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Search Publications by: Dan Becker (Assoc)

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 29

Towards Precision Spectroscopy of Antiprotonic Atoms for Probing Strong-field QED

January 15, 2025
Goncalo Baptista, Shikha Rathi, Michael Roosa, Quentin Senetaire, Jonas Sommerfeldt, Toshiyuki Azuma, Daniel Becker, Francois Butin, Ofir Eizenberg, Joseph Fowler, Hiroyuki Fujioka, Davide Gamba, Nabil Garroum, Mauro Guerra, Tadashi Hashimoto, Takashi Higuchi, Paul Indelicato, Jorge Machado, Kelsey Morgan, Francois Nez, Jason Nobles, Ben Ohayon, Shinji Okada, Daniel Schmidt, Daniel Swetz, Joel Ullom, Pauline Yzombard, Marco Zito, Nancy Paul
PAX (antiProtonic Atom X-ray spectroscopy) is a new experiment with the aim to test strong-field quantum electrodynamics (QED) effects by performing high-precision x-ray spectroscopy of antiprotonic atoms. By utilizing advanced microcalorimeter detection

Effects of Stray Magnetic Field on Transition-edge Sensors in Gamma-ray Microcalorimeters

May 19, 2024
Mark Keller, Abigail Wessels, Dan Becker, Douglas Bennett, Matthew Carpenter, Mark Croce, Jozsef Imrek, Johnathon Gard, John Mates, Kelsey Morgan, Nathan Ortiz, Dan Schmidt, Katherine Schreiber, Daniel Swetz, Joel Ullom
Superconducting transition-edge sensors (TESs) used in x-ray and γ-ray microcalorimeters suffer degraded performance if cooled in a magnetic field B sufficient to trap flux in the sensors. We report measurements of γ-ray TESs before and after implementing

A tabletop x-ray tomography instrument for nanometer-scale imaging: demonstration of the 1,000-element transition-edge sensor subarray

August 1, 2023
Paul Szypryt, Nathan J. Nakamura, Dan Becker, Douglas Bennett, Amber L. Dagel, W.Bertrand (Randy) Doriese, Joseph Fowler, Johnathon Gard, J. Zachariah Harris, Gene C. Hilton, Jozsef Imrek, Edward S. Jimenez, Kurt W. Larson, Zachary H. Levine, John Mates, Daniel McArthur, Luis Miaja Avila, Kelsey Morgan, Galen O'Neil, Nathan Ortiz, Christine G. Pappas, Dan Schmidt, Kyle R. Thompson, Joel Ullom, Leila R. Vale, Michael Vissers, Christopher Walker, Joel Weber, Abigail Wessels, Jason W. Wheeler, Daniel Swetz
We report on the 1,000-element transition-edge sensor (TES) x-ray spectrometer implementation of the TOMographic Circuit Analysis Tool (TOMCAT). TOMCAT combines a high spatial resolution scanning electron microscope (SEM) with a highly efficient and

Toward a New Primary Standardization of Radionuclide Massic Activity Using Microcalorimetry and Quantitative Milligram-Scale Samples

February 24, 2022
Ryan P. Fitzgerald, Bradley Alpert, Dan Becker, Denis E. Bergeron, Richard Essex, Kelsey Morgan, Svetlana Nour, Galen O'Neil, Dan Schmidt, Gordon A. Shaw, Daniel Swetz, R. Michael Verkouteren, Daikang Yan
We present a new paradigm for the primary standardization of radionuclide activity per mass of solution (Bq/g). Two key enabling capabilities are 4π decay-energy spectrometry using chip-scale sub-Kelvin microcalorimeters and direct realization of mass by

A Model for Excess Johnson Noise in Superconducting Transition-edge Sensors

May 18, 2021
Abigail Wessels, Kelsey Morgan, Dan Becker, Johnathon Gard, Gene C. Hilton, John Mates, Carl D. Reintsema, Dan Schmidt, Daniel Swetz, Joel Ullom, Leila R. Vale, Douglas Bennett
Transition-Edge Sensors (TESs) are two-dimensional superconducting films used to detect energy or power. These detectors are voltage biased in the superconducting transition where the film resistance is both finite and a strong function of temperature

Improved plutonium and americium photon branching ratios from microcalorimeter gamma spectroscopy

October 11, 2020
M. D. Yoho, K. E. Koehler, Dan Becker, Douglas Bennett, M. H. Carpenter, M. P. Croce, J. D. Gard, John Mates, D. J. Mercer, Nathan Ortiz, Dan Schmidt, C. M. Smith, Daniel Swetz, A. D. Tollefson, Joel Ullom, Leila R. Vale, Abigail Wessels, D. T. Vo
Photon branching ratios are critical input data for activities such as nuclear materials protection and accounting because they allow material compositions to be extracted from measurements of gamma-ray intensities. Uncertainties in these branching ratios

Demonstration of 220/280 GHz Multichroic Feedhorn-Coupled TES Polarimeter

January 3, 2020
Samantha L. Walker, Carlos E. Sierra, Jason E. Austermann, James A. Beall, Daniel T. Becker, Bradley J. Dober, Shannon M. Duff, Gene C. Hilton, Johannes Hubmayr, Jeffrey L. Van Lanen, Jeff McMahon, Sara M. Simon, Joel N. Ullom, Michael R. Vissers
We describe the design and measurement of feedhorn-coupled, transition-edge sensor (TES) polarimeters with two passbands centered at 220 GHz and 280 GHz, intended for observations of the cosmic microwave background. Each pixel couples polarized light in

Crosstalk in microwave SQUID multiplexers

November 15, 2019
John A. Mates, Daniel T. Becker, Douglas A. Bennett, Bradley J. Dober, Johnathon D. Gard, Gene C. Hilton, Daniel S. Swetz, Leila R. Vale, Joel N. Ullom
Low-temperature detector technologies provide extraordinary sensitivity for applications ranging from precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background to high-resolution, high-rate x-ray, and c-ray spectroscopy. To utilize this sensitivity, new

Expanding the Capability of Microwave Multiplexed Readout for Fast Signals in Microcalorimeters

November 11, 2019
Kelsey M. Morgan, Daniel T. Becker, Douglas A. Bennett, Johnathon D. Gard, Jozsef Imrek, John A. Mates, Christine G. Pappas, Carl D. Reintsema, Daniel R. Schmidt, Joel N. Ullom, Joel C. Weber, Abigail L. Wessels, Daniel S. Swetz
Microwave SQUID multiplexing has become a key technology for reading out large arrays of X-ray and gamma-ray microcalorimeters with mux factors of 100 or more. The desire for fast X-ray pulses that accommodate photon counting rates of hundreds or thousands

Microwave SQUID multiplexing for the Lynx x-ray microcalorimeter

March 22, 2019
Douglas A. Bennett, John A. Mates, Simon R. Bandler, Daniel T. Becker, Joseph W. Fowler, Johnathon D. Gard, Gene C. Hilton, K D. Irwin, Kelsey M. Morgan, Carl D. Reintsema, Kazuhiro Sakai, Daniel R. Schmidt, Stephen J. Smith, Daniel S. Swetz, Joel N. Ullom, Leila R. Vale, Abigail L. Wessels
The Lynx x-ray microcalorimeter (LXM) is an imaging spectrometer for the Lynx satellite mission, an x-ray telescope being considered by NASA to be a new flagship mission. Lynx will enable unique astrophysical observations into the x-ray universe due to its

Use of Transition Models to Design High Performance TESs for the LCLS-II Soft X-Ray Spectrometer

March 4, 2019
Kelsey M. Morgan, Daniel T. Becker, Douglas A. Bennett, William B. Doriese, Johnathon D. Gard, K D. Irwin, Sang-Jun Lee, Dale Li, John A. Mates, Christine G. Pappas, Daniel R. Schmidt, Charles Titus, Daniel Van Winkle, Joel N. Ullom, Abigail L. Wessels, Daniel S. Swetz
We are designing an array of transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeters for a soft X-ray spectrometer at the Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory to coincide with upgrades to the free electron laser facility. The complete

A 300-mK Test Bed for Rapid Characterization of Microwave SQUID Multiplexing Circuits

August 3, 2018
Abigail L. Wessels, Daniel T. Becker, Douglas A. Bennett, Johnathon D. Gard, Johannes Hubmayr, Norman Jarosik, Vincent Y. Kotsubo, John A. Mates, Joel N. Ullom
Microwave SQUID multiplexing is a promising technique for multiplexing large arrays of transition edge sensors. A major bottleneck in the development and distribution of microwave SQUID multiplexer chips occurs in the time-intensive design testing and

Low-Temperature Detectors for CMB Imaging Arrays

August 3, 2018
Johannes Hubmayr, Jason E. Austermann, James A. Beall, Daniel T. Becker, Bradley J. Dober, Shannon M. Duff, Jiansong Gao, Gene C. Hilton, Christopher M. McKenney, Joel N. Ullom, Jeffrey L. Van Lanen, Michael R. Vissers
We review advances in low-temperature detector (LTD) arrays for cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization experiments, with a particular emphasis on imaging arrays. We briefly motivate the science case, which has spurred a large number of independent

A Scalable Readout for Microwave SQUID Multiplexing of Transition-Edge Sensors

July 9, 2018
Johnathon D. Gard, Daniel T. Becker, Douglas A. Bennett, Joseph W. Fowler, Gene C. Hilton, John A. Mates, Carl D. Reintsema, Daniel R. Schmidt, Daniel S. Swetz, Joel N. Ullom
The readout requirements for instruments based on transition-edge sensors (TESs) have dramatically increased over the last decade as demand for systems with larger arrays and faster sensors has grown. Emerging systems are expected to contain many thousands

Microwave SQUID Multiplexer for Cosmic Microwave Background Imagers

October 11, 2017
Bradley J. Dober, Daniel T. Becker, Douglas A. Bennett, Sean A. Bryan, Shannon M. Duff, Johnathon D. Gard, James P. Hays-Wehle, Johannes Hubmayr, John A. Mates, Carl D. Reintsema, Leila R. Vale
Key performance characteristics are demonstrated for the microwave SQUID multiplexer (µmux) coupled to transition edge sensor (TES) bolometers that have been optimized for cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations. In a 64-channel demonstration, we

Simultaneous readout of 128 X-ray and Gamma-ray Transition-edge Microcalorimeters using Microwave SQUID Multiplexing

August 8, 2017
John Mates, Dan Becker, Douglas Bennett, Johnathon Gard, James P. Hays-Wehle, Joseph Fowler, Gene C. Hilton, Carl D. Reintsema, Dan Schmidt, Daniel Swetz, Leila R. Vale, Joel Ullom
The number of elements in most cryogenic sensor arrays is limited by the technology available to multiplex signals from the array into a smaller number of wires and readout amplifiers. The largest demonstrated arrays of transition-edge sensor (TES)

Design of 280 GHz feedhorn-coupled TES arrays for the balloon-borne polarimeter SPIDER

July 7, 2016
Johannes Hubmayr, Jason E. Austermann, James A. Beall, Daniel T. Becker, Shannon M. Duff, Arpi L. Grigorian, Gene C. Hilton, Joel N. Ullom, Michael R. Vissers
We describe 280 GHz bolometric detector arrays that instrument the balloon-borne polarimeter spider. A primary science goal of spider is to measure large-scale B-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave back-ground (cmb) in search of the cosmic-inflation

Advanced ACTPol Multichroic Polarimeter Array Fabrication Process for 150 mm Wafers

July 22, 2015
Shannon M. Duff, Gene C. Hilton, Johannes Hubmayr, James A. Beall, Jason E. Austermann, Daniel T. Becker, Jeffrey L. Van Lanen
Advanced ACTPol is a third generation cosmic microwave background (CMB) receiver, deploying in 2016 on the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) in the Atacama desert of Chile. Spanning five frequency bands from 25 – 280 GHz and having a total of nearly 5800

Photon-noise limited sensitivity in titanium nitride kinetic inductance detectors

February 20, 2015
Johannes Hubmayr, James A. Beall, Daniel T. Becker, Hsiao-Mei Cho, Gene C. Hilton, Dale Li, David P. Pappas, Jeffrey L. Van Lanen, Mark Devlin, Kent D. Irwin, Chris Groppi, Phillip Mauskopf
We demonstrate photon-noise limited performance at sub-millimeter wavelengths in microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs) made of a new superconducting material, a TiN/Ti/TiN trilayer film. Optical coupling is achieved by use of feedhorns, a standard

Standoff passive video imaging at 350 GHz with 251 superconducting detectors

June 20, 2014
Daniel T. Becker, James A. Beall, Hsiao-Mei Cho, Gene C. Hilton, Nicholas G. Paulter Jr., Carl D. Reintsema, Robert E. Schwall, Cale Gentry, Ilya Smirnov, Peter Ade, W D. Duncan, Mark Halpern, Carole Tucker
Millimeter wavelength radiation holds promise for detection of security threats at a distance, including suicide bomb belts and maritime threats in poor weather. The high sensitivity of superconducting Transition Edge Sensor (TES) detectors makes them

Dual-polarization-sensitive kinetic inductance detectors for balloon-borne, sub-millimeter polarimetry

March 20, 2014
James A. Beall, Dan Becker, Justus Brevik, Hsiao-Mei Cho, Gene C. Hilton, Kent D. Irwin, Dale Li, David P. Pappas, Jeffrey L. Van Lanen, Johannes Hubmayr
We are developing arrays of kinetic inductance detectors for sub-millimeter polarimetry that will be deployed on the BLAST balloon-borne instrument. The array is feedhorn-coupled, and each pixel contains two lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors

Improvements in silicon oxide dielectric loss for superconducting microwave detector circuits

January 24, 2013
Dale Li, Jason Austermann, James A. Beall, Daniel T. Becker, Hsiao-Mei Cho, Anna E. Fox, Nils Halverson, Jason Henning, Gene C. Hilton, Johannes Hubmayr, Jeffrey L. Van Lanen, John P. Nibarger, Michael D. Niemack, Kent D. Irwin
Dielectric loss in low-temperature superconducting integrated circuits can cause lower overall efficiency, particularly in the 90 to 220 GHz regime. We present a method to tune the dielectric loss for silicon oxide deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical

Dual-polarization sensitive MKIDs for far infrared astrophysics

December 12, 2012
Johannes Hubmayr, James A. Beall, Daniel T. Becker, Hsiao-Mei Cho, Brad Dober, Mark Devlin, Anna E. Fox, Dale Li, Michael D. Niemack, David P. Pappas, Leila R. Vale, Kent D. Irwin, Gene C. Hilton
We present the design for arrays of dual-polarization sensitive, superconducting sensors for far infrared astrophysics. Each pixel is feedhorn-coupled and consists of orthogonal, lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors (LEKIDs) both fabricated in the

An 84 Pixel All-Silicon Corrugated Feedhorn for CMB Measurements

December 8, 2011
John P. Nibarger, James A. Beall, Daniel T. Becker, Joseph W. Britton, Hsiao-Mei Cho, Anna E. Fox, Gene C. Hilton, Johannes Hubmayr, Dale Li, Kent D. Irwin, Jeffrey L. Van Lanen, Jeff McMahon, Ki Won Yoon
Silicon platelet corrugated feedhorn for cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements in the mm wave (130 to 170 GHz) have been developed for deployment for the polarization sensitive upgrade to both the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACTpol) and the South