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Monthly Results October 2014

Monthly Result October 2014

During October 2014, the NZERTF consumed 644 kWh of electrical energy. The solar electric photovoltaic system generated 904 kWh of electricity during the month. The difference between the energy produced by the solar photovoltaic system and the energy consumed by the NZERTF, 260 kWh, was exported to the electric grid. A graphical representation of the energy consumed and generated is found in the year to date results. The following chart breaks down the total energy consumed by the house into the various end uses. For the month of October 2014 the greatest energy end use was for plug loads followed by space conditioning to maintain the house at 70 F +/- 1 F (21.1 C +/- 0.5 C. The third largest user was appliances.

A breakdown of the appliance end use into the energy consumed by individual appliances is captured in the following pie chart. During the month of October 2014 the greatest appliance energy usage was associated with the clothes dryer.

Created December 11, 2014, Updated August 25, 2016