Access the Production in a Circular Economy Model
The Production in a Circular Economy (CE) Model is a reference model of the activities and systems involved in a product’s life cycle within a circular economy. A circular economy keeps materials and products out of unwanted sinks such as landfills and the environment through a variety of processes including (but not limited to), reuse, recycling and repair. Circular approaches enable stakeholders, including designers, suppliers, manufacturers, consumers, and end-of-life treatment providers, to create and consume products in ways that promote value retention and resource efficiency. A key need for stakeholders in a CE is to leverage data from upstream and downstream life cycle stages to inform decisions both initially and iteratively. Using the IDEF0 functional modeling method, the reference model defines relevant inputs, outputs, controls, and mechanisms for each activity, providing examples that are relevant for a circular economy. It provides a baseline scenario that is relevant for stakeholders across product development and supply chain, including business strategists, material suppliers, designers, manufacturers, consumers, and recovers/recyclers. The model is also available as downloadable files.
Users of the reference model can include CE researchers, product designers, and standards development bodies, among others. For example, the model can serve as a resource for designers to:
Others can use the model to: