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Search Publications by: Nicholas Butch ()

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Displaying 26 - 50 of 90

Symmetry of Magnetic Correlations in Spin-Triplet Superconductor UTe2

April 5, 2022
Nicholas Butch, Sheng Ran, Shanta Saha, Paul Neves, Mark P. Zic, Johnpierre N. Paglione, Yegor N. Vekhov, Sergiy Gladchenko, Jose Rodriguez Rivera
The temperature dependence of the low-energy magnetic excitations in the spin-triplet superconductor UTe2 was measured via inelastic neutron scattering in the normal and superconducting states. These excitations have a peak instensity at 4 meV, follow the

Non-magnetic ion site disorder effects on the quantum magnetism of a spin-1/2 equilateral triangular lattice antiferromagnet

March 10, 2022
Qing Huang, R. Rawl, W. W. Xie, E. S. Chou, V. S. Zapf, X. X. Ding, C. Mauws, C. R. Wiebe, E. X. Feng, H. B. Cao, W. Tian, J. Ma, Yiming Qiu, Nicholas Butch, H. D. Zhou
With the motivation to study how non-magnetic ion site disorder affects the quantum magnetism of Ba3CoSb2O9, a spin-1/2 equilateral triangular lattice antiferromagnet, we performed DC and AC susceptibility, specific heat, elastic and inelastic neutron

Global perspectives of the bulk electronic structure of URu2Si2 from angle-resolved photoemission

January 11, 2022
Jonathan Denlinger, J.-S. Kang, L. Dudy, J. Allen, Kyoo Kim, J.-H. Shim, Kristjan Haule, J. Sarrao, Nicholas Butch, M. Maple
Previous high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) studies of URu 2Si 2 have characterized the temperature-dependent behavior of narrow-band states close to the Fermi level (E F) at low photon energies near the zone center, with an emphasis on

Phase Diagram of YbZnGaO 4 in Applied Magnetic Field

September 15, 2021
William Steinhardt, P. A. Maksimov, Sachith Dissanayake, Zhenzhong Shi, Nicholas Butch, David Graf, Andrey Podlesnyak, Yaohua Liu, Yang Zhao, Guangyong Xu, Jeffrey Lynn, Casey Marjerrison, A. L. Chernyshev, Sara Haravifard
Recently, Yb-based triangular lattice antiferromagnets have garnered significant interest as possible quantum spin liquid candidates. One example is YbMgGaO 4, which showed many promising spin liquid features, but also possesses a high degree of disorder

The case for a U(1) p Quantum Spin Liquid Ground State in the Dipole-Octupole Pyrochlore Ce 2 Zr 2 O 7

September 7, 2021
E. Smith, O. Benton, D. Yahne, B. Placke, Jonathan Gaudet, J. Dudemaine, A. Fitterman, J. Beare, A. Wildes, S. Bhattacharya, T. DeLazzer, C.R.C. Buhariwalla, Nicholas Butch, R. Movshovich, J. Garrett, C. Marjerrison, J. Clancy, E. Kermarrec, G. Luke, A. Bianchi, K. A. Ross, B. Gaulin
The Ce3 + pseudospin-1/2 degrees of freedom in the pyrochlore magnet Ce 2Zr 2O 7 are known to possess dipole-octupole (DO) character, making it a candidate for novel quantum spin liquid (QSL) ground states at low temperatures. We report new heat capacity

Expansion of the High Field-Boosted Superconductivity in UTe 2 under Pressure

September 6, 2021
Sheng N. Ran, Shanta R. Saha, I-Lin Liu, David Graf, Johnpierre N. Paglione, Nicholas Butch
In semiclassical theory, the effect of quantized Landau levels on the critical magnetic field that destroys superconductivity is usually ignored. However, it has been theorized that the sharply enhanced density of states that occurs in extreme magnetic

Interplay between Magnetism and Superconductivity in UTe 2

August 22, 2021
Di Wei, David Saykin, Oliver Miller, Sheng Ran, Shanta Saha, Daniel Agterberg, Jorg Schmalian, Nicholas Butch, Johnpierre N. Paglione, Aharon Kapitulnik
Time-reversal symmetry breaking (TRSB) in UTe 2 was inferred from observations of a spontaneous Kerr response in the superconducting state after cooling in zero magnetic field, while a finite c-axis magnetic field training was further used to determine the

Evolution of Magnetic Interactions in Sb-Substituted MnBi 2 Te 4

August 2, 2021
S. Riberolles, Q. Zhang, Elijah Gordon, Nicholas Butch, Liqin Ke, J.-Q. Yan, R. McQueeney
The Mn(Bi 1−xSb x) 2Te 4 series is purported to span from antiferromagnetic (AF) topological insulator at x = 0 to a trivial AF insulator at x = 1. Here we report on neutron diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering studies of the magnetic interactions

Effects of aluminum content on thermoelectric performance of Al CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloys

June 15, 2021
Md Abdullah Al Hasan, Jiaqi Wang, Seungha Shin, Dustin A. Gilbert, Peter K. Liaw, Nan Tang, W. L. N. C. Liyanage, Louis Santodonato, Lisa Debeer-Schmitt, Nicholas Butch
Introducing a non-regular distribution in the mass and bonding by including distinctly different elements can reduce the phonon transport even within structurally well-ordered materials. These distributions are a quality of all high-entropy alloys (HEAs)

Magnetic Ordering in the Ising Antiferromagnetic Pyrochlore Nd 2 ScNbO 7

May 14, 2021
C. Mauws, N. Hiebert, M. Rutherford, H. D. Zhou, Q. Huang, M. B. Stone, Nicholas Butch, Y. Su, E. S. Choi, Z. Yamani, C. R. Wiebe
The question of structural disorder and its effects on magnetism is relevant to a number of spin liquid candidate materials. Although commonly thought of as a route to spin glass behavior, here we describe a system in which the structural disorder destroys

An Optical Investigation of the Heavy Fermion Normal State in Superconducting UTe 2

May 11, 2021
Sirak Mekonen, Chang-Jong Kang, Dipanjan Chaudhuri, David Barbalas, Sheng Ran, Gabriel Kotliar, Nicholas Butch, N. Armitage
The recently discovered superconductor, UTe 2, has attracted immense scientific interest due to the experimental observations that suggest odd-parity superconductivity. It is believed that the material becomes a heavy-fermion metal at low temperatures

Anomalous Normal Fluid Response in Chiral Superconductor UTe 2

May 10, 2021
Seokjin Bae, Hyunsoo Kim, Yun S. Eo, Nicholas Butch, Sheng Ran
A chiral superconductor has been proposed as one pathway to realize topological quantum computation utilizing the predicted Majorana normal fluid at its boundary1 1-4 (i.e., a point, edge, or surface). The search for experimental realizations has led to

Quantum Phase Transitions in a Quasi-One-Dimensional Ising Quantum Magnet in Transverse Fields

April 15, 2021
Xiaowen Zhang, Zheng He, Yiqing Hao, Yao Shen, Shoudong Shen, Yu Feng, Guangyong Xu, Nicholas Butch, Goran J. Nilsen, Wenbin Wang, Jun Zhao
We report neutron scattering and thermodynamic measurements of the quasi-one-dimensional Ising magnet SrCo 2V 2O 8 under transverse fields along the tetragonal a/b direction. Our experiments reveal a Neel-type magnetic order in zero field, which

Frustrated Heisenberg J 1 -J 2 Model within the Stretched Diamond Lattice of LiYbO 2

January 14, 2021
Mitchell M. Bordelon, Chunxiao Liu, Lorenzo Posthuma, Eric Kenney, M. J. Graf, Nicholas Butch, Arnab Banerjee, Stuart Calder, Leon Balents, Stephen Wilson
We investigate the magnetic properties of LiYbO 2, containing a three-dimensionally frustrated, diamondlike lattice via neutron scattering, magnetization, and heat capacity measurements. The stretched diamond network of Yb 3+ ions in LiYbO 2 enters a long

Quantum Versus Classical Spin Fragmentation in Dipolar Kagome Ice Ho 3 Mg 2 Sb 3 O 14

September 29, 2020
Zhiling Dun, Xiaojian Bai, Jospeh A. Paddison, Emily Hollingworth, Nicholas Butch, Clarina D. Cruz, Matthew Stone, Tao Hong, Franz Demmel, Martin Mourigal, Haidong Zhou
A promising route to realize entangled magnetic states combines geometrical frustration with quantum-tunneling effects. Spin-ice materials are canonical examples of frustration, and Ising spins in a transverse magnetic field are the simplest many-body

Enhancement and Reentrance of Spin Triplet Superconductivity in UTe 2 under Pressure

April 14, 2020
Sheng NMN Ran, Hyunsoo Kim, I-Lin Liu, Shanta Ranjan Saha, Ian Hayes, Tristin Metz, Yun Suk Eo, Johnpierre N. Paglione, Nicholas Butch
In a Kondo lattice system, suppression of effective Kondo coupling leads to the breakdown of the heavy-electron metal and a change in the electronic structure^1-4^. Spin triplet superconductivity in the Kondo lattice UTe 2 5 appears to be associated with

Quasi-two-dimensional magnon identification in antiferromagnetic FePS3 via magneto-Raman spectroscopy

February 18, 2020
Amber D. McCreary, Jeffrey R. Simpson, Thuc T. Mai, Robert D. McMichael, Jason E. Douglas, Nicholas P. Butch, Cindi L. Dennis, Rolando Valdes Aguilar, Angela R. Hight Walker
Recently it was discovered that van der Waals-bonded magnets retain long range magnetic ordering even down to a monolayer thickness, opening many avenues in fundamental physics and potential applications of these fascinating materials. One example is FePS3

Valence Instability Across the Magnetostructural Transition in USb 2

February 14, 2020
Z. E. Brubaker, Y. Xiao, P. Chow, C. Kenney-Benson, J. S. Smith, H. Cynn, C. Reynolds, Nicholas Butch, R. J. Zieve, J. R. Jeffries
We have performed pressure dependent X-ray diffraction and resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy experiments on USb 2 to further characterize the AFM-FM transition occuring near 8 GPa. We have found the magnetic transition coincides with a tetragonal to