NIST has practice boards and replacement parts in house and may ship fully fabricated practice task boards to teams who are accepted into the competition. In case of shipping issues, the fabrication instructions and supporting documents for the RGMC: practice task board are provided below. Teams from previous competitions may reuse their practice board since the design has not changed. Please reach out to the organizer if any replacement parts are needed.
Assembly demonstration of the RGMC practice task board
This video provides users of the RGMC task board with a description of the general steps required to assemble and disassemble the board during competition subtasks. Users of the board first prepare the competition setup by setting wires and fasteners in a dispenser of choice, randomly placing the kit layout with components placed on each location, and randomly placing the task board. (Judges will confirm the placement of kit mat and task board). Competitors then begin the competition (clock starts) by autonomously assembling the ATB using their robot system. Once completed, the competition clock is stopped. Judges record the time and check the score. Teams manually assemble the rest of the ATB to prepare for disassembly. Once the board is fully assembled, subtask 2: disassembly begins (clock starts). Team robot system disassembles the ATB by removing parts from the board and placing them in a kit tray. Once completed, the clock is stopped, and scores are recorded. [No Audio]