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Search Publications by: Neil Ashby (Assoc)

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Displaying 26 - 50 of 53

Accurate light-time correction due to a gravitating mass

June 7, 2010
Neil Ashby, Bruno Bertotti
This technical paper of mathematical physics arose as an aftermath of the 2002 Cassini experiment, in which the PPN parameter γ was measured with an accuracy ς γ = 2.3 × 10 -5 and found consistent with the rediction γ=1 of general relativity. The Orbit

Vibration-induced PM Noise of A Rigid Optical Fiber Spool

December 1, 2008
Jennifer A. Taylor, Craig W. Nelson, Archita Hati, Neil Ashby, David A. Howe
Oscillators operating in field applications are subject to much more strenuous environmental effects than those in the laboratory. These environmental effects, like vibration and temperature fluctuation, have a great impact on the performance of the

Recent atomic clock comparisions at NIST

October 1, 2008
Luca Lorini, Neil Ashby, Anders Brusch, Scott Diddams, Robert E. Drullinger, Eric Eason, Tara Fortier, Pat Hastings, Thomas P. Heavner, David Hume, Wayne M. Itano, Steven R. Jefferts, Nathan R. Newbury, Tom Parker, Till P. Rosenband, Jason Stalnaker, William C. Swann, David J. Wineland, James C. Bergquist
The record of atomic clock frequency comparisons at NIST over the past half-decade provides one of the tightest constraints of any present-day, temporal variations of the fundamental constants. Notably, the 6-year record of increasingly precise

Vibration-induced PM noise measurements of a rigid optical fiber spool

May 19, 2008
Jennifer A. Taylor, Craig W. Nelson, Archita Hati, Neil Ashby, David A. Howe
The opto-electronic oscillator (OEO) has emerged in recent years as an excellent low-noise source that rivals the best RF oscillators over broad offset frequencies. The main sources of noise in an OEO are the laser and RF modulator, photo detector, loop

Active Vibration-induced PM Noise Control in Optical Fibers: Preliminary Studies

May 29, 2007
David A. Howe, Archita Hati, Craig Nelson, Jennifer A. Taylor, Neil Ashby
Vibration causes mechanical distortions in fiber-optic transmission lines that induce time (phase) fluctuations. RF systems are increasingly using optical fibers in various ways and must occasionally operate in environments with acoustic and structure-born

Improved Limits on Variation of the Fine Structure Constant and Violation of Local Position Invariance

May 29, 2007
Tara M. Fortier, Neil Ashby, James C. Bergquist, Marie Delaney, Scott A. Diddams, Thomas P. Heavner, Leo W. Hollberg, Wayne M. Itano, Steven R. Jefferts, K Kim, Windell Oskay, Thomas E. Parker, Jon H. Shirley, Jason Stalnaker, Filippo Levi, Luca Lorini
We report tests of Local Position Invariance (LPI) and constancy of fundamental constants from measurements of the frequency ratio of the 282-nm 199Hg + optical clock transition to the ground-state hyperfine splitting in 133Cs. Analysis of the frequency

Optical Fiber Vibration and Acceleration Model

May 29, 2007
Neil Ashby, David A. Howe, Jennifer A. Taylor, Archita Hati, Craig W. Nelson
We derive expressions for the group velocities of transverse electric and transverse magnetic electromagnetic waves in a stretched single-mode fiber. Stretching can occur either as a result of temperature changes of the spool on which the fiber is wound

Preliminary study on the vibration sensitivity performance of microwave components

May 29, 2007
Archita Hati, Craig W. Nelson, David A. Howe, Neil Ashby, Jennifer A. Taylor, Kai Hudek, C. Hay, David Seidel, D. Eliyahu
Vibration sensitivity is an important specification for oscillators on mobile systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) etc. These systems must provide superior performance when subject to severe environmental conditions. Electronic oscillators often can

Testing Local Position Invariance with Four H Masers AND Four Cs Fountains

May 28, 2007
Neil Ashby, Thomas P. Heavner, Steven R. Jefferts, A Radnaev, Y Dudin
We report the most sensitive tests to date of the assumption of local position invariance (LPI) underlying general relativity, based on a seven year comparison of cesium and hydrogen atomic clocks (frequency standards). The latest results place an upper

Precision Atomic Spectroscopy for Improved Limits on Variation of the Fine Structure Constant and Local Position Invariance

February 16, 2007
Tara M. Fortier, Jason Stalnaker, Scott A. Diddams, Neil Ashby, Luca Lorini, Windell Oskay, Marie Delaney, James C. Bergquist, Steven R. Jefferts, Thomas E. Parker, Thomas P. Heavner, Filippo Levi, Jon H. Shirley, Wayne M. Itano, Kyoungsik Kim, Leo W. Hollberg
We report tests of local position invariance (LPI) and the constancy of fundamental constants from measurements of the frequency ratio of the 282-nm $^{199}$Hg$^+$ optical clock transition to the ground state hyperfine splitting in $^{133}$Cs. Analysis of

Relativity and Timing in X-ray Pulsar Navigation

June 5, 2006
Neil Ashby, David A. Howe
XNAV is a technology demonstration that will use photons from X-ray pulsars for navigation and spacecraft attitude determination. This paper summarizes relativistic effects in the context of XNAV. It also characterizes the primary task in the time domain

PARCS: NASAs Laser-Cooled Atomic clock in Space

December 1, 2005
Donald Sullivan, Neil Ashby, Elizabeth A. Donley, Thomas P. Heavner, Leo W. Hollberg, Steven R. Jefferts, William Klipstein, David Seidel, D. J. Phillips
The PARCS (Primary Atomic Reference Clock in Space) mission is designed, not only to perform certain tests of relativity theory, but also to demonstrate space-clock technology that may prove useful as an international standard of frequency and time and for

On the Power Dependence of Extraneous Microwave Fields in Atomic Frequency Standards

August 29, 2005
Steven R. Jefferts, Jon H. Shirley, Neil Ashby, Thomas P. Heavner, Elizabeth A. Donley, F Levi
We show that the frequency bias caused by distributed cavity phase has a strong dependence on microwave power. We also show that frequency biases associated with microwave leakage have distinct signatures in their dependence on microwave power and the

Frequency Biases Associated with Distributed Cavity Phase and Microwave Leakage in the Atomic Fountian Primary Frequency Standards IEN-CSF1 and NIST-F1

March 21, 2005
Steven R. Jefferts, Jon H. Shirley, Neil Ashby, Thomas P. Heavner, Elizabeth A. Donley, F Levi, Eric A. Burt, G J. Dick
The subject of frequency shifts in atomic frequency standards caused either by distributed cavity phase or microwave leakage goes back to the earliest days of the thermal beam standards [1,2], and has been the subject of continuing theoretical and

A U.S. Laser-Cooled Atomic-Clock System for Space

January 1, 2001
Donald Sullivan, Thomas P. Heavner, Leo W. Hollberg, D Meekhof, Thomas E. Parker, William D. Phillips, S L. Rolston, Hugh Robinson, Jon H. Shirley, F L. Walls, Neil Ashby, W Kepstein, L Maleki, D Seidel, R Q. Thompson, S Wu, L Young, R Vessot, E Mattison, A Demarchi

PARCS: A Laser-Cooled Atomic Clock in Space

January 1, 2001
Thomas P. Heavner, Leo W. Hollberg, Steven R. Jefferts, Hugh Robinson, Donald Sullivan, F L. Walls, Neil Ashby, W Klipstein, L Maleki, D Seidel, R Q. Thompson, L Young, E Mattison, R Vessot, A Demarchi

PARCS - A Primary Atomic Reference Clock in Space

January 1, 2000
Thomas P. Heavner, Leo W. Hollberg, Steven R. Jefferts, D Meekhof, Thomas E. Parker, William D. Phillips, S L. Rolston, Neil Ashby, W Klipstein, L Maleki, D Seidel, R W. Thompson, L Young, R Vessot, E Mattison, A Demarchi

Progress on PARCS

January 1, 2000
Thomas P. Heavner, Leo W. Hollberg, Steven R. Jefferts, D Meekhof, Thomas E. Parker, William D. Phillips, S L. Rolston, Hugh Robinson, Donald Sullivan, F L. Walls, Neil Ashby, W Klipstein, L Maleki, D Seidel, R Q. Thompson, S Wu, L Young, R Vessot, E Mattison, A Demarchi