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Search Publications by: David Long (Fed)

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 36


July 3, 2024
Jasper Stroud, David Long, David Plusquellic
Dual optical frequency comb spectroscopy allows for high speed, broadband measurements without any moving parts. Here, we combine differential chirp down conversion to probe large spectral bandwidths in the near-infrared (NIR) and serrodyne modulation to

Low-power, agile electro-optic frequency comb spectrometer for integrated sensors

March 11, 2024
Kyunghun Han, David Long, Sean Bresler, Junyeob Song, Yiliang Bao, Benjamin Reschovsky, Kartik Srinivasan, Jason J. Gorman, Vladimir Aksyuk, Thomas W. LeBrun
Sensing platforms based upon photonic integrated circuits have shown considerable promise; however, they require corresponding advancements in integrated optical readout technologies. Here, we present an on-chip spectrometer that leverages an integrated

Increased instantaneous bandwidth of Rydberg atom electrometry with an optical frequency comb probe

February 27, 2024
Aly Artusio-Glimpse, David Long, Sean Bresler, Nik Prajapati, Dangka Shylla, Andrew Rotunno, Matt Simons, Samuel Berweger, Noah Schlossberger, Thomas W. LeBrun, Christopher L. Holloway
We show that the use of a probe optical frequency comb leads to dramatically improved bandwidth (as high as 12+/-1 MHz) for the detection of modulated radio frequencies in Rydberg atom-based electrometry.

Nanosecond time-resolved dual-comb absorption spectroscopy

October 30, 2023
David Long, Matthew Cich, Carl Mathurin, Garrett Mathews, Adam Heiniger, Augustine Frymire, Gregory Rieker
Frequency combs have revolutionized the field of optical spectroscopy, enabling researchers to probe molecular systems with a multitude of accurate and precise optical frequencies. Although there have been tremendous strides in direct frequency comb

High accuracy, high dynamic range optomechanical accelerometry enabled by dual comb spectroscopy

September 20, 2023
David Long, Jasper Stroud, Benjamin Reschovsky, Yiliang Bao, Feng Zhou, Thomas W. LeBrun, David Plusquellic, Jason Gorman, Sean Bresler
Cavity optomechanical sensors offer exceptional sensitivity but interrogating the cavity motion with high accuracy and dynamic range has proven to be challenging. Here we employ a dual optical frequency comb spectrometer to readout a cavity optomechanical

Single-modulator, direct frequency comb spectroscopy via serrodyne modulation

February 3, 2023
David Long, Sean Bresler, Yiliang Bao, Benjamin Reschovsky, Thomas W. LeBrun, Jason J. Gorman
Traditional electro-optic frequency comb spectrometers rely upon the use of an acousto-optic modulator (AOM) to provide a differential frequency shift between probe and local oscillator (LO) legs of the interferometer. Here we show that these modulators

Optical-cavity-based primary sound standard

February 1, 2023
Akobuije Chijioke, Richard A. Allen, Steven E. Fick, David Long, Benjamin Reschovsky, Jared Strait, Randall P. Wagner
We propose an optical sound standard in which the sound pressure is directly measured by using an optical cavity to observe the induced change in the refractive index of air. In this method, an optical cavity is coupled with an acoustic cavity, with the

Intrinsically accurate sensing with an optomechanical accelerometer

May 18, 2022
Benjamin Reschovsky, David Long, Feng Zhou, Yiliang Bao, Richard A. Allen, Jason J. Gorman, Thomas W. LeBrun
We demonstrate a microfabricated optomechanical accelerometer that is capable of percent-level accuracy without external calibration. To achieve this capability, we use a mechanical model of the device behavior that can be characterized by the thermal

Improvement of the spectroscopic parameters of the air- and self-broadened N2O and CO lines for the HITRAN2020 database applications

June 11, 2021
Robab Hashemi, Iouli Gordon, Erin Adkins, Joseph T. Hodges, Manfred Birk, David Long, Chris Boone, Adam Fleisher, Adriana Predoi-Cross, Laurence Rothman
This paper outlines the major update of the line-shape parameters that were performed for the nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon monoxide (CO) molecules listed in the HITRAN2020 database. We reviewed the collected measurements for the air- and self-broadened

Broadband thermomechanically limited sensing with an optomechanical accelerometer

March 9, 2021
Feng Zhou, Yiliang Bao, Ramgopal Madugani, David Long, Jason J. Gorman, Thomas W. LeBrun
Cavity optomechanics has enabled precision measurements with unprecedented levels of sensitivity, including the detection of attonewton forces, nanoparticles, magnetic fields, and gravitational waves. In most cases, detection is performed in a narrow

Electro-optic frequency combs for rapid interrogation in cavity optomechanics

January 29, 2021
David Long, Benjamin J. Reschovsky, Feng Zhou, Yiliang Bao, Thomas W. LeBrun, Jason Gorman
Electro-optic frequency combs were employed to rapidly interrogate an optomechanical sensor, demonstrating spectral resolution substantially exceeding that possible with a mode-locked frequency comb. Frequency combs were generated using an integrated

Improving the Retrieval of XCO2 from Total Carbon Column Network Solar Spectra

January 3, 2019
Joseph Mendonca, Kimberly Strong, Debra Wunch, Geoffrey Toon, David Long, Joseph T. Hodges, Vincent T. Sironneau
High-resolution absorption spectra of the a^1 ∆_g←X^3 Σ_g^- O2 band measured using cavity ring-down spectroscopy were fitted using the Voigt and speed-dependent Voigt line shapes. We found that the speed-dependent Voigt line shape was better able to model

Multiheterodyne Spectroscopy Using Multi-frequency Combs

May 13, 2017
David F. Plusquellic, Gerd A. Wagner, Adam Fleisher, David Long, Joseph T. Hodges
Near-IR dual frequency combs generated from waveform driven electro-optic phase modulators (EOMs) are used for high resolution studies in low pressure cells and for remote sensing from natural targets (Boulder Flatirons). Arbitrary waveform generators

Multiplexed sub-Doppler spectroscopy with an optical frequency comb

December 13, 2016
David A. Long, Adam J. Fleisher, David F. Plusquellic, Joseph T. Hodges
An optical frequency comb generated with an electro-optic phase modulator and a chirped radiofrequency waveform is used to perform saturation spectroscopy on the D1 and D2 transitions of atomic potassium. With a comb tooth spacing of 2 MHz and a bandwidth

Coherent cavity-enhanced dual-comb spectroscopy

May 4, 2016
Adam J. Fleisher, David A. Long, Zachary D. Reed, David F. Plusquellic, Joseph T. Hodges
Multiheterodyne spectroscopy performed with two stabilized optical frequency combs (OFCs) has shown great potential as a fast, accurate, and high-resolution substitute for existing interferometry methods that require lengthy integration times and precision

Mid-infrared molecular spectroscopy in the quantum noise limit

March 31, 2016
David A. Long, Adam J. Fleisher, Qingnan Liu, Joseph T. Hodges
A cavity ring-down spectrometer was used to reach the quantum noise limit in the mid-infrared spectral region. Quantum noise was observed not only in the individual ring-down decay events but also in the corresponding ensemble statistics with a magnitude