Subject Area | Point of Contact |
Programmatic and Technical Questions | Cheryl Leonard Email: manufacturingUSA [at] (manufacturingUSA[at]nist[dot]gov) with 'AI for Resilient Manufacturing' in the subject line |
Technical Assistance with Submissions | Phone: 800-518-4726 E-mail: support [at] (support[at]grants[dot]gov) |
Award Management Inquiries | Lisa Ko E-mail: blase.etzel [at] (lisa[dot]ko[at]nist[dot]gov) with 'AI for Resilient Manufacturing NOFO Questions' in subject line |
The application process consists of a mandatory concept paper and a full application. Full applications will only be accepted from applicants invited after the concept paper evaluation.
See Section 4 of the Funding Opportunity for detailed information concerning the application process for this funding opportunity.
See section 4.3.5 of the Funding Opportunity for additional information concerning the submissions deadlines for this funding opportunity.
Applicants are required to submit a concept paper. Concept papers will only be accepted through The deadline for receipt of a concept paper must be received at by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time, September 30, 2024.
NIST expects to establish one institute through this competition with follow-on years of the award... subject to availability of funding. NIST reserves the right to change the number of awards or to not make an award from this competition, subject to the merit of applications received and the availability of federal funding.
The NOFO at contains links to download the full application package, including all required forms. Please pay close attention to all the details.
The Cover Page and Table of Contents do not contribute to the number of pages. The Letter(s) of Interest are optional, and do not contribute to the number of pages and may be submitted at the Full Proposal stage.
No, it is not critical to identify all key partners at the Concept Paper stage. However, it would be good practice to identify as many as possible or at least outline the roles that need to be fulfilled.
NIST will not provide guidance or specific expectations. We are interested in the applicant’s proposed approach and how they will balance the needs of the consortium partners. It is up to applicants to propose the priorities, the process for determining them, and how to achieve the best outcomes and impact from the federal investment.
The institute focuses on applied R&D in the TRL/MRL 4-7 range, up to commercialization readiness. While the emphasis is on pre-competitive R&D below TRL/MRL 8, it is good practice to not place hard boundaries on the technology, allowing progress to the next phase as technology matures. The NOFO emphasizes having a transition plan for the technology.
EWD is vital for preparing a skilled workforce. Your proposal should include plans for supporting the next generation of workers in AI for resilient manufacturing. This may involve partnering with appropriate academic, non-profit, private, or public organizations, and how EWD is structured is up to the applicants.
Duration of a project depends on your proposed institute Project Calls identified in your proposal. The duration of any single project is up to the applicant. The existing Manufacturing USA institutes have a mix of short-term and long-term commitments. A sample AIP template can be found here:
It is up the applicant whether they choose to provide specific letters of commitment for the AI for Resilient Manufacturing NOFO or if they want to provide letters that have been used for a similar effort in the past. However, it is advised to review each letter of commitment to ensure it mentions the commitment of specific resources or funding to the proposed institute in the event that the application is funded. See section on Letters of Commitment and Interest for full details.
The AIP is an example of projects and plans for a full year. The WBS is to show planned projects through the lifetime of the institute. Both documents provide the reviewers a whole picture of how the applicants plan to run the institute.
The Current and Pending Support Form assists NIST in identifying potential scientific, budgetary, and commitment overlap in financial assistance awards. The Current and Pending Support Form is required for all NIST NOFOs. The form includes instructions on how to complete and submit current and pending (other) support information for each senior/key person identified on a proposed project. Applicants must submit a separate Current and Pending Support Form for each proposal and active project, as well as in-kind contributions. Should an applicant need to exceed the 1500-character limit on the “Overall Objectives” or “Statement of Potential Overlap” sections of the Current and Pending Support Form, applicants may include that additional information by creating a continuation page.
Current and Pending Support Common Form, OMB 3145-0279, exp 10/31/2026.
It is up to the applicant to determine if including state-wide and/or regional Workforce Development and Apprenticeship programs fits in their operational model and within the scope of their proposal.
This is determined on a case-by-case basis. The applicant may propose different types of cost share for evaluation by the NIST Agreements Officer. As stated in Section 3.3 of the NOFO: “The applicant’s cost share may include cash, services, contributions or donations of equipment or other property for use in the project, and third-party in-kind contributions that would be allowable pursuant to 2 CFR 200.306. The applicant may propose different types of cost share for evaluation other than those that would allowable under 2 CFR 200.306, provided that the proposed cost share is allocable and necessary for the success of the project and approved in writing by the NIST Agreements Officer.”
The lead organization (awardee) is responsible for ensuring that the requisite cost share is contributed to the award and is also responsible for documenting and justifying the cost share contributions across the entire award. The Table of Cost Share Components and Contributors should be tabulated at the institute-level, not at the sub-awardee level. Justifications of these cost share contributions should indicate how it will be used for institute operations.
The link to the requested form can be found here -
Please see Section Budget Narrative and Justification of the Funding Opportunity, particularly c. Equipment Description and f. Other Direct Costs.
In the Funding Opportunity Section that discusses the Annual Institute Plan (AIP), it is noted that it DOES count under the page count. The Gantt chart/timeline provided will not count against the total page limit.
The language in the Funding Opportunity ALWAYS takes precedence over any example. Applicants should refer to Section d. Annual Institute Plan in the Funding Opportunity, for instructions that should be followed.
Both federal and non-federal funds are to be included in “Section B – Budget Categories.”
All accredited institutions of higher education; non-profit organizations and for-profit organizations that are organized and operated in the United States (including U.S. territories) with majority domestic ownership or control; and State, local, Territorial, and Indian Tribal Governments.
Individuals and unincorporated sole proprietors are not eligible to apply under this NOFO. Foreign public entities and foreign organizations are not eligible to apply. Federal agencies and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) are not eligible to apply for this NOFO. Existing Manufacturing USA institutes are not eligible to apply to this NOFO.
Yes. Organizations executing existing Manufacturing USA institutes, as well as those operating Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), consortia, or other federally supported membership-based programs, are eligible to apply to this NOFO, provided the proposed institute will be operationally separate and distinct from other supported efforts. See additional information below specific to FFRDCs.
Applicants must define the scope of the new institute to avoid substantive duplication with the scope and operations of the existing network of Manufacturing USA institutes as well as the upcoming CHIPS Manufacturing USA institute - Digital Twins for Semiconductor Manufacturing. Please note that the AI for resilient manufacturing funding opportunity is separate from activities related to the NIST-sponsored US. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute (USAISI) consortium.
See Section 3 of this NOFO for additional information concerning the eligibility requirements for this funding opportunity.
We encourage you to put your name on the Teaming list. Write down what your capabilities are and indicate you are willing to partner with another organization, whether it is as a lead organization or secondary organization. Proposers Day is another good opportunity to partner with other organizations.
Existing Manufacturing USA Institutes are not eligible to serve as a funded partner/sub-awardee but may support the proposed Institute as an unfunded partner. The organization operating an existing Institute (e.g., a non-profit that runs the institute as well as other business operations) may be listed as a funded partner, provided that the Institute and the operator are separate and distinct legal entities and further provided that NIST approves the amount and scope of the proposed funding. Post-award, the new institute will be encouraged to partner with existing institutes, as appropriate.
Single-member limited liability corporations (LLCs) and S corporations that are disregarded for tax purposes are eligible to apply for funding pursuant to this NOFO. The NOFO prohibits individuals and unincorporated businesses from applying, which does not include LLCs or S Corporations since they are incorporated pursuant to applicable State law. This is the case regardless of whether the LLC is a single-member entity and regardless of whether the S Corporation is a disregarded entity for tax purposes.
The funding opportunity is open to all accredited institutions of higher education. Individuals employed by such institutions whose legal status allows them to live and work in the United States are eligible to apply through their institutions, but not as individuals. Additional information regarding eligibility is found in Section 3 of the NOFO.
The award will be made to a single or lead organization, as identified on the SF-424 and as described in the project narrative. This entity (applicant) must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) and System for Award Management (SAM) registration, in accordance with Section 4.3.4 of the NOFO. As part of the application, the lead applicant will need to identify anticipated subrecipients, as well as other project collaborators. Organizations within a larger University system are considered separate organizations from the applicant to the extent that they are separately organized under applicable State law and/or have separate Employer Identification Numbers (EINs).
Unrecovered indirect costs, including indirect costs on cost sharing, may be included as part of cost sharing with the prior approval of the Federal agency or pass-through entity. Unrecovered indirect cost means the difference between the amount charged to the Federal award and the amount which could have been charged to the Federal award under the recipient's or subrecipient's approved indirect cost rate.
NIST anticipates funding up to $70 million over a five-year period, subject to the availability of federal funds, for the recipient to establish and operate the institute.
Construction activities are not an allowable cost under this NOFO using either federal funds or non-federal cost share. However, costs related to internal modifications of existing buildings that would be necessary to carry out the proposed research tasks may be allowed at NIST’s discretion. Any plans should be described in detail as part of an application.
Yes. This program requires non-federal cost-share in an amount equal to at least the total amount of Federal funding over the lifetime of the award (i.e., 50% or more of the total funding for the institute must come from non-federal sources). Non-federal cost-share is that portion of the project costs not borne by the Federal Government.
See Section 2.2 of this NOFO for additional information concerning the availability of funding for this program, Section 3.3 of this NOFO for additional information concerning the non-federal cost share requirements for this program, and Section 3.4. of this NOFO for the eligible uses of federal and non-federal cost-share funding for this program.
Both cash and in-kind are allowed. However, the valuation of in-kind cost share is important, so we encourage you to carefully review Sections 3.3 and 3.4 of the NOFO to determine what types of contributions may qualify as in-kind cost share.
NIST does not specify a cost-share structure. The percentage of cash versus in-kind contributions is up to the applicant. However, both cash and in-kind contributions must directly support the institute's work, and for the Concept Paper stage, the proposed cost-share will be evaluated in accordance with Section of the NOFO.
Per, ‘When cost share is included in the budget, the written justification must also identify the federal and non-federal portion of each cost, to include indirect costs, as applicable. (See cost-share section 3.3 of this NOFO for match requirements.)’ While the NOFO does not require adherence to 2 CFR 200, applicants should use 2 CFR 200 or other similar cost principles as a guide. Accordingly, the applicant should consider reviewing the guidance at eCFR :: 2 CFR 200.306 -- Cost sharing. and eCFR :: 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart E -- Cost Principles.
No, this is a public-private partnership. NIST will select a lead for the public-private consortium, which will direct the institute's strategy and technology roadmaps with guidance from NIST. This model differs from a Center of Excellence. In addition, the focus is on applied research and maturing technology for commercial deployment, not fundamental research.
The NOFO outlines considerations for domestic production and encourages applicants to explain their approach. It also provides guidance on important questions to ask. Specific requirements depend on your proposal and how you plan to address the issue. See Section 4.3.7 of the NOFO.
NIST aims to ensure AI tools delivered to industry meet their promises. Processes and tools must be in place to assess risks and capabilities transparently.
Please submit all questions to ManufacturingUSA [at] (ManufacturingUSA[at]nist[dot]gov). Our team is ready and available to respond to questions you may have. Please note that we will not answer questions specific to the content of your proposal.
Since we are still in the competition phase, any information related to applications, including applicant-specific contact details, is considered competition-sensitive. Therefore, we are unable to share this information at this time. Thus, NIST cannot facilitate partnering and cannot disclose which applicants did and did not proceed to the full application round. However, applicants are welcome to view the AI for Resilient Manufacturing Institute Teaming Partner List on our website.
No, that information will not be released at this time.
By statute, the merit review process will include review by a diverse group on individuals with relevant expertise from both the private and public sectors.
You are free to contact and engage with MEP Centers across the states. Please find more information and a list of MEP centers here: MEP Centers.
No, teaming partners do not need to be regionally proximate to each other.
De-risking technology involves increasing certainty of elements that would otherwise be unknowns or assumptions. Concept papers and full proposals should describe how the proposed institute will catalyze an effective advanced manufacturing applied research partnership and infrastructure that will develop, de-risk, and deploy AI tools to address industry-wide challenges too big for single entities to address in isolation.
There is no limit to the number of proposal teams that an organization may join. We encourage all potential applicants and partners to take the approach that is most aligned with your organization’s interests and mission. You can find the teaming list here: (Teaming Partner List)
Post-award, organizations are encouraged to reach out to the institute to see how they can get involved.
The complete terms and conditions, including salary terms, of the Other Transaction (OT) Agreement issued under the Funding Opportunity are subject to negotiation and will be contained in the OT Agreement entered between NIST and the recipient.
It is acceptable to enter additional information for “Other Personnel” in the Budget Justification. We suggest adding a note into to direct reviewers to the Budget Justification for that information.