Additive Construction – The Path to Standardization II
August 20 - 21, 2024
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Engineering Laboratory (EL) Materials and Structural Systems Division (MSSD) studies the durability and service life of infrastructure materials (polymer, concrete, engineered composites) for resilience infrastructure applications. One of the key research focuses is the development of Additive Construction methods, materials, and measurement requirements. Additive construction by extrusion (ACE) has the potential to revolutionize construction by complimenting the existing workforce, eliminating the need to construct formwork, and enabling architectural or structural designs that cannot be achieved by standard practices. As ACE has progressed over the past few years, the development of standards has not kept pace, and the need has become essential to promote the industry and ensure safe structures.
Additive Construction - The Path to Standardization
September 26 - 27, 2023
The event brought together industry stakeholders to discuss gaps in the current standard documents and how the industry can fill these gaps. Building on a previous engagement, Roadmap for Advanced Technologies for the Digitalization of the Construction Industry sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the workshop in collaboration with the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), included presentations, discussions, and breakout sessions directed towards the current state and desired future state for the additive construction industry, R&D needs, timelines, and action items.