In October 2018, the White House released the quadrennial Strategy for American Leadership in Advanced Manufacturing, which is based on a vision for American leadership in advanced manufacturing across industrial sectors to ensure national security and economic prosperity.
To achieve this vision, the strategy defines three goals:
1) Develop and Transition New Manufacturing Technologies
2) Educate, Train, and Connect the Manufacturing Workforce
3) Expand the Capabilities of the Domestic Manufacturing Supply Chain
The strategic plan was developed by the National Science and Technology Council, Subcommittee on Advanced Manufacturing, with significant input from industry, manufacturing associations, technical associations, other organizational stakeholders, and members of the public obtained through a Request for Information supplemented by numerous roundtable discussions hosted by NIST and different stakeholders across the country.
On behalf of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Committee on Technology, Subcommittee on Advanced Manufacturing, the Office of Science and Technology Partnership (OSTP) issued an RFI to request input on the development of a National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing. Through this RFI, OSTP seeks input on ways to improve government coordination, and on long-term guidance for Federal programs and activities in support of U.S. manufacturing competitiveness, including: Advanced manufacturing research and development that will create jobs, grow the economy across multiple industrial sectors, strengthen national security, enhance sustainability, contribute to climate change challenges, and improve health care. Input from the RFI will inform OSTP and NSTC as they work with federal agencies and other stakeholders to develop the strategic plan. In addition to an online form to collect feedback, a series of public events has been organized at various technical conferences (in-person and virtual) from October to December to directly obtain inputs to the RFI questions. The full text of the RFI with instructions to respond is available from the following link:
Responses are due by December 17, 2021. Responses will be accepted online at: