The Official Baldrige Blog
The Human Capital Institute (HCI) recently published the results of their member survey of top priorities for 2016. The top five priorities are:
I was curious how this list related to the nine focus areas for CEO's and other senior executives that I gleaned from five recent studies of CEO issues as we approach 2016. The CEO's list had the following three overlap areas:
2. Workforce Strategies
6. Collaboration
7. Ethics
The Workforce Strategies focus area touched on several of the HCI priorities as it discussed the needs for workforce planning and employee engagement. It specifically addressed skilled workforce needs that included diversity and inclusiveness, and the need to grow your own through student engagement, internal staff development, and community outreach. CEO's also talked about a diverse workforce and workforce planning from the perspective of needing imaginers, implementers, "all-rounders," and deep specialists. Obviously, all these diversity factors also address employee engagement.
The Collaboration focus area touched on the engagement of employees through stronger collaborations and, in particular, stronger collaborations in the C-suite. The C-suite collaboration, in addition to other benefits, engenders a coaching and succession planning environment for grooming future top leaders.
The Ethics focus area addressed the need for organizational openness, which is seen as a major driver in employee engagement and should be a factor in evaluating and managing performance in all organizations.
Looking at the priorities and focus areas from both the HCI and the CEO surveys, the only area not explicitly addressed in the current Baldrige Excellence Framework is the Manager as Coach/ Coaching Culture. Workforce development is a central part of the Workforce Engagement item (5.2) in the Baldrige Criteria, but coaching is currently only called out in an item note. Do we need to consider elevating the importance of coaching in the Baldrige Framework? Let me know what you think. And consider how well your organization is addressing all these people priorities as you enter 2016. Thanks and hope you had happy holidays!