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Search Publications by: Guangyong Xu (Fed)

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 46

Tilted Stripes Origin in La1.88Sr0.12CuO4 Revealed by Anisotropic Next-Nearest Neighbor Hopping

July 31, 2024
Wei He, JiaJia Wen, Hong-Chen Jiang, Guangyong Xu, Wei Tian, Takanori Taniguchi, Yoichi Ikeda, Masaki Fujita, Young S. Lee
Spin- and charge- stripe order has been extensively studied in the superconducting cuprates, among which underdoped La2−xSrxCuO4 (LSCO) is an archetype with static spin stripes at low temperatures. An intriguing, but not completely understood, phenomenon

Magnetic Skin Effect in Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3

July 29, 2024
Nathan Giles-Donovan, A. D. Hillier, K Ishida, B.V. Hampshire, S. Giblin, B. Roessli, Peter M. Gehring, Guangyong Xu, Xiaobing Li, Haosu Luo, Sandy Cochran, C. Stock
Relaxor-ferroelectrics display exceptional dielectric properties resulting from the underlying random dipolar fields induced by strong chemical inhomogeneity. An unusual structural aspect of relaxors is a skin-effect where the near-surface region in single

Magnetic skin effect in Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3

July 29, 2024
Guangyong Xu, Peter M. Gehring
Relaxor-ferroelectrics display exceptional dielectric properties resulting from the underlying random dipolar fields induced by strong chemical inhomogeneity. An unusual structural aspect of relaxors is a skin-effect where the near-surface region in single

Inelastic Neutron Scattering Study of Field Dependence of Magnetic Excitations in CoTiO3

May 28, 2024
Bo Yuan, Ezekiel Horsley, M. B. Stone, Nicholas Butch, Guangyong Xu, Guo-Jiun Shu, J. P. Clancy, Young-June Kim
We report field-dependent high-resolution inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements on the honeycomb lattice magnet, CoTiO3, to study the evolution of its magnon excitations across a spin reorientation transition driven by an in-plane magnetic field

Noncollinear 2k Antiferromagnetism in the Zintl Semiconductor Eu5In2Sb6

January 29, 2024
Vincent Morano, Jonathan N. Gaudet, Nicodemos Varnava, Tanya Berry, Thomas Halloran, Chris Lygouras, Xiaoping Wang, Christina M. Hoffman, Guangyong Xu, Jeffrey Lynn, Tyrel McQueen, David Vanderbilt, Collin L. Broholm
Eu5In2Sb6 is an orthorhombic non-symmorphic small band gap semiconductor with three distinct Eu2+ sites and two low-temperature magnetic phase transitions. The material displays one of the greatest (negative) magnetoresistances of known stoichiometric

Quantum Spin Ice Response to a Magnetic Field in the Dipole-Octupole Pyrochlore Ce2Zr2O7

August 28, 2023
E. Smith, J. Dudemaine, B. Placke, R. Schafer, D. Yahne, T. DeLazzer, A. Fitterman, J. Beare, Jonathan N. Gaudet, C.R.C. Buhariwalla, Andrey Podlesnyak, Guangyong Xu, J. Clancy, R. Movshovich, G. Luke, K. Ross, R. Moessner, O. Benton, A. Bianchi, B. Gaulin
The pyrochlore magnet Ce2Zr2O7 has attracted much attention as a quantum spin ice candidate whose novelty derives in part from the dipolar-octupolar nature of the Ce3+ pseudospin-1/2 degrees of freedom it possesses. We report heat capacity measurements on

Disorder-Induced Excitation Continuum in a Spin-1/2 Cobaltate on a Triangular Lattice

July 31, 2023
Bin Gao, Tong Chen, Chien-Lung Huang, Yiming Qiu, Guangyong Xu, Jesse Liebman, Lebing Chen, Matthew B. Stone, Erxi Feng, Huibo Cao, Xiaoping Wang, Xianghan Xu, Sang-Wook Cheong, Stephen Winter, Pengcheng Dai
A spin-1/2 triangular-lattice antiferromagnet is a prototypical frustrated quantum magnet, which exhibits remarkable quantum many-body effects that arise from the synergy between geometric spin frustration and quantum fluctuations. It can host quantum

Stripe Helical Magnetism and Two Regimes of Anomalous Hall Effect in NdAlGe

March 27, 2023
Hung-Yu Yang, Jonathan N. Gaudet, Rahul Verma, Santu Baidya, Faranak Bahrami, Xiaohan Yao, Cheng-Yi Huang, Lisa Debeer-Schmitt, Adam A. Aczel, Guangyong Xu, Hsin Lin, Arun Bansil, Bahadur Singh, Fazel Tafti
We report the magnetic and electronic transport properties of the inversion and time-reversal symmetry breaking Weyl semimetal NdAlGe. This material is analogous to NdAlSi whose helicalmagnetism is a rare example of a Weyl-mediated collective phenomenon

Spin-orbital order and excitons in magnetoresistive HoBi

March 22, 2023
Jonathan N. Gaudet, H. Yang, E. Smith, T. Halloran, J. Clancy, Jose Rodriguez Rivera, Guangyong Xu, Yang Zhao, Wangchun Chen, G. Sala, Adam A. Aczel, B. Gaulin, Fazel Tafti, Collin L. Broholm
The magnetism of the rock-salt fcc rare-earth monopnictide HoBi, a candidate topological material with extreme magnetoresistance, is investigated. From the Ho3+ non-Kramers J=8 spin-orbital multiplet, the cubic crystal electric field yields six near

Unravelled and Glassy Magnetism in PbFe 1/2 Nb 1/2 O 3 - (2) Neutron Scattering

October 11, 2022
C. Stock, B. Roessli, Peter M. Gehring, Jose Rodriguez Rivera, N. Giles-Donovan, S. Cochran, Guangyong Xu, P. Manuel, M. J. Gutmann, William D. Ratcliff, T. Fennell, Y. Su, X. Li, H. Luo
We apply neutron scattering to investigate the magnetism in the relaxor ferroelectric PbFe 1/2Nb 1/2O 3 (PFN). Similar to the lack of spatially long-range ferroelectric order in prototypical relaxors like Pb(Mg,Zn) 1/3Nb 2/3O 3 (PMN and PZN), spatially

Gapless Dirac Magnons in CrCl 3

June 22, 2022
John A. Schneeloch, Yu Tao, Yongqiang Cheng, Luke Daemen, Guangyong Xu, Qiang Zhang, Despina Louca
Bosonic Dirac materials are testbeds for dissipationless spin-based electronics. In the quasi two-dimensional (2D) honeycomb lattice of the halides CrX 3 (X=Cl, Br, I), Dirac magnons have been predicted at the crossing of acoustic and optic spin waves

Large Change of Interlayer Vibrational Coupling with Stacking in Mo 1-x W x Te 2

January 7, 2022
John A. Schneeloch, Yu Tao, Jaime Fernandez-Baca, Guangyong Xu, Despina Louca
Stacking variations in quasi-two-dimensional materials can have an important influence on material properties, such as changing the topology of the band structure. Unfortunately, the weakness of van der Waals interactions makes it difficult to compute the

Understanding Reentrance in Frustrated Magnets: The Case of the Er 2 Sn 2 O 7 Pyrochlore

December 30, 2021
D. R. Yahne, D. Pereira, L. D. Jaubert, L. D. Sanjeewa, M. Powell, J. W. Kolis, Guangyong Xu, M. Enjalran, M. J. Gingras, K. A. Ross
Reentrance is a recurring theme found in a variety of physical systems, including spin glasses and black hole thermodynamics, yet the underlying microscopic mechanisms leading to it are rarely investigated in detail. Here we provide a detailed

Phase Diagram of YbZnGaO 4 in Applied Magnetic Field

September 15, 2021
William Steinhardt, P. A. Maksimov, Sachith Dissanayake, Zhenzhong Shi, Nicholas Butch, David Graf, Andrey Podlesnyak, Yaohua Liu, Yang Zhao, Guangyong Xu, Jeffrey Lynn, Casey Marjerrison, A. L. Chernyshev, Sara Haravifard
Recently, Yb-based triangular lattice antiferromagnets have garnered significant interest as possible quantum spin liquid candidates. One example is YbMgGaO 4, which showed many promising spin liquid features, but also possesses a high degree of disorder

Weyl-mediated helical magnetism in NdAlSi

August 19, 2021
Jonathan Gaudet, Hung-Yu Yang, Santu Baidya, Baozhu Lu, Guangyong Xu, Yang Zhao, Jose Rodriguez Rivera, Christina M. Hoffman, David E. Graf, Darius H. Torchinsky, Predrag Nikolic, David Vanderbilt, Fazel Tafti, Collin L. Broholm
Emergent relativistic quasiparticles in Weyl semimetals are the source of exotic electronic properties such as surface Fermi arcs, the anomalous Hall effect and negative magnetoresistance, all observed in real materials. Whereas these phenomena highlight

E 8 Spectra of Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnet BaCo 2 V 2 O 8 under Transverse Field

August 9, 2021
Haiyuan Zou, Y. Cui, Xiao Wang, Z. Zhang, J. Yang, Guangyong Xu, A. Okutani, M. Hagiwara, M. Matsuda, G. Wang, Giuseppe Mussardo, K. Hodsagi, M. Kormos, Zhangzhen He, S. Kimura, Rong Yu, Weiqiang Yu, Jie Ma, Jianda Wu
Exotic excitations can emerge in the vicinity of a quantum phase transition. When the quantum critical point of the one-dimensional (1D) transverse field Ising model is perturbed by a longitudinal magnetic field, it was predicted that its massive

Two-Dimensional Overdamped Fluctuations of the Soft Perovskite Lattice in CsPbBr 3

July 1, 2021
T. Lanigan-Atkins, X. He, M. Krogstad, D. M. Pajerowski, D. Abernathy, Guangyong Xu, Zhijun Xu, D.-Y. Chung, M. G. Kanatzidis, S. Rosenkranz, R. Osborn, O. Delaire
Lead halide perovskites exhibit structural instabilities and large atomic fluctuations thought to impact their optical and thermal properties, yet detailed structural and temporal correlations of their atomic motions remain poorly understood. Here, these

Quantum Phase Transitions in a Quasi-One-Dimensional Ising Quantum Magnet in Transverse Fields

April 15, 2021
Xiaowen Zhang, Zheng He, Yiqing Hao, Yao Shen, Shoudong Shen, Yu Feng, Guangyong Xu, Nicholas Butch, Goran J. Nilsen, Wenbin Wang, Jun Zhao
We report neutron scattering and thermodynamic measurements of the quasi-one-dimensional Ising magnet SrCo 2V 2O 8 under transverse fields along the tetragonal a/b direction. Our experiments reveal a Neel-type magnetic order in zero field, which

Noncollinear Ferromagnetic Weyl Semimetal with Anisotropic Anomalous Hall Effect

March 24, 2021
Hung-Yu Yang, Bahadur Singh, Jonathan Gaudet, Baozhu Lu, Cheng-Yi Huang, Wei-Chi Chiu, Shin-Ming Huang, Baokai Wang, Faranak Bahrami, Bochao Xu, Jacob Franklin, Ilya Sochnikov, David Graf, Guangyong Xu, Yang Zhao, Christina Hoffman, Hsin Lin, Darius Torchinsky, Collin L. Broholm, Arun Bansil, Fazel Tafti

Classical Spin Liquid or Extended Critical Range in h-YMnO 3 ?

March 11, 2021
Sofie Janas, Jakob Lass, Ana-Elena Tutueanu, Morten L. Haubro, Christof Niedermayer, Uwe Stuhr, Guangyong Xu, Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, Pascale P. Deen, Sonja Holm-Dahlin, Kim Lefmann
Inelastic neutron experiments on the classical triangular-lattice frustrated antiferromagnet h-YMnO 3 reveal diffuse, gapless magnetic excitations present both far below and far above the ordering temperature, TN. The correlation length of the excitations

Field-Tuned Magnetic Structure and Phase Diagram of the Honeycomb Magnet YbCl 3

March 1, 2021
Yiqing Hao, Hongliang Wo, Yimeng Gu, Xiaowen Zhang, YiQing Gu, ShiYi Zheng, Yang Zhao, Guangyong Xu, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Naoki Murai, Wenbin Wang, Jun Zhao
We report thermodynamic and neutron diffraction measurements on the magnetic ordering properties of the honeycomb lattice magnet YbCl 3. We find YbCl 3 exhibits a Neel type long-range magnetic order at the wavevector (0,0,0) below T N = 600 mK. This