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Search Publications by: Daniel S. Hussey (Fed)

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 108

Simulation of Neutron Dark-Field Data for Grating-Based Interferometers

April 1, 2024
Caitlyn Wolf, Youngju Kim, Paul A. Kienzle, Pushkar Sathe, Michael Daugherty, Peter Bajcsy, Daniel Hussey, Kathleen Weigandt
Hierarchical structures and heterogeneous materials are found in many natural and engineered systems including additive manufacturing, alternative energy, biology and polymer science. Though the structure–function relationship is important for developing

Emission Ghost Imaging: reconstruction with data augmentation

February 1, 2024
Kevin J. Coakley, Heather H. Chen-Mayer, Bruce D. Ravel, Daniel Josell, Nikolai Klimov, Sarah Robinson, Daniel S. Hussey
Ghost Imaging enables 2D reconstruction of an object even though particles transmitted or emitted by the object of interest are detected with a single pixel detector without spatial resolution. This is possible because the incident beam is spatially

Operando analysis of the positive active mass of lead batteries by neutron diffraction

January 30, 2024
Miguel Rodriuqez-Goemz, Javier Campo, Aloida Orera, Fernando de La Fuente, Jesus Valenciano, Holger Fricke, Yan Chen, Ke An, Daniel Hussey, Angel Larrea
We have analysed, through neutron diffraction experiments with the volume-gauge technique, the in operando performance of lead cells composed of industrial positive and negative electrodes, previously tank formed in the manufacturing plant. The cells, 6.5

Simultaneous characterization of operando multi-material distribution via high-contrast correlative tomographic microscopy

November 8, 2023
Pranay Shrestha, Jacob LaManna, Kieran Fahy, Pascal Kim, ChungHyuk Lee, Jason Lee, Elias Baltic, David Jacobson, Daniel Hussey, Aimy Bazylak
High-contrast tomographic microscopy of evolving multi-material systems, such as electrochemical devices, offers a unique and often exclusive perspective into inner workings of these complex systems. Here, we characterize the operando spatiotemporal

Assessment of Dose Reduction Strategies in Wavelength-Selective Neutron Tomography

July 31, 2023
Daniel Hussey, Peter Bajcsy, Paul A. Kienzle, Jacob LaManna, David Jacobson, Victoria DiStefano, Daniel Pelt, James Sethian
The goal of this study is to determine variable relationships and a computational workflow that yield the highest quality of three-dimensional reconstructions in neutron imaging applications with reduced number of projections angles. Neutrons interact with

Neutron Interferometry Using a Single Modulated Phase Grating

April 1, 2023
Ivan Hidrovo, Joynoi Dey, Daniel Hussey, Nikolai Klimov, Leslie Butler, Kum Ham, W Newhauser
Neutron grating interferometry provides information on phase and small-angle scatter in addition to attenuation. Previously, phase grating moiré interferometers (PGMI) with two or three phase gratings have been developed. These phase-grating systems use

Results from neutron imaging phase change experiments with LH2 and LCH4

July 2, 2022
Kishan Bellur, Ezequiel Medici, Daniel Hussey, David Jacobson, Jacob LaManna, Juscelino Leao, Julia Scherschligt, James Hermanson, Chang Kyoung Choi, Jeffrey Allen
Predicting evaporation and cryo-storage behavior of liquid hydrogen poses a challenge for both terrestrial energy infrastructure and long term space missions. The current understanding of cryogenic phase change and subsequent boil-off is limited, in part

Phase retrieval based on deep learning in grating interferometer

April 25, 2022
Ohsung Oh, Youngju Kim, Daeseung Kim, Daniel Hussey, Seung Wook Lee
Grating interferometry is a promising technique to obtain differential phase contrast images with illumination source of low intrinsic transverse coherence. However, retrieving the phase contrast image from the differential phase contrast image is

Analysis of a silicon comb structure using an inverse Talbot-Lau neutron grating interferometer

March 3, 2022
Youngju Kim, Daeseung Kim, Jongyul Kim, Daniel Hussey, Mona Mirzaei, Dmitri Pushin, Charles W. Clark, Seung Lee
We describe an inverse Talbot-Lau neutron grating interferometer that provides an extended autocorrelation length range for quantitative dark-field imaging. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a Talbot-Lau neutron grating interferometer (nTLI)


November 19, 2021
Joanna McFarlane, Victoria H. DiStefano, Philip R. Bingham, Hassina Z. Bilheux, Michael C. Cheshire, Richard E. Hale, Daniel Hussey, David Jacobson, Lindsay M. Kolbus, Jacob LaManna, Edmund Perfect, Mark Rivers, Louis J. Santodonato, Lawrence M. Anovitz
Models of fluid flow are used to improve the efficiency of oil and gas extraction and to estimate the storage and leakage of carbon dioxide in geologic reservoirs. Therefore, a quantitative understanding of key parameters of rock-fluid interactions, such

Superhydrophilic porous transport layer enhances effciency of polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzers

October 20, 2021
Benzhong Zhao, ChungHyuk Lee, Jason K. Lee, Kieran F. Fahy, Jacob LaManna, Elias Baltic, David Jacobson, Daniel Hussey, Aimy Bazylak
Hydrogen is widely regarded as a promising vehicle for renewable energy storage due to its versatility and high energy density. A prominent technology for hydrogen generation is the polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzer, which decomposes liquid

Imaging with Neutrons

June 1, 2021
Daniel Hussey, Gilberto Artioli
By exploiting the penetration and scattering properties of neutrons, images of matter in two or three dimensions reveal information unobtainable with other probes. Despite the limitation in brilliance of neutron sources, several neutron-based imaging

A portable triaxial cell for beamline imaging of rocks under triaxial state of stress

April 21, 2021
Amer Syed, Yukie Tanino, Jacob LaManna, David L. Jacobson, Daniel S. Hussey, Eli Baltic, Genoveva Burca
With recent developments in direct imaging techniques using x-ray and neutron imaging, there is an increasing need for an efficient design of a test setup to study mechanical and/or the transport behaviour of porous rocks. Bespoke design from commercial

Accurate measurement of the through-plane water content of proton-exchange membranes using neutron radiography

April 21, 2021
Daniel S. Hussey, David L. Jacobson, Dusan Spernjak, Adam Weber, Rangachary Mukundan, Joseph Fairweather, Eric Brosha, John Davey, Jacob Spendelow, Rodney Borup
The water sorption of proton-exchange membranes (PEMs) was measured in situ using high-resolution neutron imaging in small-scale fuel-cell test sections. A detailed characterization of the measurement uncertainties and corrections associated with the

Average Soil Water Retention Curves Measured by Neutron Radiography

April 21, 2021
Daniel S. Hussey, David L. Jacobson, Chu-lin Cheng, Misun Kang, Juske Horita, sophie voisin, Hassina Bilheux, Warren Jeffery, Edward Perfect
Water retention curves are essential for understanding the hydrologic behavior of partially- saturated porous media and modeling flow transport processes within the vadose zone. In this paper we report direct measurements of the main drying and wetting

Cold Neutron Radiation Does Effects on a 6 LiF:ZnS(Ag) Neutron Detector with Wavelenght Shifting Fibers and SiPM Photodectector

April 21, 2021
Kevin NMN Pritchard, Daniel S. Hussey, A. Osovizky, Jeffrey B Ziegler, Louis Edward Binkley, Peter Tsai, Nancy Hadad, M. Jackson, C. Hurlbut, George M Baltic, Charles Majkrzak, Nicholas C. Maliszewskyj
A 6LiF:ZnS(Ag) based cold neutron detector with wavelength shifting (WLS) fibers and SiPM photodetector was developed at the NIST Center for Neutron Research for the CANDoR instrument (Chromatic Analysis Neutron Diffractometer or Reflectometer). To predict

Demonstration of focusing Wolter mirrors for neutron phase and magnetic imaging

April 21, 2021
Daniel S. Hussey, Han Wen, Huarui Wu, Thomas R. Gentile, Wangchun Chen, David L. Jacobson, Jacob LaManna, B. Khaykovich
Image-forming focusing mirrors were employed to demonstrate two different modalities of neutron imaging, phase imaging with a far-field interferometer, and magnetic-field imaging through the manipulation of the neutron beam polarization. For the phase

Demonstration of Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Measurements with a Nested Neutron-Focusing Supermirror Assembly

April 21, 2021
Huarui Wu, Zhiyuan Wang, Yao Zhang, Wenbo Mo, Pulin Bai, Kun Song, Zhong Zhang, Zhanshan Wang, Daniel S. Hussey, Yun Liu, Zhe Wang, Xuewu Wang
Neutron-focusing mirrors with both a nested structure and supermirror coatings enable a large collecting area, and consequently a large neutron current gain for mirror-based instruments. A nested neutron-focusing supermirror assembly has been fabricated

Design of a neutron microscope based on Wolter mirrors

April 21, 2021
Daniel S. Hussey, B. Khaykovich, Jeremy C. Cook, David L. Jacobson, Jacob LaManna, Kiranmayee Kilaru, Brian Ramsey, M. V. Gubarev
The predominate geometry for a neutron imaging experiment is that of a pinhole camera. This is primarily due to the difficulty in focusing neutrons due to the weak refractive index, which is also strongly chromatic. Proof of concept experiments

Effects of Cathode Corrosion on Through-Plane Water Transport in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

April 21, 2021
Daniel S. Hussey, Joseph Fairweather, Dusan Spernjak, Adam Weber, David Harvey, Silvia Wessell, David L. Jacobson, Kateryna Artyushkova, Rangachary Mukundan, Rodney Borup
The corrosion of carbon in the electrode supports of proton-exchange-membrane fuel cells leads to electrode collapse, reduced active catalyst area, and increased surface hydrophilicity. While these effects have been linked to performance degradation over

Far-field interference of a neutron white beam and the applications to noninvasive phase-contrast imaging

April 21, 2021
Michael G. Huber, Daniel S. Hussey, Muhammad D. Arif, David L. Jacobson, Jacob LaManna, Wakana Ueno, Han Wen, Dmitry Pushin, Dusan Sarenac, David Cory, Houxun Miao, Takenao Shinohara, Joseph Parker
The phenomenon of interference plays a crucial role in the field of precision measurement science. Waveparticle duality has expanded the well-known interference effects of electromagnetic waves to massive particles. The majority of the wave-particle