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Case 16

Combined Energy, Airflow, and IAQ Analysis

These publications present information related to the combined use of CONTAM with energy analysis programs including EnergyPlus and TRNSYS. This list includes those publications having NIST co-authors. Other non-NIST-related publications can be found in the literature as well.

  • Underhill, L.J., C.W. Milando, J.I. Levy, W.S. Dols, S.K. Lee, and M.P. Fabian, Simulation of indoor and outdoor air quality and health impacts following installation of energy-efficient retrofits in a multifamily housing unit. Building and Environment, 2020. 170: p. 106507.
  • Underhill, L.J., W.S. Dols, S.K. Lee, M.P. Fabian, and J.I. Levy, Quantifying the impact of housing interventions on indoor air quality and energy consumption using coupled simulation models. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 2020.
  • Alonso, M.J., W.S. Dols, and H.M. Mathisen, Using co-simulation between EnergyPlus and CONTAM to develop IAQ and energy-centric demand-controlled ventilation systems, in 40th AIVC - 8th TightVent - 6th venticool Conference. 2019: Ghent, Belgium.
  • Dols, W.S. and L.J. Underhill, Cross-platform, Public Domain Simulation Tools for Performing Parametric IAQ and Energy Analysis, in 7th International Building Physics Conference. 2018: Syracuse, NY.
  • Ng, L., D. Poppendieck, W.S. Dols, B.P. Dougherty, and S.J. Emmerich, Balancing Energy and IAQ NIST Net-Zero Energy Residential Test Facility. ASHRAE Journal, 2018. 60(4): p. 12 - 19.
  • Ng, L., D. Poppendieck, W.S. Dols, and S.J. Emmerich, Evaluating indoor air quality and energy impacts of ventilation in a net-zero energy house using a coupled model. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2018. 24(2): p. 124-134.
  • Poppendieck, D., S. Khurshid, W.S. Dols, L.C. Ng, B.J. Polidoro, and S.J. Emmerich, Formaldehyde Concentrations in a Net-Zero Energy House: Real-time Monitoring and Simulation, in Indoor Air 2016. Ghent, Belgium.
  • Dols, W.S., S.J. Emmerich, and B.J. Polidoro, Coupling the Multizone Airflow and Contaminant Transport Software CONTAM with EnergyPlus using Co-simulation. Building Simulation, 2016. 9: p. 469-479.
  • Dols, W.S., S.J. Emmerich, and B.J. Polidoro, Using coupled energy, airflow and indoor air quality software (TRNSYS/CONTAM) to evaluate building ventilation strategies. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 2016. 37(2): p. 163-175.
  • Dols, W.S., L. Wang, S.J. Emmerich, and B.J. Polidoro, Development and Application of An Updated Whole-building Coupled Thermal, Airflow and Contaminant Transport Simulation Program (TRNSYS/CONTAM). Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2015. 8(5): p. 326-337.


Created July 27, 2020, Updated March 6, 2025