December 11, 2024
Benjamin M. Boyd, Gautham Narayan, Kaisey Mandel, Matthew Grayling, Aidan Berres, Mai Li, Aaron Do, ABHIJIT SAHA, Tim Axelrod, Thomas Matheson, Edward W Olszewski, ralph bohlin, Annalisa Calamida, Jenna Claver, Susana Deustua, Jay Holberg, Ivan Hubeny, John MacKenty, Konstantin Malanchev, Sean Points, Armin Rest, Elena Sabbi, Christopher Stubbs
standards (16.5 V 19.5) alongside the three CALSPEC standards, from 900 Å to 32 μm. The framework is the first of its kind to jointly infer photometric zeropoints and WD parameters (log g, Teff, AV , RV ) by simultaneously modelling both photometric and