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NIST in Arkansas


in financial awards from NIST to organizations in the state of Arkansas in 2024

  • In FY 2024, NIST supported the state’s aerospace and aviation sectors with a $10 million grant for Arkansas State University’s new Center for Advanced Materials and Steel Manufacturing. An additional $10 million in grants to the University of Arkansas in FY 2024 support a Center for Design and Materials Innovation and a Center for Large-Scale Testing of Seismic Systems.
  • Arkansas metals manufacturers rely on NIST reference materials for iron and steel alloys to check for composition, hardness and toughness, ensuring the highest quality control for materials where failure would cause catastrophic losses.
  • NIST’s library of reference materials helps to ensure that foods grown or eaten in the U.S. are safe from contaminants and allergens that could cause illness to consumers. Arkansas companies rely on NIST reference materials such as tomato, peach and apple leaves to check their food safety testing methods and help them comply with the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act.
  • Since FY 2020, Arkansas Manufacturing Solutions, part of the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership, has received $6.2 million in federal funds from NIST, with $5.5 million matched in nonfederal funds, to build capacity for innovation, operational excellence, sustainability and leadership development among Arkansas manufacturers.

Arkansas Manufacturing Solutions helped custom furniture maker WWBeds in Little Rock adopt value stream mapping and lean and Toyota  Kata methods to create production flows and eliminate barriers. WWBeds tripled its sales revenue to $1.6 million and saved $600,000 in overtime. 

MEP Success Stories

Driving Growth Through Innovation: Push Plastics' Journey to Success

Reported Year
Push Plastic recognized the need to establish a quality management system (QMS) to ensure continued growth and maintain the highest standards of product quality. As the company prepared to scale its operations, they wanted to better understand the requirements and best practices of ISO 9001:2015 to guide their QMS development and implementation. To

Harnessing Cobot Technology to Enhance Workforce Efficiency and Competitiveness

Reported Year
Poly-Tech Plastic Molding, Inc. faced challenges with workforce retention, operational efficiency, and the ability to adapt to increasing demands in the plastics manufacturing industry. To remain competitive, the company recognized the need for advanced technology that could support growth, streamline repetitive tasks, and enhance production

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Heroes of American Manufacturing: Mayville Engineering Company (MEC)