The Engineering Laboratory promotes U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology for engineered systems in ways that enhance economic security and improve quality of life.
To be the world’s leader in measurement science, standards, and technology vital to innovation in engineered systems that benefit society
To benefit society by enabling better engineering.
i) Safety: We are committed to the safety and health of all those involved in or affected by our work.
ii) People: We value and support an engaged, diverse, and collaborative workforce positioned for success.
iii) Integrity: We are objective, ethical, and honest and hold ourselves accountable.
iv) Excellence: We deliver world-class performance and continuous improvement in all we do.
v) Impact: We strive to create the largest benefit to our stakeholders with all of our resources.
- fire prevention and control;
- national earthquake hazards reduction;
- national windstorm impact reduction;
- national construction safety teams;
- building materials and structures;
- engineering and manufacturing materials, products, processes, equipment, technical data, and standards;
- manufacturing enterprise integration;
- collaborative manufacturing research pilot grants; and
- manufacturing fellowships.
- systems integration and engineering,
- intelligent systems and control,
- robotics and automation,
- cyber-physical systems,
- sustainability and energy efficiency,
- economic analysis and life cycle assessment,
- productivity measurement, and
- safety and environmental performance.
- development of performance metrics, measurement and testing methods, predictive tools, protocols, technical data, and reference materials and artifacts;
- conduct of intercomparison studies and calibrations;
- evaluation of technologies, systems, and practices; and
- development of the technical basis for standards, codes, and practices—in many instances via testbeds, consortia, standards and codes development organizations, and/or other partnerships with industry and academia.
- Foster U.S. manufacturing and construction industry innovation, productivity, and competitiveness,
- Improve building and fire safety, and
- Reduce the environmental impact of buildings and manufacturing activities.