Nepal Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology P.O. Box 985 Balaju Kathmandu Phone: (977) 1- 4950445 E-mail: info [at] (info[at]nbsm[dot]gov[dot]np)
Netherlands Nederlands Meetinstituut (NMi) Thijsseweg 11, 2629 JA Delft The Netherlands Phone: (31 88) 636 2332 E-mail: nmi [at] (nmi[at]nmi[dot]nl)
New Zealand Measurement Standards Laboratory 69 Gracefield Road Lower Hutt 5010, New Zealand Phone: (64 4) 931 3000 E-mail: info [at] (info[at]measurement[dot]govt[dot]nz)
Nicaragua Ministerio de Economía y Desarrollo Direccion General de Ciencia y Technología Del Sandy's Carretera a Masaya 1 1/2 c. Arriba Managua Phone: (505) 2774 671 Fax: (505) 2774 671 E-mail: labal [at] (labal[at]ns[dot]tmx[dot]ni)
Norway Norwegian Metrology and Accreditation Service PO Box 170 2027 Kjeller Norway Phone: 874 761 192 E-mail: postmottak [at] (postmottak[at]justervesenet[dot]no)
Pakistan Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) PSQCA, Complex Plot No. St-7/A, Block-3, Scheme No. 36 Gulistan-e-Juhar, Karachi Phone: 021-99333901 E-mail: dgeneral [at] (dgeneral[at]psqca[dot]com[dot]pk) National Metrology Institute Plot # 16, Sector H-9/1 Islamabad Phone: (92) 051-9265168 Fax: (92) 051-9265162
Panama Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias Plaza Edison, Sector el Paical Pisos 2 y 3 Ciudad de Panamá Phone: (507) 560-0600 E-mail: contactenos [at] (contactenos[at]mici[dot]gob[dot]pa) Centro Nacional de Metrologia de Panamá (CENAMEP) Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (SENACYT) Edificio 205, Ciudad del Saber Clayton Panamá, República de Panamá Phone: (507) 517 0014 E-mail: info [at] (info[at]senacyt[dot]gob[dot]pa)
Paraguay Instituto Nacional de Tecnología y Normalización (INTN) Avda. Gral. Artigas 3973 c/ Gral. Roa Asunción Phone: (595) 2129 0160 | (595) 2129 0266 Fax: (595) 21290873 E-mail: intn [at] (intn[at]intn[dot]gov[dot]py)
Peru Servicio Nacional de Metrologia Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Proteccion de la Propriedad Intelectual Calle de la Prosa No. 138 P.O. Box 145 San Borja, Lima 41 Phone: (511) 224 7777 Fax: (511) 224 0348
Philippines National Metrology Laboratory (NMLPHIL) Industrial Technology Development Institute DOST Compound, Gen. Santos Avenue Bicutan, Taguig Metro Manila Phone: (632) 837 2071 Fax: (632) 837 3167 E-mail: nmlphil [at] (nmlphil[at]dost[dot]gov[dot]ph)
Poland Central Office of Measures Ul. Elektoralna 2 00-139, Warsaw Phone: (48 22) 620 02 41 Fax: (48 22) 620 83 78 E-mail: gum [at] (gum[at]gum[dot]gov[dot]pl)
Portugal Laboratório Central de Metrologia Instituto Português da Qualidade (IPQ) Rua C à Avenida dos Três Vales 2825 Monte de Caparica Portugal Phone: (351 1) 294 81 97 Fax: (351 1) 294 81 88 E-mail: SPR [at] IPQM.IPQ.GTW-MS.MAILPAC.PT (SPR[at]IPQM[dot]IPQ[dot]GTW-MS[dot]MAILPAC[dot]PT)
Romania National Institute of Metrology 042 122, Bucharesti Sos. Vitan-Bârzesti, nr. 11 Sector 4 Phone: (40 21) 334 5020 Fax: (40 21 )334 5533 E-mail: office [at] (office[at]inm[dot]ro)
Russia State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (GOSSTANDART) 9, Leninsky Prospect Moscow 117049 Phone: (7 095) 236 7560 Fax: (7 095) 236 6231 E-mail: info [at] (info[at]gost[dot]ru) All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Physical and Radio-Technical Measurements (VNIIFTRI) Mendeleevo, Solnechnogorsky district Moscow Region 141570 Phone: (7 095) 535 9210, (7 095) 535 2401 Fax: (7 095) 535 9334, (7 095) 535 7386 E-mail: admin [at] (admin[at]vniiftri[dot]ru) All-Russian Research Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements (VNIIOFI) 46, Ozernaya str. 119361 Moscow Phone: (7 095) 437 5633 Fax: (7 095) 437 3147 E-mail: vniiofi [at] (vniiofi[at]vniiofi[dot]ru) D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM) 19, Moscovsky prospect 190005 St. Petersburg Phone: (7 812) 251 7601 Fax: (7 812) 113 0114 E-mail: info [at] (info[at]vniim[dot]ru) All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrological Service (VNIIMS) 46, Ozernaya str. 119361 Moscow Phone: (7 095) 437 5577 Fax: (7 095) 437 5666 E-mail: info [at] (info[at]vniims[dot]ru) Urals Scientific Research Institute of Metrology (UNIIM) 4, str. Krasnoarmeiskaya 620219, Ekaterinburg, GSP-824 Phone: (7 3432) 552 618 Fax: (7 3432) 552 039 E-mail: lamsis [at] (lamsis[at]mail[dot]ru) Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Metrology (SNIIM) pr. Dimitrova, 4 Novosibirsk 630004 Phone: (7 3832) 100814 Fax: (7 3832) 101 360 All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Flowrate Measurement (VNIIR) 4, Yakovlev Av., Cheboksary, Chuvashia 428024 Phone: (7 8352) 39 00 02 Fax: (7 8352) 39 00 01 E-mail: %20vniir [at] (vniir[at]vniir[dot]ru) "Dalnostandart" Scientific and Production Amalgamatic (NPO "Dalnostandart") 65, str. K. Marksa 680000, Khabarovsk Phone: (7 4212) 329 268 Fax: (7 4212) 325 504 E-mail: dalstandart [at] (dalstandart[at]poli[dot]khv[dot]ru) Eastern-Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Physico-Technical and Radiotechnical Measurements (VNIIFTRI) 57, str. Borodina 664018, Irkutsk Phone: (7 3952) 460 303 Fax: (73952) 393 848 E-mail: director [at] (director[at]vniiftri[dot]ru) All-Russian Scientific Research Centre of Standardization, Information and Certification of Raw Materials, Materials and Substances (VNICSMV) 21, str. Dolgorukovskaya 103006, Moscow Phone: (7 095) 978 0190 Fax: (7 095) 978 6877 E-mail: str [at] (str[at]stinfo[dot]msk[dot]su) | Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO) Imam Saud Bin Abdul Aziz Bin Mohammed Road (West End) P.O. Box 3437 Riyadh 11471 Phone: (966 1) 452 0000 Fax: (966 1) 452 0086 E-mail: Enquiries [at] (Enquiries[at]saso[dot]org[dot]sa)
Seychelles Seychelles Bureau of Standards P. O. Box 953, Victoria, Mahé Republic of Seychelles Phone: (248) 380 400 Fax : (248) 375 151 E-mail: sbsorg [at]
Singapore A*Star 1 Science Park Drive Singapore 118221 Phone: (65) 6279 1900 Fax: (65) 6279 1992 E-mail: metrology [at] (metrology[at]nmc[dot]a-star[dot]edu[dot]sg)
Slovak Republic Slovak Institute of Metrology Karloveská st. 63 842 55 Bratislava Phone: (421 2) 60294 113 Fax: (421 2) 65429 592 E-mail: smu [at] (smu[at]smu[dot]gov[dot]sk)
Slovenia Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia Kotnikova ulica 38 SI-1000 Ljubljana Phone: (386 1) 478 43 73 Fax: (386 1) 478 43 41 E-mail: mirs [at] (mirs[at]gov[dot]si)
South Africa National Metrology Laboratory, CSIR P.O. Box 395 Pretoria 0001 Phone: (27 12) 841 4152 Fax: (27 12) 841 2131 E-mail: nml [at] (nml[at]csir[dot]co[dot]za) South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) Private Bag X191 Pretoria 0001 Phone: (27 12) 428 6925 Fax: (27 12) 344 1568 E-mail: info [at] (info[at]sabs[dot]co[dot]za)
Spain Centro Español de Metrologia Del Alfar, 2 28760 Tres Cantos Madrid Phone: (34) 91 8074 700 Fax: (34) 91 8074 807 E-mail: cem [at] (cem[at]cem[dot]es)
St. Kitts and Nevis Ministry of Development Planning Unit P.O. Box 186 Government of St. Kitts Phone: (869) 465 2521 Fax: (869) 465 5202 E-mail: sknpmoffice [at] (sknpmoffice[at]caribsurf[dot]com)
St. Lucia Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards Heraldine Rock Bldg., 4th Floor John Compton Highway, CP5412 Castries Phone: (758) 453 0049 Fax: (758) 452 3561 E-mail: info [at] (info[at]slbs[dot]org[dot]lc)
St. Vincent and Grenadines St. Vincent and Grenadines Bureau of Standards Campden Park Industrial Site Box 1506, Kingstown, VC0100 St. Vincent and the Grenadines Phone: (784) 457 8092 Fax: (784) 457 8175 E-mail: office.svgbs [at] (office[dot]svgbs[at]mail[dot]gov[dot]vc)
Suriname Metrology Unit Department of Trade and Industry P.O. Box 794 Paramaribo Phone: (597) 403 580 Fax: (597) 402 602
Sweden Swedish National Testing and Research Institute Box 857 SE-50115 15 Borås Phone: (46 33) 16 5000 Fax: (46 33) 13 5502 E-mail: info [at] (info[at]sp[dot]se)
Switzerland Swiss Federal Office of Metrology and Accreditation Lindenweg 50 CH-3003 Bern-Wabern Phone: (41 31) 323 3111 Fax: (41 31) 323 3210 E-mail: info [at] (info[at]metas[dot]ch) |