The fundamental basis of all the measurement services in the Division, from calibrations to standard reference materials (SRMs®) to standard reference data, depends on active research in nuclear physics and radiation metrology as well as well-characterized radiation systems such as accelerators and source-based irradiators. Together with our active participation in international comparisons, such research and infrastructure also support the maintenance and dissemination of the national measurement standards for the Système International (SI) derived units for radiation dosimetry (the gray) and activity (the becquerel), a key responsibility of the Division.
Alpha-gamma Counting for High Accuracy Fluence Measurement
Automated Multi-Sample Ionization Chamber for Radioactivity Standards
Calibration of Large-Volume 68Ge Phantom Sources for Monitoring PET Scanner
Characterization of Porous Transport Media for Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Comparison 60Co Absorbed Dose for High-Dose Dosimetry
Continuous Spin-Exchange Optical Pumping in High Flux Neutron Beams
Dose/Dose-Rate Effects in Alanine Dosimetry
Dosimetry Standardization for Radiobiology
Electron and Proton Aborbed-Dose-to-Water Primary Standards
Evolution of Image Spatial Resolution
Far-infrared Spectroscopy of Biomolecules
FPGA-based Triple-to-Double Coincidence Ratio Liquid Scintillation Counting
High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy
Key Comparison for Air Kerma from Therapy Level and Radiation Protection Gamma-ray Beams
Magnetically Trapped Neutron Lifetime Experiment
Measurement of the Electron-Antineutron Correlation in Neutron Decay
Measurement of the Neutron Magnetic Dipole Moment Using Schwinger Scattering
Measurement of the Parity Non-Conserving Neutron Spin Rotation (PNC) in Liquid Helium
Micelle Effects of Liquid Scintillation Counting
Neutron Cross Section Standards
Neutron Detector Replacement Program
Neutron Interferometry with Polarized Neutrons as an Additional Degree of Freedom
Neutron Imaging for Advanced Catalyst Development and Durability Studies
Neutron Imaging of Lithium and Alkaline Batteries
Photon and Charged Particle Data Center
Photon Absorbed Dose to Water Primary Standards
Primary Standardization of Radionuclides by Anticoincidence Counting
Precision Measurement of the Neutron-He3 Incoherent Scattering Length
Precision Measurement of Radiative neutron Decay Branching Ratio and Energy Spectrum
Pushing and Understanding the Limits of Spin-Exchange Optical Pumping of 3He
Remote Sensing Methods for Imaging Dose to Water
Search for Time Reversal Violation in Polarized Neutron Decay (emiT)
Standards for Clinical Radionuclide Calibrators
Theoretical Dosimetry and Radiation-Transport Calculations
Time-resolved infrared spectroscopy (TRIR)
Use of Quantum Error Coding in a 4-Blade Neutron Interferometer
Wide-Angle Neutron Polarization Analysis
X-ray Detection and Large Area Avalanche Photodiodes for the Neutron Radiative Decay Experiment