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Quest for Excellence Conference

Learn how your organization can achieve outstanding performance. Join us at the premier showcase of Baldrige Award recipients March 30–April 2, 2025 (Sunday–Wednesday), Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, Baltimore MD. Official Conference of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, brought to you by the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program at NIST.


The 36th Quest for Excellence® Conference

March 30-April 2, 2025 | Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, Baltimore MD


Join us at the Quest for Excellence 2025!  We are excited to bring the Baldrige community together to celebrate and learn from the 2024 Baldrige Award recipients.

Enjoy sessions featuring leaders of Baldrige Award recipients and other high-performing organizations and take home solutions to help your organization achieve breakthrough performance and results in areas such as leadership; strategy; customers; workforce; and operations. 

Registration and Hotel Reservations

Conference registrations will be made through Showcare

Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel Room Block: Now Closed

Existing Reservations: If you would like to make changes to your existing reservation, call the Marriott directly at 410-385-3000. Please do so after March 10, 2025. You will receive a confirmation email from the hotel approximately two weeks prior to arrival. For questions about existing hotel registrations, through March 10, contact quest [at] (Showcare). After March 10, contact the hotel directly at 410-385-3000.

New Reservations: The Quest conference room block is closed, and the conference rate is no longer available. You may call the hotel directly at 410-385-3000 or book online to reserve a room at the prevailing rate. If you are unable to book a room, we recommend that you reserve a room at a nearby hotel in the East Harbor area of Baltimore. There are several options to choose from, all within a short walk to the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront.

Award Ceremony  | Sunday, March 30 

Join us Sunday evening for the Baldrige Award Ceremony and Reception honoring the 2024 recipients. Attendees have the opportunity to network with members of the Baldrige community, such as Award recipients, Examiners, Judges, Overseers, Fellows, Foundation members, and Alliance program representatives


Tucker Bryant 36th Quest Keynote circle photo

Tucker Bryant
Poet and Innovation 
Keynote Speaker

José Pires 36th Quest Keynote circle photo

José Pires
Founder & CEO
Global Excellence & Innovation

36th Quest Keynote Ron Norris circle photo

Ron Norris
Director of Innovation
Georgia-Pacific, LLC. (Retired)

36th Quest Keynote Michael Koralewski Circle photo

Michael Koralewski
Chief Supply Chain Officer
First Solar

36th Quest Keynote Rami Goldratt Circle image

Rami Goldratt
Goldratt Group



Keynote Presentations
This year’s Quest conference will feature keynote presentations by nationally recognized thought leaders, authors, and leading industry executives.

Opening Plenary Session
Following the Monday keynote, an opening plenary session featuring the leaders of the 2024 Baldrige Award recipients.

Concurrent sessions
Monday and Tuesday will feature Baldrige Award recipients and other high-performing organizations speaking on relevant topics of interest, such as leadership and social responsibility, operational continuity and resilience, workforce issues, and customers and strategy. 

Closing Plenary Session
The Wednesday morning plenary session will feature the 2024 Baldrige Award recipients.


Look for the “Connect with Us” banner on the Baldrige website to join our online community and receive email announcements about our events.

What Quest Attendees Are Saying

learned more in three days at Quest...than ten years in leadership

2024 Quest for Excellence Conference Attendee

This whole process has been mind-blowing as a leader. 
I learned more in three days at the Quest conference than I have in ten years in a leadership capacity.

Become a Baldrige Sponsor Today!

The Baldrige Program extends a sincere thank you to Baldrige Foundation donors and the 36th Quest for Excellence® Conference sponsors (listed below). Sponsor support helps to defray conference costs and make Quest a better conference experience for all attendees. 

36th Quest Conference Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Event Sponsors

Item Sponsors

Become a Baldrige Sponsor Today!

Mac Baldrige Society Member Donors

The Baldrige Foundation thanks the following Members of the Mac Baldrige Society for their generous contributions as Trustees of the Institute for Performance Excellence.