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Search Publications by: Jacob Taylor (Fed)

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 81

Data needs and challenges for quantum dot devices automation

October 31, 2024
Justyna Zwolak, Jacob Taylor, Reed Andrews, Jared Benson, Garnett Bryant, Donovan Buterakos, Anasua Chatterjee, Sankar Das Sarma, Mark Eriksson, Eliska Greplova, Michael Gullans, Fabian Hader, Tyler Kovach, Pranav S. Mundada, Mick Ramsey, Torbjoern Rasmussen, Brandon Severin, Anthony Sigillito, Brennan Undseth, Brian Weber
Gate-defined quantum dots are a promising candidate system for realizing scalable, coupled qubit systems and serving as a fundamental building block for quantum computers. However, present-day quantum dot devices suffer from imperfections that must be

Collision-resolved pressure sensing

April 11, 2024
Daniel Carney, Daniel Barker, Thomas W. LeBrun, David Moore, Jacob Taylor
Heat and pressure are ultimately transmitted via quantized degrees of freedom, like gas particles and phonons. While a continuous Brownian description of these noise sources is adequate to model measurements with relatively long integration times

Precision Bounds on Continuous-Variable State Tomography Using Classical Shadows

March 18, 2024
Srilekha Gandhari, Victor Albert, Thomas Gerrits, Jacob Taylor, Michael Gullans
Shadow tomography is a framework for constructing succinct descriptions of quantum states, called classical shadows, with powerful methods to bound the estimators used. Classical shadows are well-studied in the discrete-variable case, which consists of sta

Colloquium: Advances in automation of quantum dot devices control

February 17, 2023
Justyna Zwolak, Jacob Taylor
Arrays of quantum dots (QDs) are a promising candidate system to realize scalable, coupled qubit systems and serve as a fundamental building block for quantum computers. In such semiconductor quantum systems, devices now have tens of individual

Toward Robust Autotuning of Noisy Quantum Dot Devices

February 25, 2022
Joshua Ziegler, Thomas McJunkin, Emily Joseph, Sandesh Kalantre, Benjamin Harpt, Donald Savage, Max Lagally, Mark Eriksson, Jacob Taylor, Justyna Zwolak
The current autotuning approaches for quantum dot (QD) devices, while showing some success, lack an assessment of data reliability. This leads to unexpected failures when noisy or otherwise low-quality data is processed by an autonomous system. In this

Theoretical Bounds on Data Requirements for the Ray-Based Classification

November 10, 2021
Brian Weber, Sandesh Kalantre, Thomas McJunkin, Jacob Taylor, Justyna Zwolak
The problem of classifying high-dimensional shapes in real-world data grows in complexity as the dimension of the space increases. For the case of identifying convex shapes of different geometries, a new classification framework has recently been proposed

Trapped electrons and ions as particle detectors

August 5, 2021
Jacob Taylor, Daniel Carney, Hartmut Haffner, David Moore
Electrons and ions trapped with electromagnetic fields have long served as important high- precision metrological instruments, and more recently have also been proposed as a platform for quantum information processing. Here we point out that these systems

Ray-based framework for state identification in quantum dot devices

June 7, 2021
Justyna Zwolak, Thomas McJunkin, Sandesh Kalantre, Samuel Neyens, Evan MacQuarrie, Mark A. Eriksson, Jacob Taylor
Quantum dots (QDs) defined with electrostatic gates are a leading platform for a scalable quantum computing implementation. However, with increasing numbers of qubits, the complexity of the control parameter space also grows. Traditional measurement

Mechanical Quantum Sensing in the Search for Dark Matter

August 13, 2020
Jacob Taylor, Gadi Afek, Sunil Bhave, Daniel Carney, Gordan Krnjaic, David Moore, Robinjeet Singh, Cindy Regal, Benjamin M. Brubaker, Andrew Geraci, Jonathan D. Cripe, Sohitri Ghosh, Jack Harris, Anson Hook, Jonathan Kunjummen, Rafael Lang, Li Tongcang, Tongyan Lin, Zhen Liu, Joseph Lykken, Lorenzo Magrini, Jack Manley, Nobuyuki Matsumoto, Alissa Monte, Fernando Monteiro, Thomas Purdy, C. J. Riedel, Swati Singh, Kanupriya Sinha, Juehang Qin, Dalziel Wilson, Yue Zhao
Numerous astrophysical and cosmological observations are best explained by the existence of dark matter, a mass density which interacts only very weakly with visible, baryonic matter. Searching for the extremely weak signals produced by this dark matter

Auto-tuning of double dot devices it in situ with machine learning

March 31, 2020
Justyna Zwolak, Thomas McJunkin, Sandesh Kalantre, J. P. Dodson, Evan MacQuarrie, D. E. Savage, M. G. Lagally, S N. Coppersmith, Mark A. Eriksson, Jacob Taylor
The current practice of manually tuning quantum dots (QDs) for qubit operation is a relatively time- consuming procedure that is inherently impractical for scaling up and applications. In this work, we report on the \it in situ} implementation of a

Ray-based classification framework for high-dimensional data

February 3, 2020
Justyna Zwolak, Jacob Taylor, Sandesh Kalantre, Thomas McJunkin, Brian Weber
While classification of arbitrary structures in high dimensions may require complete quantitative information, for simple geometrical structures, low-dimensional qualitative information about the boundaries defining the structures can suffice. Rather than

Machine Learning techniques for state recognition and auto-tuning in quantum dots

January 20, 2019
Sandesh Kalantre, Justyna Zwolak, Stephen Ragole, Xingyao Wu, Neil M. Zimmerman, Michael Stewart, Jacob Taylor
Recent progress in building large-scale quantum devices for exploring quantum computing and simulation paradigms has relied upon effective tools for achieving and maintaining good experimental parameters, i.e. tuning up devices. In many cases, including in

Bose Condensation of Photons Thermalized via Laser Cooling of Atoms

August 31, 2018
Chiao Wang, Michael Gullans, James V. Porto, William D. Phillips, Jacob Taylor
A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is a quantum phase of matter achieved at low temperatures.Photons, one of the most prominent species of bosons, do not typically condense due to the lackof a particle number-conservation. We recently described a photon

Photon thermalization via laser cooling of atoms

July 19, 2018
Chiao-Hsuan Wang, Michael Gullans, James V. Porto, William D. Phillips, Jacob Taylor
The cooling of atomic motion by scattered light enables a wide variety of technological and scientific explorations. Here we focus on laser cooling from the perspective of the light — specifi- cally, the scattering of light between different optical modes

Efimov States of Strongly Interacting Photons

December 4, 2017
Jacob M. Taylor, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Michael Gullans, D Ruzik, Seth Rittenhouse, J.P. D'Incao, Paul Julienne, S Diehl
We introduce a new system to study Efimov physics based on interacting photons in cold gases of Rydberg atoms. This system has a large anisotropy between the longitudinal mass of the photons, arising from dispersion, and the transverse mass of the photons

Valley blockade in a silicon double quantum dot

November 13, 2017
Justin K. Perron, Michael Gullans, Jacob Taylor, Michael Stewart, Neil M. Zimmerman
Electrical transport in double quantum dots (DQD) is useful for illuminating many interesting aspects of the carrier states in quantum dots. Here we show data comparing bias triangles (i.e., regions of allowed current in DQDs) at positive and negative bias

Threshold Dynamics of a Semiconductor Single Atom Maser

August 31, 2017
Michael Gullans, Jacob M. Taylor, Yinyiu Liu, J. Stehlik, Christopher Eichler, X Mi, T Hartke, Jason Petta
We demonstrate a single-atom maser consisting of a semiconductor double quantum dot (DQD) that is embedded in a high quality factor microwave cavity. A finite bias drives the DQD out of equilibrium resulting in sequential single electron tunneling and

Narrowband Optomechanical Refrigeration of a Chiral Bath

August 7, 2017
Jacob M. Taylor, Kim Seunghwi, Xu Xunnong, Gaurav Bahl
The transport of sound and heat, in the form of phonons, is fundamentally limited by disorder-induced scattering. In electronic and optical settings, introduction of chiral transport - in which carriers have unidirectional propagation - provides robustness

Optical Radiation from Integer Quantum Hall States in Dirac Materials

June 30, 2017
Michael Gullans, Jacob M. Taylor, Mohammad Hafezi
Quantum Hall systems exhibit topologically protected edge states, which can have a macroscopic spatial extent. Such edge states provide a unique opportunity to study a quantum emitter whose size far exceeds the wavelength of emitted light. To better

Optomechanical Quantum Correlations at Room Temperature

June 23, 2017
Thomas P. Purdy, Karen E. Grutter, Kartik A. Srinivasan, Jacob M. Taylor
By shining laser light through a nanomechanical beam, we measure the beam’s thermally driven vibrations and perturb its motion with optical forces at a level dictated by the Heisenberg measurement-disturbance uncertainty relation. Such quantum effects are