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iEdison Rebuild

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The National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) will launch a new iEdison system on Tuesday, August 9, 2022, following the transfer of the management of the system from NIH eRA.

To prepare for the transition from NIH to NIST, including the transfer of data and existing active accounts, the current iEdison system will be unavailable from Tuesday, August 2, 2022 through Monday, August 8, 2022It is recommended that if you reporting is due during the down period that you complete that reporting before August 2, 2022.  

Additional information on how to prepare for the transition is available HERE.

New Logo Unveiled:

iEdison logo (iEdison written with a lightbulb as the "o")
Credit: NIST

With a new system, comes a new look.  NIST has unveiled the new iEdison logo.

Development Timeline and Progress:

iEdison Development Timeline 4_11_22


  • Core UI Development
  • Create Records, with data validation
  • Implement Role and access controls
  • Develop Notifications
  • Develop New Functionalities such as Requests and Discussion
  • Data Mapping of Previous Data Fields to New Fields
  • Develop Test Environment for Testing and Feedback
  • Develop API for external vendors 
  • Integrate with
  • Integrate with to validate organization profile registration
  • Integrate for secured login process
  • Integrate with USPTO for patent status update and data pull
  • Develop process for organization and individual registration and approval
  • Identify user roles including permissions
  • Create and implement different account roles
  • Batch Data Imports
  • Data Test, Validate, Analyze, Etc.
  • Restructure data 
  • Test file migration 
  • Subsequent Batch Imports

In Progress

  • Implement Business Rules (92%)
  • Develop Reporting Capabilities (80%)
  • Gather and Implement Feedback from Users (90%)
  • Comprehensive auditing (90%)
  • Subsequent Data Test, Validate, Analyze, Etc (95%)
  • Comprehensive Security Review and Tests (90%)
  • Data Retention Policy (20%)
  • Communication Plan (45%)
  • Create Users Guides (70%)
  • Create Help Resources (70%)
  • Create Training Presentations (10%)


  • Final Data Transfer
  • Online Virtual Trainings
  • In-Person Trainings (if possible)
  • Live Launch


NIST, in partnership with the National Institutes of Health and the Interagency Working Group for Bayh-Dole, has been working diligently on the rebuild of the Interagency Edison reporting system for extramural inventions. The first phase of the rebuild involved identifying challenges and recommended improvements to the iEdison system via a Request for Information published in the Federal Register on December 16, 2019 and opened for comment through January 27, 2020.   More than 50 responses were received from Universities, Non-Profits, For-Profits, Federal Agencies, and Individuals.  Many of these changes have been implemented or plan to be implemented into the new system.

On June 22, 2020, an iEdison Feedback Session was held during which NIST presented a preview of the redesigned iEdison website and discussed RFI responses from stakeholders detailing challenges and recommended improvements to the iEdison system. We would like to thank all of those who participated in our iEdison Feedback Session on June 22, 2020. If you were not able to attend and would like to see the presentations from the sessions, they are available here.

Based on the questions received during the Feedback Session, we have compiled a list of FAQs

Additional information regarding upcoming stakeholder meetings, progress, and release dates will be posted here as it becomes available. 

User Test Groups

NIST held the first round of test user group tours of the new iEdison system from 02/16/21 – 3/1/2021.  These test groups received a sneak peak of the new system and provided critical feedback to help build the best iEdison possible. Thank you for all of those who participated. 

Beta testing of the iEdison system will begin shortly.  



Created December 14, 2016, Updated August 23, 2023