Find out more about the type of research that we're doing in SID.
Find out about current vacancies at SID. Can't find what you're looking for here? Consult the NIST-wide job board.
SID offers many research opportunities for engineers and data scientists who share our interest in standards and measurement science.
The Systems Integration Division is part of NIST’s Engineering Laboratory advanced manufacturing thrust. Topics related to our work include:
| Industry 4.0 |
| Data Science |
| Digital Design |
| Design Automation |
| Systems Engineering |
| Operations Research |
| Sustainable Manufacturing |
| Advanced Manufacturing |
| Digital Manufacturing |
| Advanced Manufacturing |
| Model-Based Engineering |
| Data Integration |
Researchers at NIST are divided into federal employees and research associates, who collaborate with NIST staff and access user facilities. Below are current opportunities for both types of researcher. You can find other opportunities for for federal job opportunities through the NIST-wide job board. SID participates in many NIST-wide opportunities for research associates, too; find out more here.
NIST is an agency of the Department of Commerce. Our mission is to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life. NIST is the world's leader in creating critical measurement solutions and promoting equitable standards. NIST's strongly held values of perseverance, integrity, inclusivity and excellence are reflected both in our history and our current work. NIST leadership and staff will uphold these values to ensure an innovative and collaborative environment that is safe and respectful of all.
Advanced Manufacturing technologies are revolutionizing manufacturing practices globally. Advanced Manufacturing refers to the growing integration of cyber systems (e.g., databases, software) and physical systems (e.g., machine tools, robots) in production. The result is increased ability to support automation of electronic commerce and supply chain integration. Advanced Manufacturing is one of EL’s top priorities. EL performs research to ensure that new technologies (e.g., AI, wireless and 5G, sensing, data governance, 3D printing, robotics, cybersecurity, etc.) can be deployed in sound and reliable ways through standards and measurement techniques.
Advanced and Sustainable Manufacturing technologies are revolutionizing manufacturing practices globally. NIST is the US government agency charged with helping manufacturers deploy these new technologies. EL performs the scientific research to ensure the technologies can be deployed in sound and reliable ways through standards and measurement techniques. Advanced Manufacturing is one of EL’s top priority goals. Alternatively described as “Industry 4.0” or the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” Advanced Manufacturing refers to the increasing integration of cyber systems (e.g., databases, software) and physical systems (e.g., machine tools, robots) in production. The result is the growth in capabilities to support automation of electronic commerce and supply chain integration—foundations which will be necessary to foster a Circular Economy. An understanding emerging technologies surrounding this revolution (e.g., AI, wireless and 5G, sensing, data governance, 3D printing, robotics, cybersecurity, etc.) and their intersection with U.S. manufacturing (the role of technical standards) is important to facilitating this research.
Mechanical Engineer, ZP-0830-03. NIST’s Engineering Lab (EL) Life Cycle Engineering Group has research opportunities in Life Cycle Engineering focusing on industrial digitalization for sustainable and resilient manufacturing.
Below are some of our current collaborative opportunities with SID supported through the Professional Research Experience Program (PREP), Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), Summer High School Intern Program (SHIP), and Graduate Student Measurement Science and Engineering (GMSE).
Can't find what you're looking for below? The Engineering Lab has plenty of exciting opportunities for early career scientists to highly experienced researchers, from inside and outside of the US. Find out more here.
There are currently no SURF opportunities.
There are currently no SHIP opportunities.