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Search Publications by: Jacob LaManna (Fed)

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 45

Visualizing 3D Morphologies and Spatial Heterogeneities of Li after Fast- Charging via In-situ Neutron Tomography

March 22, 2024
Maha Yusuf, Anders Kaestner, Markus Wied, Jacob LaManna, Nghia Vo, Alison Dunlop, Andrew Jansen, Bryant Polzin, Stephen Trask, Markus Strobl, Vanessa Wood, Michael Toney, Johanna Weker
Mechanistic understanding of Li plating is imperative to developing fast-charging batteries for sustainable electric vehicles. Here, we report in-situ 3D characterization of the morphology and spatial heterogeneities of Li plating using neutron micro

Simultaneous characterization of operando multi-material distribution via high-contrast correlative tomographic microscopy

November 8, 2023
Pranay Shrestha, Jacob LaManna, Kieran Fahy, Pascal Kim, ChungHyuk Lee, Jason Lee, Elias Baltic, David Jacobson, Daniel Hussey, Aimy Bazylak
High-contrast tomographic microscopy of evolving multi-material systems, such as electrochemical devices, offers a unique and often exclusive perspective into inner workings of these complex systems. Here, we characterize the operando spatiotemporal

Assessment of Dose Reduction Strategies in Wavelength-Selective Neutron Tomography

July 31, 2023
Daniel Hussey, Peter Bajcsy, Paul A. Kienzle, Jacob LaManna, David Jacobson, Victoria DiStefano, Daniel Pelt, James Sethian
The goal of this study is to determine variable relationships and a computational workflow that yield the highest quality of three-dimensional reconstructions in neutron imaging applications with reduced number of projections angles. Neutrons interact with

A Goldilocks Approach to Water Management: Amphiphilic Porous Transport Layers for Unitized Reversible Fuel Cells

March 14, 2023
Siddharth Komini Babu, Abdurrahman Yilmaz, Md Aman Uddin, Jacob LaManna, Elias Baltic, David Jacobson, Ugur Pasaogullari, Jacob Spendelow
Unitized reversible fuel cells (URFCs) are a promising option for both local and grid-scale energy storage, and could help facilitate the deployment of intermittent renewable power sources. URFCs consist of a single cell that operates in both fuel cell (FC

Simultaneous neutron and X-ray tomography for ex-situ 3D visualization of graphite anode degradation from extremely fast-charged lithium-ion batteries

November 16, 2022
Maha Yusuf, Jacob LaManna, Partha Paul, David Agyeman-Budu, Chuntian Cao, Alison Dunlop, Andrew Jansen, Bryant Polzin, Stephen Trask, Tanvir Tanim, Eric Dufek, Vivek Thampy, Hans-Georg Steinruck, Michael Toney, Johanna Weker
Extreme fast charging (XFC) of commercial lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) in ≤10-15 minutes will significantly advance the deployment of electric vehicles globally. However, XFC leads to considerable capacity fade, mainly due to graphite anode degradation

Does ITZ influence moisture transport in concrete?

July 24, 2022
Laura E. Dalton, Jacob LaManna, Scott Jones, Mohammad Pour-Ghaz
The contributions of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) to mass transport in cement-based materials remain ambiguous and disputed. In this study, the neutron and X-ray tomography (NeXT) system is used to capture unsaturated moisture flow in a concrete

Results from neutron imaging phase change experiments with LH2 and LCH4

July 2, 2022
Kishan Bellur, Ezequiel Medici, Daniel Hussey, David Jacobson, Jacob LaManna, Juscelino Leao, Julia Scherschligt, James Hermanson, Chang Kyoung Choi, Jeffrey Allen
Predicting evaporation and cryo-storage behavior of liquid hydrogen poses a challenge for both terrestrial energy infrastructure and long term space missions. The current understanding of cryogenic phase change and subsequent boil-off is limited, in part

Fabrication of black body grids by thick film printing for quantitative neutron imaging

June 8, 2022
Martin Wissink, Kirk Goldenberger, Luke Ferguson, Yuxuan Zhang, Hassina Bilheux, Jacob LaManna, David Jacobson, Michael Kass, Charles Finney, Jonathan Willocks
Neutron imaging offers deep penetration through many high-Z materials while also having high sensitivity to certain low-Z isotopes such as 1H, 6Li, and 10B. This unique combination of properties has made neutron imaging an attractive tool for a wide range


November 19, 2021
Joanna McFarlane, Victoria H. DiStefano, Philip R. Bingham, Hassina Z. Bilheux, Michael C. Cheshire, Richard E. Hale, Daniel Hussey, David Jacobson, Lindsay M. Kolbus, Jacob LaManna, Edmund Perfect, Mark Rivers, Louis J. Santodonato, Lawrence M. Anovitz
Models of fluid flow are used to improve the efficiency of oil and gas extraction and to estimate the storage and leakage of carbon dioxide in geologic reservoirs. Therefore, a quantitative understanding of key parameters of rock-fluid interactions, such

Superhydrophilic porous transport layer enhances effciency of polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzers

October 20, 2021
Benzhong Zhao, ChungHyuk Lee, Jason K. Lee, Kieran F. Fahy, Jacob LaManna, Elias Baltic, David Jacobson, Daniel Hussey, Aimy Bazylak
Hydrogen is widely regarded as a promising vehicle for renewable energy storage due to its versatility and high energy density. A prominent technology for hydrogen generation is the polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzer, which decomposes liquid

A portable triaxial cell for beamline imaging of rocks under triaxial state of stress

April 21, 2021
Amer Syed, Yukie Tanino, Jacob LaManna, David L. Jacobson, Daniel S. Hussey, Eli Baltic, Genoveva Burca
With recent developments in direct imaging techniques using x-ray and neutron imaging, there is an increasing need for an efficient design of a test setup to study mechanical and/or the transport behaviour of porous rocks. Bespoke design from commercial

Demonstration of focusing Wolter mirrors for neutron phase and magnetic imaging

April 21, 2021
Daniel S. Hussey, Han Wen, Huarui Wu, Thomas R. Gentile, Wangchun Chen, David L. Jacobson, Jacob LaManna, B. Khaykovich
Image-forming focusing mirrors were employed to demonstrate two different modalities of neutron imaging, phase imaging with a far-field interferometer, and magnetic-field imaging through the manipulation of the neutron beam polarization. For the phase

Design of a neutron microscope based on Wolter mirrors

April 21, 2021
Daniel S. Hussey, B. Khaykovich, Jeremy C. Cook, David L. Jacobson, Jacob LaManna, Kiranmayee Kilaru, Brian Ramsey, M. V. Gubarev
The predominate geometry for a neutron imaging experiment is that of a pinhole camera. This is primarily due to the difficulty in focusing neutrons due to the weak refractive index, which is also strongly chromatic. Proof of concept experiments

Far-field interference of a neutron white beam and the applications to noninvasive phase-contrast imaging

April 21, 2021
Michael G. Huber, Daniel S. Hussey, Muhammad D. Arif, David L. Jacobson, Jacob LaManna, Wakana Ueno, Han Wen, Dmitry Pushin, Dusan Sarenac, David Cory, Houxun Miao, Takenao Shinohara, Joseph Parker
The phenomenon of interference plays a crucial role in the field of precision measurement science. Waveparticle duality has expanded the well-known interference effects of electromagnetic waves to massive particles. The majority of the wave-particle

Thick Sintered Electrode Lithium-Ion Battery Discharge Simulations: Incorporating Lithiation-Dependent Electronic Conductivity and Lithiation Gradient due to Charge Cycle

April 21, 2021
Daniel S. Hussey, Jacob LaManna, David L. Jacobson, Gary Koenig
In efforts to increase the energy density of lithium-ion batteries, researchers have attempted to both increase the thickness of battery electrodes and increase the relative fractions of active material. One system that has both of these attributes are

Three Phase-Grating Moire Neutron Interferometer for Large InterferometerArea Applications

April 21, 2021
Michael G. Huber, D. Sarenac, D. A. Pushin, Houxun Miao, Daniel S. Hussey, D G. Cory, Muhammad D. Arif, David L. Jacobson, Jacob LaManna, Ben Heacock
We demonstrate a three phase-grating neutron interferometer as a robust candidate for large area interferometry applications and characterization of materials. This novel far- eld moire technique allows for broad wavelength acceptance and relaxed

Electrolyte Layer Gas Triggers Cathode Potential Instability in CO2 Electrolyzers

February 1, 2021
Kevin Krause, Jason K. Lee, ChungHyuk Lee, Hisan W. Shafaque, Pascal J. Kim, Kieran F. Fahy, Pranay Shrestha, Jacob LaManna, Elias Baltic, David Jacobson, Daniel Hussey, Aimy Bazylak
Electrolytic carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction is becoming increasingly promising for managing anthropogenic CO2 emissions; however, issues related to unstable performance and ineffective gas management are still not fully accounted for in the field. Here, we

Water Migration and Swelling in Engineered Barrier Materials for Radioactive Waste Disposal

January 25, 2021
Joanna McFarlane, Lawrence M Anovitz, Michael C. Cheshire, Victoria H. DiStefano, Hassina Z. Bilheux, Jean-Christophe Bilheux, Luke L. Daemen, Richard E. Hale, Ronald L. Howard, A. J. Ramirez-Cuesta, Louis J. Santodonato, Markus Bleuel, Daniel S. Hussey, David L. Jacobson, Jacob LaManna, Edmund Perfect, Logan Qualls
Deep underground repositories are needed to isolate radioactive waste from the biosphere. Bentonite is an integral component of many multibarrier repository systems. Information on the hydraulic behavior of bentonite is needed for modeling the long-term