Selected NIST-Recommended Practice Guides in Material Sciences
General Discussion of Phase Diagrams, FP Hall, H Insley, EM Levin, HF McMurdie and CR Robbins
Particle Size Characterization, Ajit Jillavenkatesa, Lin-Sien H. Lum and Stanley Dapkunas (SP 960-1).
The Fundamentals of Neutron Powder Diffraction, John Copley (SP 960-2).
The Use of Nomenclature in Dispersion Science and Technology, Vincent Hackley and Chiara F. Ferraris (SP 960-3).
Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Materials, Sam Low (SP 960-5).
Capacitance Cell Measurement of the Out-of-Plane Expansion of Thin Films , Chad Snyder and Frederick Mopsik (SP-960-7).
Test Procedures for Developing Solder Data, Thomas A. Siewert and Carol A. Handwerker (SP 960-8)
Surface Engineering Measurement Standards for Inorganic Materials, Stanley J. Dapkunas (SP 960-9).
X-Ray Topography, David R. Black and Gabrielle G. Long (SP 960-10).
Data Evaluation Theory and Practice for Materials Properties, Ronald G. Munro (SP 960-11)
Pore Characterization in Low-k Dielectric Films Using X-ray Reflectivity: X-ray Porosimetry, Christopher L. Soles, Hae-Jeong Lee, Eric K. Lin, and Wen-li Wu (SP 960-13)
DTA and Heat-flux DSC Measurements and Alloy Melting and Freezing, William Boettinger, Ursula Kattner and Kil-Won Moon, NIST (SP 960-15)
Fractography of Ceramics and Glasses, George D. Quinn, NIST (SP 960-16, 3rd ed)
Porosity and Specific Surface Area Measurements for Solid Materials, Peter Klobes and Klaus Meyer, BAM and Ronald Munro, NIST (SP 960-17)
Computing Uncertainty for Charpy Impact Machine Test Results, Joelen D. Splett, H.K. Lyer, C.-M. Wang, C.N. McCowan (SP 960-18)
Measurement Issues in Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes, Stephen Freiman, Stephanie Hooker, Kalman Migler, Sivaram Arepalli (SP 960-19)