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NIST in South Dakota

NIST Supports Key Sectors in South Dakota

Advanced manufacturing

  • NIST reference materials and calibrations help manufacturers check the purity or composition of gases, metals and other raw materials and comply with environmental regulations.    
  • The NIST ThermoData Engine is used by chemical companies around the world. It provides thermophysical properties for industrially important fluids and fluid mixtures so that chemical plants can optimize production processes through computer modeling, without running expensive full-size experiments.  
  • Since FY 2020, South Dakota Manufacturing and Technology Solutions, part of the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership, has received over $3.4 million in federal funds from NIST, with over $2.5 million matched in nonfederal funds, to provide solutions that help all of South Dakota’s manufacturers grow.

South Dakota Manufacturing and Technology Solutions helped TAKKION, a Sioux Falls provider of logistics, operations, maintenance and repair services for the renewable energy industry, prepare for ISO 9001 certification, which assures customers of the company’s quality systems. TAKKION’s ISO 9001 certification has resulted in $1 million in new and retained sales and $250,000 in cost savings.  

Biotechnology, life sciences and health care

  • NIST reference materials help the biotechnology industry with quantitative analytical measurement tools for nucleic acids, proteins, metabolites and cell systems so that manufacturers can monitor and improve manufacturing methods and products — and innovate more quickly.
  • NIST’s Mass Spectrometry Data Center data libraries speed molecule identification and quality control for biomedical and biofuels research. This data is so widely trusted that it is packaged with nearly every mass spectrometer sold.  
  • NIST’s calibration materials for magnetic resonance imaging help medical researchers develop quantitative tests that can rapidly determine if treatments for glioblastoma and other cancers are working, speeding clinical decisions. 

Food and agriculture

  • NIST’s library of reference materials helps to ensure that foods grown or eaten in the U.S. are safe from contaminants and allergens that could cause illness to consumers. South Dakota companies rely on NIST reference materials such as peanut butter, meat homogenate and infant formula to check their test methods and help them comply with the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act.  
  • NIST helps South Dakota’s ethanol producers correctly calculate renewable fuel credits with reference materials to enable accurate measurements of the starch content in corn.  
  • NIST develops and updates inspection procedures and trains state regulatory officials on how to verify the net contents of packaged foods to protect consumers and businesses and ensure fair trading for grocery stores, restaurants and customers. 

Cybersecurity and IT

  • NIST supports the sector with highly regarded standards and guidelines that are adopted by every industry and civilian federal agency. NIST’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence collaborates with financial services industry experts and technology vendors on best practices and standards that mitigate cybersecurity and privacy risks.
  • NIST’s post-quantum cryptography standards are designed to withstand the attack of a future quantum computer. They can secure a wide range of electronic information, from confidential email messages to e-commerce transactions.  

MEP Success Stories

Experience Matters When It Comes to Quality at Dakotaland Manufacturing

Reported Year
In order to ensure that Dakotaland can deliver on its promises to its customers and team, it was essential for them to have a solid quality management system, which for Dakotaland is ISO 9001. Dakotaland sought the services of Brad Fischer, a business advisor with SD Manufacturing and Technology Solutions and part of the MEP National Network™, for

Building Strong Teams Through Discovering Your Geniuses

Reported Year
DeSCo has always shown a strong commitment to continuous improvement - both in the front office and on the plant floor. The company has a history of embracing lean concepts to increase productivity and save costs and providing support to its team through participation in peer groups, including those for C-Suite/CEO, HR, and operations/supply chain

Takkion (Renew Energy)

Reported Year
In late 2021, Renew Energy (now branded as a division of TAKKION) reached out to SD Manufacturing & Technology Solutions (SDMTS), part of the MEP National Network™, to help them prepare for and audit to be certified to the ISO 9001 standard. Successfully achieving/maintaining these standards was critical to Renew's ability to demonstrate to its

Learn how NIST improves the lives of all Americans by conducting research and fostering collaborations that make possible everything from reliable vaccine storage and fair fuel transactions to next-generation MRIs and fair stock trades. Check out NIST Works for You.