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Search Publications by: Walter Brent Wilson (Fed)

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 42

Cannabis Laboratory Quality Assurance Program: Exercise 2 Cannabinoid Final Report

June 25, 2024
Andrea Yarberry, Melissa M. Phillips, Walter Brent Wilson
NIST launched a Cannabis Laboratory Quality Assurance Program (CannaQAP) in 2020 to assist laboratories in demonstrating and improving cannabis (hemp and marijuana) measurement comparability and competence. CannaQAP provides tools that allow analysts and

Characterization of Reference Material 8210: Hemp Plant

June 20, 2024
Colleen E. Bryan Sallee, Walter Brent Wilson, Charles Barber, Monique Johnson, Jenna Klingsick, Jerome Mulloor, Blaza Toman, Elena Wood, Laura Wood, Andrea Yarberry
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Reference Material (RM) 8210 Hemp Plant delivers non certified values for cannabinoids and toxic elements in a dried ground hemp plant material to help cannabis and forensic laboratories for use as

Determination of D9-THC, THCA, D8-THC, and total D9-THC in 53 Smokable Hemp Plant Products by Liquid Chromatography and Photodiode Array Detection

January 8, 2024
Walter Brent Wilson, Aaron Urbas, MARYAM ABDUL-RAHMAN, Arianna Romares, Ewelina Mistek-Morabito
The passage of the 2018 Farm Bill has led to an estimated value of $824M for hemp production in the United States (US) in 2021 with an approximately 76% of it focused on floral hemp that is used to produce hemp-derived finished products such as smokable

Cannabis Quality Assurance Program: Exercise 2 Toxic Elements Final Report

December 15, 2022
Chuck Barber, Colleen E. Bryan Sallee, Carolyn Burdette, Shaun Kotoski, Melissa M. Phillips, Walter Brent Wilson, Laura Wood
In 2020, NIST launched CannaQAP to improve the comparability of the analytical measurements of cannabis and cannabis-derived products in forensic and cannabis (hemp and marijuana) testing laboratories. CannaQAP is an interlaboratory study mechanism that is

Cannabis Laboratory Quality Assurance Program: Exercise 2 Moisture Final Report

November 29, 2022
Chuck Barber, Colleen E. Bryan Sallee, Carolyn Burdette, Shaun Kotoski, Melissa M. Phillips, Walter Brent Wilson, Laura Wood
In 2020, NIST launched Cannabis Laboratory Quality Assurance Program (CannaQAP) to improve the comparability of the analytical measurements of cannabis and cannabis-derived products in forensic and cannabis (hemp and marijuana) testing laboratories

Method development for the determination of seven ginsenosides in three Panax Ginseng Standard Reference Materials via liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry

October 18, 2022
Hugh Hayes, Walter Brent Wilson, Kate Rimmer
A new liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) method was developed for the analysis of ginsenosides in three Panax ginseng reference materials (RMs). Extraction procedures were optimized to recover neutral and malonyl-ginsenosides using a

Cannabis Quality Assurance Program: Exercise 1 Final Report

July 27, 2021
MARYAM ABDUL-RAHMAN, Melissa M. Phillips, Walter Brent Wilson
NIST launched a CannaQAP in 2020 to improve the comparability of the analytical measurements in forensic and Cannabis (hemp and marijuana) testing laboratories. CannaQAP is an interlaboratory study mechanism that is similar to a proficiency testing scheme

A Comparison of Measurement Methods for Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers

February 26, 2021
Mary Bedner, Jacolin Murray, Aaron A. Urbas, William A. MacCrehan, Walter Brent Wilson
The production and demand for hand sanitizers have increased dramatically during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) health emergency. To be deemed effective and safe, hand sanitizers should contain at least 60 % alcohol (typically ethanol) as well as

Determination of molecular mass 302 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Standard Reference Material 1597a by reversed-phase liquid chromatography and constant energy synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy

July 3, 2020
Hugh V. Hayes, Walter B. Wilson, Anthony M. Santana, Andres D. Campiglia, Lane C. Sander, Stephen A. Wise
High-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection is often used for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in environmental extracts. Since fluorescence chromatograms are usually recorded at a single set of excitation and

Characterization of triacontyl (C-30) liquid chromatographic columns

March 15, 2020
Lane C. Sander, Catherine A. Rimmer, Walter B. Wilson
Differences in the performance characteristics of seventeen commercial C30 liquid chromatographic columns were studied for the separation of carotenoid isomers. A mixture consisting of nine xanthophyll and hydrocarbon carotenoids were separated under

Low-temperature time-resolved phosphorescence excitation emission matrices for the analysis of phenanthro-thiophenes in chromatographic fractions of complex environmental extracts

February 6, 2020
Sadia Arif, Maha Al-Tameemi, Walter Brent Wilson, Stephen Wise, Fernando Barbosa Jr., Andres Campiglia
Polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles (PASHs) are sulfur analogues of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) widely found in environmental samples exposed to oil contamination. Despite their potential carcinogenic and mutagenic properties, only few

Certification of Standard Reference Material 3389 Ginsenoside Calibration Solution

May 10, 2019
Walter B. Wilson, Lane C. Sander, Benjamin J. Place, James H. Yen
Standard Reference Material (SRM) 3389 is intended as a calibration solution for use for the determination of ginsenosides in natural matrix samples. A unit of SRM 3389 consists of two different ampule solutions: (1) four ampules of a six-component mixture

Development of a new reversed-phase liquid chromatography and fluorescence method with multichannel selective wavelength detection for the analysis of benzo[a]pyrene and six of its isomers

September 28, 2018
Walter B. Wilson, Stephen A. Wise, Lane C. Sander
The baseline separation of benzo[a]pyrene in complex samples via reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) is particularly challenging due to the potential for interferences from other molecular mass 252 (MM, g/mol) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs

Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with molecular mass 302 in standard reference material 1597a by reversed-phase liquid chromatography and stop-flow fluorescence detection

June 21, 2018
Hugh Hayes, Walter Wilson, Lane Sander, Stephen Wise, Andres Campiglia
The identification of isomeric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in complex samples via reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) with fluorescence detection (FL) is normally based on matching the chromatographic retention times of suspected peaks

Qualitative characterization of three combustion-related standard reference materials for polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles and their alkyl-substituted derivatives via gas chromatography/mass spectrometry

May 7, 2018
Walter Wilson, Hugh Hayes, Andres Campiglia, Stephen Wise
This study represents the most comprehensive qualitative characterization of three combustion- related standard reference materials (SRMs) for polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles (PASHs) and some alkyl-substituted (alkyl-) derivatives to date: SRM