October 5, 2021
Lisa Choe, Selvarajah Ramesh, Xu Dai, Matthew Hoehler, Matthew Bundy, Rodney A. Bryant, Brian Story, Anthony R. Chakalis, Artur A. Chernovsky
The National Institute of Standards and Technology is currently conducting a series of large compartment fire tests to investigate the behavior and fire-induced failure mechanisms of the full-scale composite floor systems situated in the two-story and two

Demonstration of an all-in-one solution for fire safe upholstery furniture: A benign backcoating for smoldering and flame-resistant cover fabrics

August 15, 2021
Ickchan Kim, Andre Thompson, Sung Chan Kim, Anthony Hamins, Matthew Bundy, Shonali Nazare, Rick D. Davis, Mauro Zammarano
The development of fire prevention and mitigation technologies with a benign toxicological and environmental profile has become of particular interest in the USA due to the recent adoption of state regulations that severely restrict the use of flame

Performance and Failure Mechanism of Fire Barriers in Full-Scale Chair Mock-ups

July 13, 2021
Andre Thompson, Ickchan Kim, Anthony Hamins, Matthew Bundy, Mauro Zammarano
The effectiveness and the failure mechanism of fire barriers in residential upholstered furniture were investigated by full-scale flaming tests on upholstered chair mock-ups. Six commercial fire barriers were tested in this study. Fire barriers were

The Thermal Character of a 1 m Methanol Pool Fire

June 15, 2021
Kunhyuk Sung, Jian Chen, Matthew Bundy, Marco G. Fernandez, Anthony Hamins
This is the second edition of this study, which presents a series of measurements conducted to characterize the structure of a 1 m diameter methanol pool fire steadily burning with a constant lip height in a well-ventilated quiescent environment. The main

Structure Separation Experiments Phase 1 Preliminary Test Plan

May 26, 2021
Alexander Maranghides, Shonali Nazare, Eric Link, Kuldeep Prasad, Matthew Hoehler, Matthew Bundy, Steven Hawks, Frank Bigelow, William (Ruddy) Mell, Anthony Bova, Derek McNamara, Tom Milac, Daniel Gorham, Faraz Hedayati, Bob Raymer, Frank Frievalt, William Walton
The primary objective of this project is to assess structure-to-structure fire spread for structures located in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). Full-scale fire experiments will be conducted in which various types of structures (sources of fire) will be

The Character of Residential Cooktop Fires

January 8, 2021
Yue Hu, Jian Chen, Zhigang Wang, Ki Yong Lee, Matthew Bundy, Anthony Hamins, Marco G. Fernandez
A series of experiments was conducted to investigate the pre-combustion and combustion properties of corn oil heated in pans from 10 cm to 26 cm diameter by a residential electric- coil element cooktop. For comparison, torch-ignited gasoline, heptane and

Fire Hazards of Dry Versus Watered Christmas Trees

December 15, 2020
Matthew S. Hoehler, Matthew F. Bundy, Laurean A. DeLauter, Robin L. Materese, Leon Gerskovic, Jose R. Garcia
These experiments were designed to examine the difference in fire hazard between a dry Christmas tree and a watered Christmas tree for fire safety awareness. One dry tree (no water after harvesting) and one watered tree was tested with no replicates. The

Full-Scale Experiments to Demonstrate Flammability Risk of Residential Upholstered Furniture and Mitigation Using Barrier Fabric

December 11, 2020
Mauro Zammarano, Matthew S. Hoehler, John R. Shields, Andre L. Thompson, Ickchan Kim, Isaac T. Leventon, Matthew F. Bundy
In this work, we investigated fire growth in a furnished compartment intended to mimic a living room where a couch was the main fuel load. Three TB-117-2013 compliant and commercially available couches were procured. The couches were identical except for

Reduced-Scale Test to Assess the Effect of Fire Barriers on the Flaming Combustion of Cored Composites: an Upholstery-Material Case Study

September 4, 2020
Mauro Zammarano, John R. Shields, Isaac T. Leventon, Ickchan Kim, Shonali Nazare, Andre L. Thompson, Rick D. Davis, Artur A. Chernovsky, Matthew F. Bundy
In this work, we describe a reduced-scale test (“Cube” test), based on cone calorimetry, measuring the fire performance (heat release rate, propensity to pool-fire formation, etc.) of composite specimens including a fire barrier (FB) and a flammable core