NIST is pleased to announce that it has developed a capability to translate input and output from the major forensic dental systems (each of which uses different coding and terminology) with a new program DEnT. The system currently incorporates UDIM and WinID. NCIC and NamUS are currently undergoing revision, so a direct electronic interface with them is not yet possible. When it is possible, that capability will be added. In the interim, NIST plans to develop an output file that mimics the input data sheets for those two systems.
To load DEnT, see the procedure below.
To obtain the DEnTAS software, right-click on this link, DEnTAS software, and select 'Save link as'. Save to any convenient folder on your computer.
Installation requirements:
The executable will perform the following in order:
After extraction of the DEnTAS software, the RailsInstaller Setup dialog/wizard may be under other windows, or at a minimum, under the auto-opened installation instructions web page.
The Setup icon will be available on the Taskbar.
Or, press Alt-Tab to select.