Chief Executive Director of the CSTB
Title: Future delivery of BIM-based applications and services: an insight in French and European developments.
Summary: In the context of the growing development of model-based integrated applications and services for the Construction industry and the Built environment, this presentation will introduce to some of the current advanced developments in France and Europe on BIM-based ICT tools and systems for the industry, and latest research and innovative applications in the fields of key business fields like energy efficiency and sustainable development for buildings and cities. It will provide with a ground for identifying common CIB (IDDS) and FIATECH research challenges, trajectories and further synergies.
Bio Sketch: Since December 2008, Carole Le Gall is Chief Executive Director of the CSTB.
From 2006 to 2008, Carole Le Gall was Operational Director for Energy, Air and Noise at ADEME, the French
Agency for Environment and Energy Management.
She managed a team of 125 experts and supervises the ADEME operations in these fields : research management,
expertise, communication and project funding. From 2001 to 2006, Carole Le Gall was Deputy General Manager of Nantes Metropole (urban community of Nantes) in charge of the economic development, research and high level education and metropolitan international development.
Previously, she was head of the industrial development division at the Regional direction of the Ministry of industry
(MINEFI / DRIRE) Pays de la Loire and economic affairs adviser at the Prefecture Regional Affairs Secretariat.
Before that, she was head of section in Paris Ministry of the Industry, in the metrology division.
Engineer in chief of the Corps des Mines, Carole Le Gall is also MIT alumna (Master of Science Civil and
Environmental engineering of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (USA).
Senior Research Fellow, University of Salford & Joint Coordinator of IDDS
Title: IDDS – The IDDS research roadmap; how we got here and where next.
Summary: IDDS is focussed on the entire client and AECOO processes and their impacts, and how to cut the waste from them by developing better people, process and technology – in that order!
Bio Sketch: Having spent 18 years in the Royal Air Force in electronics, as a Pilot (Fast Jet) and Intelligence Officer (strategic and tactical), Bob moved to the defence industry. He has experience in a wide variety of advanced sensing, computing and communications systems. He has been involved in many classified activities, as well as studies for NATO's Research & Technical Agency and their Advisory Group on Aerospace Research & Development. Bob has since done work in the development of project, programme and portfolio management systems, including for the British Standards Institute and International Standards Organisation, the Association for Project Management and UK Office of Government Commerce. In the defence industry Bob worked in technology applications, project management and business development. For the last seven years he has worked at the top UK construction research centre at the University of Salford on project and process improvement, and he has led the IDDS development programme for the last three years.
Director of Built Environment
Title: The impact of Building Information Modeling in the Netherlands
Bio Sketch: Mr Schmidt has had different positions within TNO, one of the largest European contract research organizations, for more then 30 years. Since 2005 he is responsible for one of the seven program's of TNO: the Built Environment Program. Most of our projects in this area are carried out for governmental and industrial clients and are focused on the sustainable use of the built environment, infrastructure. We have partnerships with universities, colleague institutes and companies in open innovation networks to update and further develop our knowledge. We invest in modern laboratories and research facilities.
Mr Schmidt is a member of the board of STW since February 2003. The STW Technology Foundation is a funding organization for Dutch universities and institutes, founded in 1981. Its working methods bring together, right from the start, researchers and potential users of the results of that research. The 'users' provide input and also financial or other contributions to the R&D projects and programs. STW itself is funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).
Finally Mr Schmidt is also member of the Governing Board of the Engineering Mechanics Graduate school. The Netherlands Graduate School on Engineering Mechanics, a joint initiative of the Eindhoven and Delft universities of Technology and the University of Twente, has been established with the aim to strengthen research and education in the field of engineering mechanics in The Netherlands. Although operating primarily at a national level, it intends to stimulate international collaborative research projects within the selected research themes: Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Structural Dynamics and Control en Reliability and Optimization.
CEO of the Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre
Title: Building BIM in Australia: A Retrospective and Prospective Analysis
Summary: This industry-focused presentation will summarize the achievements of Australia's Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Construction Innovation and its successor, the Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre in leading collaborative efforts to develop BIM as a productive tool and an industry driver in building and infrastructure construction.
Specifically, industry challenges to adoption and business benefits delivered will be reviewed from the perspectives of two internationally significant case studies – the Sydney Opera House BIM on an existing facility and the BIM on a new major commercial building in central Sydney.
Central to this presentation will be the capture of key learnings and benefits from the design, procurement and facility management of the two facilities to leverage investment in the BIM model. This will be achieved through evaluating impact on effectiveness and efficiencies in the life-cycle of the properties including refurbishment/recycling.
This presentation will provide clear value to public and private property portfolio managers and facilities managers in addition to researchers in the IDDS field.
Bio Sketch: Dr. Keith Hampson is currently CEO of the Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre (SBEnrc), successor to the CRC for Construction Innovation, for which he led the bid team and served as CEO for its nine years of operation. Dr. Hampson is committed to building a more internationally competitive industry by promoting improved collaboration, applied technology and innovative practices. In doing so, he has a 15 year history of leading research teams in improving productivity and sustainability in the built environment and currently leads an international task group focusing on R&D Investment and Impact.
As team leader Dr. Hampson has been successful in securing research grants and corporate funding in excess of $80 million ($35m cash and $45m in-kind). He continues to actively encourage industry and researchers to work together to transform the Australian built environment industry in sustainability, safety and productivity for a stronger future.
Dr. Hampson also has a distinguished record of scholarly publication having authored or co-authored 11 books, 40 refereed journals or book chapters, 70 refereed conference papers, and some hundreds of other conference and industry presentations. He is regularly invited to provide keynote presentations to national and international industry and academic conferences and research review panels and to serve on the scientific panel of international conferences and highly respected journals.
Keith Hampson has a Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honors, an MBA, and a PhD from Stanford University focusing on innovation and competitive performance in the built environment.
Associate Professor and Associate Director, Myers-Lawson School of Construction, Virginia Tech
Title: Project Delivery in Perspective
Summary: Regardless of sector, the "liberalization" of project delivery approaches is likely to continue. Current trends in integrated design and delivery have both historical and theoretical antecedents. This talk traces both to frame the contemporary challenges and opportunities across the project delivery spectrum. Increased understanding of the roots of today's issues and practices should position the industry to identify the mechanisms to mitigate barriers and capitalize on possibilities.
Associate Adjunct Professor in the project engineering and management program University of California
Title: Should project budgets be based on worth or cost?
Bio Sketch: Dr. Ballard is Associate Adjunct Professor in the project engineering and management program within the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. He has been a member of the Berkeley faculty since 1989. Dr. Ballard was appointed Research Director for the University's Project Production Systems Laboratory in 2006. His principle research interest is adapting lean production theory from manufacturing to project management practice. To that end, he has developed a model for lean delivery of projects, the Lean Project Delivery System; the Last Planner System, a methodology for planning and control; and Target Value Design, a methodology adapted from product development, for determining customer value and conditions of satisfaction, and steering design and construction to the delivery of value within customer conditions of satisfaction.
Dr. Ballard has worked as a manager, trainer and consultant with numerous organizations ranging from construction and engineering firms to public utilities to international oil and gas companies. These organizations include: Aera Energy, BAA, Bechtel Corp., Boldt Construction, BNIM Associates, Brown & Root, Caltrans, Ford Motor Co., HGA, Jacobs Engineering, Petroleos de Venezuela, Pacific Gas & Electric, Skanska, St. Joseph Health System, and Sutter Health.
Dr. Ballard co-founded the International Group for Lean Construction in 1993 and the Lean Construction Institute in 1997; both dedicated to applying Lean theory, principles and techniques to designing and constructing the built environment.
Kumagai Professor of Engineering Coordinator, Construction Graduate Program Stanford University
Director of the CRS Center for Leadership, Management and Innovation in the Design and Construction Industries at Texas A&M University
Title: Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges
Summary: A survey of the current state of IDDS in industry and academia (research and education) shows that discussion and development is largely focused on tools technology and process. This presentation describes the state-of-the-art and presents an exploration of different paradigms that consider technological, social, financial, and academic considerations related to the effective design and delivery of the built environment.
Bio Sketch: Valerian Miranda, Ph.D. is the Director of the CRS Center for Leadership, Management and Innovation in the Design and Construction Industries at Texas A&M University. He holds the Thomas A. Bullock Endowed Chair in Leadership and Innovation in the College of Architecture where he teaches graduate level Architectural Design, Architectural Research Methods and Ethics. Dr. Miranda also supervises students in the M.Arch, M.S. and Ph.D. programs and is a design consultant. His areas of research interest are design process, innovation, environmentally responsible design and architectural computing. His professional experience covers master planning, programming and design in the educational, commercial, institutional and healthcare sectors of architectural practice.
National Manager, Integrated Building Solutions
Turner Construction Company
Title: Integrated Building Solutions for Collaborative Workflow
Summary: Analyzing the traditional processes of every phase of construction, we seek improvement through the use of new technologies, innovative thinking, and solutions integration. We will look at a series of real-world processes and Turner applications built upon existing software utilized to drive a collaborative workflow of information for integration and innovation between design, construction, and facilities management teams.
Bio Sketch: Brian Krause, an eleven year Turner employee, serves as National Manager for Integrated Building Solutions. He supports Turner's BIM implementation in preconstruction for Turner's 42 offices and leads Turner's online and in-person BIM training programs. Brian leads Turner's BIM University, a national eight week BIM training program for new hires and Turner's Advanced BIM training, a two week immersive BIM training program for employees.
Brian started with Turner in 2001 as a Field Engineer and has worked his way through various field, cost, engineering, and management positions on projects such as the Dulles North and West Flank Parking Garages, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Farm Research Campus, FDIC Headquarters at Virginia Square, and Dulles Package 6 Automated People Mover Station.
Brian holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Virginia Tech. He was a member of the first graduating class of the VDC Certificate Program at Stanford CIFE (Center for Integrated Facility Engineering), one of the first certificate programs of its kind.
Vice President at Autodesk
Title: Building Information Modeling As A Platform For Global AEC Change
Summary: As Building Information Modeling (BIM) is more widely adopted in the world-wide AEC industry, underlying methods of representation, collaboration and delivery are being challenged and transformed. This talk will examine BIM adoption rates and strategies in AEC markets across the world, and investigate how digital technology, with modeling as a platform, may be the basis for a more coherent, integrated and efficient AEC process.Bio Sketch: Phillip G. Bernstein FAIA, RIBA, LEED AP - Phillip G. Bernstein is a Vice President at Autodesk, a leading provider of software for the architecture, engineering and construction industry. An architect with twenty-five years of experience, he leads Industry Strategy and Relations for the AEC Division where he is responsible for setting the company's future vision and strategy for technology serving the building industry. Phil was formerly with Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects where he managed many of the firm's most complex commissions. Phil teaches Professional Practice at the Yale School of Architecture where he received his both his B.A. and his M.Arch. He is co-editor of Building (In) The Future: Recasting Labor in Architecture published in 2010 and BIM In Academia published in 2011. He is a Senior Fellow of the Design Futures Council and former Chair of the AIA National Contract Documents Committee.
Title: Collaboration through OPEN BIM
Summary: Open BIM is a universal approach to the collaborative design, realization and operation of buildings based on open standards and workflows.Director of the Digital Building Lab in the College of Architecture, Georgia Tech
Title: The Future of IFC
Bio Sketch: Chuck Eastman developed and researched 3D and early solid and parametric modeling systems in the middle 1970s, what is now called Building Information Modeling. He wrote early research and popular papers on this topic in the 1970s. He has directed research labs in both computer science and architecture at Carnegie-Mellon University, UCLA and now at Georgia Tech, where he is Director of the Digital Building Lab in the College of Architecture. The Lab has eleven industry sponsors and undertakes research advancing practice for architects, contractors, owners and fabricators.
Chuck is an IT Advisor for the CIMsteel building modeling project sponsored by the American Institute of Steel Construction. He also has a project with the Precast Concrete Institute (PCI) developing a BIM standard for interoperability for all precast exchanges, funded by the Charles Pankow Foundation and the PCI. He also is working with the American Concrete Institute on BIM exchange standards for reinforced concrete. He is a member of the IFC International Technical Advisory Committee and the National Building Standard Scoping and Model Implementation Committees. He was awarded the buildingSMART Open Data Award in 2006 for his work on CIS/2. He is co-author of over 100 scholarly papers and seven books, most recently BIM Handbook, 2nd edition, published by Wiley, which has sold over 6000 copies since the first edition release in April 2008.