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SAA Constitution and Bylaws

Standards Alumni Association Constitution and Bylaws



The name of the organization is the Standards Alumni Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association.


The objectives of this Association are to:

(A) Promote the transfer of technical information, volunteer technical services, educational seminars, and other relevant activities which benefit society at large, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST, or this Association in particular.

(B) Aid in the early identification and training of scientists and engineers through collaboration with sponsors of Science Fairs, Science Talent Searches and related activities.

(C) Provide NIST, as the need arises in performing its mission, with the unique talents of the Association membership.

(D) Maintain and promote personal contact among its membership through newsletters, meetings and other activities.


(A) Membership in the Association is open to all persons formerly associated with either NBS or NIST, or currently associated with NIST, and to surviving spouses of deceased persons who qualified for membership.

(B) Members are in good standing provided they are up-to-date in payment of their dues.

(C) All members in good standing are entitled to vote and to hold office in the Association.

(D) The Executive Board of the Association may confer Associate Membership upon such persons who demonstrate a commitment to NIST programs or to the educational and/or historical efforts of the Association. Associate Members shall pay the same dues as full Members.


The Association is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.)


No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the Association shall be authorized to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered, and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in ARTICLE IV hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the Association shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Association shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an association exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by an association, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).


In the event of liquidation, dissolution, termination or winding up of the Association (whether voluntary, involuntary or by operation of law) the assets of the Association shall be distributed by the Executive Board to one or more corporations or other organizations which qualify as exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as may be from time to time amended.


This Constitution is based on the original "Constitution and By-Laws" as adopted by the Association Planning Group during the organization meeting of April 24, 1985 at NBS. Changes from the original Constitution are based on the subsequent experiences in managing the affairs of the Association. Further changes must be approved by letter ballot by two thirds majority of the votes received. In seeking changes to the Constitution, the President must cause the recommended changes to be published in the Newsletter or otherwise distributed to the membership and allow at least two weeks for ballots to be returned. Changes can be proposed either by the Executive Board or by a petition signed by at least 10 members of the Association and submitted to the President.

As amended on April 24, 2003




(A) The Elected Officers are the President, two Vice Presidents, and four Directors.

(B) The Executive Board is chaired by the President and consists of the Elected Officers, the immediate Past President, the Appointed Officers, chairs of the Standing Committees, and an ex officio representative from NIST.



(A) The President has prime responsibility for the functioning of the Association within the context of the Constitution and Bylaws and presides at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Board. The President speaks for the Association in dealing with other organizations and people, appoints additional officers and committee chairs with the advice of the Executive Board, and performs such other tasks as appropriate to the office.

(B) The two Vice Presidents perform whatever duties the President may assign. The President shall designate a Vice President to serve as President when he/she is absent.

(C) Directors serve as advisors to the President and perform duties as needed by the Executive Board.

(D) The immediate Past President shall serve as advisor to the President, serve as chair of the Awards Committee, serve on the Nominating Committee, and may serve on other committees.

(E) The terms of office shall be one year. No person shall serve in the same office more than two years in succession.

(F) Should an Elected Officer be unable to fulfill their term of office, the Executive Board may appoint a replacement to serve until the next election.



(A) The Executive Board advises the President in making appointments, conducts the routine business of the Association, sets the membership dues, arranges for an annual financial audit by a person (or persons) who is not a member of the Executive Board, and makes recommendations on matters for action by the membership.

(B) The Executive Board meets monthly on a date called by the President and at such times as the President deems in the best interest of the Association.



Appointed Officers perform operational or special functions. The Appointed Officers shall include a Secretary, a Treasurer, and the chairs of the Standing Committees.



Members of the Standing Committees shall be Association Members in good standing and, except as otherwise stated, are selected by the committee chair with the concurrence of the President. The President is an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

(A) Nominating:  The committee shall be responsible for producing a slate of officers for the annual elections of the Association, consistent with the requirements of BYLAW IX. Members of this committee are appointed with the concurrence of the Executive Board and shall include the immediate Past President. Other than the committee chair and the immediate Past President, members of this committee may not be Elected Officers currently serving on the Executive Board. When possible, committee membership shall include other Past Presidents.

(B) AwardsThe committee shall be responsible for establishing criteria and procedures for identifying and recognizing Members of the Association and others who have made significant contributions to the Association and/or NIST. The chair of this committee shall be the immediate Past President.

(C) Information Technology:  The committee shall be responsible for developing and maintaining an integrated IT support system for Association operations, including office automation, website and internet tools, hardware and software tools, maintenance of the membership database, and provision of support to the Executive Board and to other committees.

(D) MembershipThe committee shall be responsible for the membership records, the recruiting of new members, and responding to inquiries about membership and membership status.

(E) Newsletter:  The committee shall be responsible for assembling, editing, and arranging for the publication and mailing of the Association Newsletter and other releases. The chair may call upon other Association Members for input to the Newsletter and may request input from NIST.

(F) Oral History:  The committee shall be responsible for selecting subjects and participants, conducting interviews of retired NBS/NIST staff, and processing the resulting recordings and transcriptions for inclusion in the NIST Oral History Collection.

(G) Portrait Gallery:  The committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and further development of the NIST Gallery of Distinguished Alumni. The committee operates under guidelines established by the Executive Board in consultation with the Director of NIST.

(H) Program:  The committee shall plan, arrange, publicize, and conduct the various meetings and other technical activities of the Association.

(I) Social:  The committee shall be responsible for coordinating arrangements for social events of the Association.



The President with the advice of the Executive Board may appoint Ad Hoc Committees or Task Forces as desired in the best interest of the Association.



(A) Categories of membership are Member and Associate Member as defined in the Constitution.

(B) An annual membership fee for Members and Associate Members is due January 1st, the amount to be determined in advance by the Executive Board.

(C) Dues may be paid annually, for multiple years, or in a single lifetime payment based on the Member’s age. The amount of the lifetime payment is to be determined in advance by the Executive Board. Dues are waived for Members at age 90.

(D) Honorary membership may be granted to persons who have performed extraordinary service to NBS/NIST or the Association. Honorary Members do not pay dues.

(E) No dues shall be refunded because of resignation or death.



The Annual Meeting shall be conducted in April and include the introduction of officers and other Association business. Additional business meetings of the Association may be called by the Executive Board as required. All meetings shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order, Revised.



(A) The Nominating Committee shall invite names of suggested nominees for the incoming officers of the Association by means of a notice in the Newsletter. Suggested candidates must be members, must be available, and must be able to perform the duties of the office.

(B) At a subsequent meeting of the Executive Board, the Nominating Committee shall present a slate of one or more persons for each office for review and approval.

(C) The approved slate shall be included as a ballot submitted to the membership in the last Newsletter of the calendar year.

(D) Individuals receiving a simple majority of the votes on the ballots properly cast are elected to the officer positions.



Amendments to these Bylaws shall be proposed by petition in writing signed by at least five Members or by the Executive Board. A properly proposed and printed amendment with reasons for adoption shall be provided to the membership in advance for their consideration at the Annual Meeting. A majority vote by the Members in attendance is required for adoption.

As amended on April 13, 2023

Created September 16, 2010, Updated May 2, 2023