David Helton |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Mark-Alexander Henn |
Mathematical Software Group |
mark.henn [at] nist.gov |
Assoc |
Clement Hennequin |
Systems Interoperability Group |
clement.hennequin [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Dimas Hercules Orellana |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Peter Herr |
Customer Relationship Management Group |
peter.herr [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
Ian Hines |
Complex Microbial Systems Group |
ian.hines [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Angela Hitt |
Acquisition Operations |
angela.hitt [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Karen Honeycutt |
Microsystems and Nanotechnology - HQ |
karen.honeycutt [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Luke Hozey |
Gaithersburg Facility Maintenance - HQ |
Ctr |
Shudong Huang |
shudong.huang [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Cornell Hudson |
Agreements Group |
cornell.hudson [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Yunjae Hwang |
Structures Group |
yunjae.hwang [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Kelly Icenbice |
Security Systems and Access Control Group |
kelly.icenbice [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Ryota Inaba |
Boulder Microfabrication Facility |
IntlCtr |
Karl K. Irikura |
Chemical Informatics Group |
karl.irikura [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Hariharan K. Iyer |
Statistical Engineering - HQ |
hariharan.iyer [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Patrick Jackson |
Operations and Maintenance (Gaithersburg) Group |
patrick.jackson [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Alicia Jayson |
Office of Emerging Technologies |
alicia.jayson [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Jaekyun Jeon |
Biomolecular Structure and Function Group |
Assoc |
Jihyun Jo |
Process Engineering Group |
jihyun.jo [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Derrick Johnson |
Safety, Health and Compliance Group |
derrick.e.johnson [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
Crystal Johnston |
Wildland Urban Interface Fire Group |
crystal.johnston [at] nist.gov |
Assoc |
John Paul "JP" Jones II |
Special Programs Office-HQ |
john.jones [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Forensic Science, Standards, Documentary standards |
Sarah Jones |
Advanced Microwave Photonics Group |
sarah.jones [at] nist.gov |
Assoc |
Trevor Jones |
Workforce Programs – HQ |
trevor.jones [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Julio Juarez Portillo |
Facilities Modernization (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Alan Kaplan |
Customer Access and Support - HQ |
Ctr |
Ahmad Keita |
ahmad.keita [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Alexander Keller |
Financial Assistance Agreements Management Office – HQ |
alexander.s.keller [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Christina Kellerman |
Engineering Laboratory - HQ |
christina-kay.kellerman [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Philip Kemp |
Information Technology Security & Networking - HQ |
philip.kemp [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Anthony Keppler |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Rutvik Kevadiya |
Cognition and Collaboration Systems Group |
rutvik.kevadiya [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Michael Kidwell |
CBS Core Support Group |
michael.kidwell [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Michael Kilmartin |
Boulder Facilities Maintenance- HQ |
Ctr |
Heejung Kim |
Reconciliations Group |
heejung.kim [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Andrew Kim |
External & Government Affairs – HQ |
andrew.kim [at] chips.gov |
Fed |
Dowon Kim |
Computer Security - HQ |
dowon.kim [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Janice Kim |
Financial Operations - HQ |
janice.kim [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Hubert King |
Neutron-Condensed Matter Science Group |
hubert.king [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Thomas Kirsch |
Community Resilience Group |
thomas.kirsch [at] nist.gov |
Assoc |
Travis Koch |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Nathaniel Kraus |
Facilities Services Division - HQ |
nathaniel.kraus [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
William P Krekelberg |
Chemical Informatics Group |
william.krekelberg [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Sam Krell |
Logistics Group |
Ctr |
Russell Kurak |
Customer Relationship Management Group |
russell.kurak [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
James G. Kushmerick |
Physical Measurement Laboratory- HQ |
james.kushmerick [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Daniel Kuznesof |
Quantum Nanophotonics Group |
daniel.kuznesof [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Davy Lam |
Gaithersburg Safety, Health and Environment - HQ |
davy.lam [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Jason Lapano |
Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology |
Assoc |