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Search Publications by: Jim Booth (Fed)

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Displaying 26 - 50 of 123

Sub-nanosecond Tuning of Microwave Resonators Fabricated on Ruddlesden-Popper Dielectric Thin Films

July 9, 2018
Aaron M. Hagerstrom, Xifeng Lu, Natalie Dawley, H. Nair, Jordi Mateu, Robert D. Horansky, Charles A. Little, James C. Booth, Christian J. Long
Voltage-tunable dielectric materials are widely used for microwave-frequency signal processing. Among tunable dielectric thin films, (SrTiO3)nSrO Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) superlattices have exceptionally low loss at high frequencies. This paper reports the

Measuring Ion-Pairing in Buffer Solutions with Microwave Microfluidics

June 14, 2018
Angela C. Stelson, Charles A. Little, Nathan D. Orloff, Christian J. Long, James C. Booth
Microwave microfluidics is an emergent technique for characterizing conductivity and permittivity of fluids and has wide-ranging applications in the materials science and biomedical fields. The electrical properties of fluids as a function of frequency can

How to extract distributed circuit parameters from the scattering parameters of a transmission line

January 15, 2018
Nathan D. Orloff, Jasper A. Drisko, Angela C. Stelson, Charles A. Little, James C. Booth, Jordi Mateu, Christian J. Long
Distributed circuit parameters parameterize the transmission and reflection off a given transmission line in terms of a distributed resistance, inductance, capacitance, and conductance, which are per unit length frequency dependent quantities. While there

Hybrid Characterization of Nanolitre Dielectric Fluids in a Single Microfluidic Channel up to 110 GHz Song

December 1, 2017
Nathan D. Orloff, Song Liu, James C. Booth, Dylan F. Williams, Dominec Schreurs, Bart Nauwelaers, Iija Oclet, Charles A. Little
In this work, we present a new “hybrid” method for dielectric measurements of nanolitre fluid samples on-wafer. The first part of the hybrid method is a technique which extracts the 4 complex permittivity of the microfluidic channel wall material. The

Characterization of Transmission Lines with Nonlinear Dielectric Materials

November 28, 2017
Aaron M. Hagerstrom, Christian J. Long, Nathan D. Orloff, James C. Booth, Eric J. Marksz
Nonlinear transmission lines are interesting for two broad reasons: first, they have several direct device applications (i.e. harmonic generation, and phase shifters), and second, they provide a way to characterize nonlinear materials at mm-wave

A Multistate Single-Connection Calibration for Microwave-Microfluidics

October 12, 2017
Xiao Ma, Charles A. Little, Chris Long, Jordi Mateu, James Booth, James Hwang, Nate Orloff
With emerging medical, chemical, and biological applications of microwave-microfluidic devices, many researchers desire a fast, accurate calibration that can be achieved in a single connection. However, traditional on-wafer or coaxial calibrations require

Temperature dependence of nonlinearity in high-speed, high-power photodetectors

September 30, 2017
Josue Davila-Rodriguez, Holly Leopardi, Tara Fortier, Xiaojun Xie, Joe C. Campbell, James Booth, Nate Orloff, Scott Diddams, Franklyn Quinlan
We present an experimental study of the nonlinearity of modified uni-traveling carrier (MUTC) photodiodes at cryogenic temperatures. At 120 K, the amplitudeto-phase (AM-to-PM) conversion nonlinearity is reduced by up to 10 dB, resulting in nearly 40 dB AM

Comprehensive circuit model of auto-limiting superconductor devices and systems

May 31, 2017
Jordi Mateu, C Collado, A Hueltes, D Garcia-Pastor, R Perera, Nikhil M. Joshi, Xifeng Lu, Nate Orloff, Jim Booth
This paper presents a phenomenological equivalent circuit to model the phenomenon occurring when a section of superconducting transmission line transits from the superconductor to the normal state. This phenomenon allows the use of superconductors for the

3-Port Frequency Selective Absorptive Limiter

May 1, 2017
A Hueltes, Eduard Rocas, Carlos Collado, Jordi Mateu, D Garcia-Pastor, James Booth, Rafael P. Robles
This paper proposes a novel 3-port absorptive limiter for frequency selective circuits based on a similar configuration than a conventional 90º hybrid coupler. This circuit uses the switching features existing in common diode devices to changes between the

A Multireflect-Thru Method of Vector-Network-Analyzer Calibration

March 1, 2017
Arkadiusz Lewandowski, Wojciech Wiatr, Nate Orloff, James Booth
We present a new method for two-port vector-network-analyzer calibration which uses multiple offset-reflect standards and a flush thru connection. Offset-reflect standards consist of sections of the same uniform transmission-line with different lengths

New Methods for Series-Resistor Calibrations on Lossy Substrates up to 110 GHz

December 1, 2016
Liu Song, Nate Orloff, Song Liu, Charles A. Little, Xifeng Lu, James Booth, IIja Ocket, Arkadiusz Lewandowski, Dominique Schreurs, Bart Nauwelaers
We present two new methods to perform seriesresistor calibrations on lossy substrates. Lossless calibration substrates, which are required by the traditional calibration comparison technique, are not needed. The proposed methods rely on the multiline TRL

On-wafer Magnetic Resonance of Magnetite Nanoparticles

May 11, 2015
Charles A. Little, Stephen E. Russek, James C. Booth, Pavel Kabos, Robert J. Usselman
Magnetic resonance measurements of ferumoxytol and TEMPO were made using an on-wafer transmission line technique with a vector network analyzer, allowing for broadband measurements of small sample volumes (4 nl) and a small numbers of spin (1 nmole). On

Influence of the central mode and soft phonon on the microwave dielectric loss near the strain-induced ferroelectric phase transitions in Sr n+1 uTi n uO 3n+1 u*

November 12, 2014
V. Goian, S. Kamba, D Nuzhnyy, Nathan Orloff, T. Birol, C.-H Lee, D. G. Schlom, James Booth
Recently, Lee et al. [1] used1% tensile strain to induce a ferroelectic instability in thin films of Srdn+1uTi nuO 3n+1u (n=1-6) phases. They showed that the Curie temperature T cu gradually increased with n, reaching 180 K for Sr7Ti6O19 (n=6). The

Software for Dielectric characterization by microwave cavity perturbation corrected for non-uniform fields*

September 1, 2014
Nathan D. Orloff, Jan Obrzut, Christian J. Long, Thomas F. Lam, Pavel Kabos, David R. Novotny, James C. Booth, James A. Liddle
This software package was developed to analyze microwave cavity perturbation data in order to determine material dielectric properties. Example software is provided to assist with data acquisition and organization. Specifically, it is de-signed to be used

Dielectrofluidics for Electronic-Based Chemical and Particle Analysis

August 18, 2014
James C. Booth, Spencer T. Egan, Charles A. Little, A Padilla, Yu Y. Wang, Nathan D. Orloff
The interactions of electromagnetic fields with matter are described by means of the polarization and magnetization of the material under study. Analogous to the way that magnetofluidics seeks to exploit magnetic interactions for sensing and manipulating

Dielectric characterization by microwave cavity perturbation corrected for non-uniform fields

July 23, 2014
Nathan D. Orloff, Jan Obrzut, Christian J. Long, Thomas F. Lam, James C. Booth, David R. Novotny, James A. Liddle, Pavel Kabos
The non-uniform fields that occur due to the slot in the cavity through which the sample is inserted and those due to the sample geometry itself decrease the accuracy of dielectric characterization by cavity perturbation at microwave frequencies. To

Absorptive Limiter for Frequency Selective Circuits

June 1, 2014
Juan C. Collado Gomez, Eduard Rocas, James C. Booth, Jordi Mateu, J. M. O'Callaghan, J. Verdu, A. Hueltes
This paper describes a novel absorptive limiter for frequency selective circuits. The proposed circuit allows the design of absorptive limiters based on a bi-state phase shifter, which is appropriate for integration into channelizing devices, such as

Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Model for Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators

November 30, 2013
Eduard Rocas, Juan C. Collado Gomez, Jordi Mateu, Nathan D. Orloff, James C. Booth, Robert Aigner
We present the electro-thermo-mechanical constitutive relations, expanded up to the third order, for a BAW resonator. The relations obtained are implemented into a circuit model, which is validated with extensive linear and nonlinear measurements. The

Exploiting dimensionality and defect mitigation to create tunable microwave dielectrics

October 23, 2013
Nathan D. Orloff, C H. Lee, T Birol, J A. Mundy, V. Goian, R. Haislmaier, E. Vlahos, Y. Kim, J. D. Brock, Y Zhu, R. Uecker, V. Gopalan, S. Kamba, X X. Xi, D A. Muller, I. Takeuchi, James C. Booth, C. J. Fennie
The miniaturization and integration of frequency-agile microwave circuits—tunable filters, resonators, phase shifters and more—with microelectronics offers tantalizing device possibilities, yet requires thin films whose dielectric constant at GHz

Performance of BAW Resonators at Cryogenic Temperatures

July 21, 2013
Eduard Rocas, C. Collado, Jordi Mateu, A Hueltes, J. Verdu, Robert Aigner, James Booth
In this work we go beyond the usual temperature range for commercial applications and explore the functioning of Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW) resonators down to cryogenic temperatures, to get the whole picture at understanding the physical tendency of the main

A consistent methodology to characterize BAW resonators

October 7, 2012
Eduard Rocas, Carlos Collado, Robert Aigner, Jordi Mateu, A Hueltes, James Booth
We present a methodology to characterize BAW resonators both linearly and nonlinearly. The procedure uses physical modeling along with measurements that exploit different manifestations of the nonlinear phenomena to identify the dominant linear and

A Large-Signal Model of Ferroelectric Thin-Film Transmission Lines"

December 1, 2011
Eduard Rocas, Juan C. Collado Gomez, Jordi Mateu, Nate Orloff, James Booth, Juan M. O'C allaghan
"This work evaluates the microwave nonlinear properties and tuning at RF frequencies of ferroelectric Ba0.3Sr0.7TiO3 thin-films by on-wafer measurements of the second and third-order harmonics and intermodulation products of several coplanar transmission