Goals | Objectives | Key Messaging | Call for Commitments | Get Involved | Planning Committee
Cybersecurity Career Week is a campaign to promote the discovery of cybersecurity careers and share resources that increase understanding of multiple learning pathways and credentials that lead to careers that are identified in the Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework). During this week, academia, industry, non-profit organizations, and the government will work to build awareness about the wide range of cybersecurity job opportunities, educate interested individuals on how to develop capabilities to qualify for cybersecurity roles, and showcase how building a cybersecurity workforce enhances the nation’s security and promotes economic prosperity.
Download an overview of Cybersecurity Career Week for more details and additional ideas on how to support the week-long campaign.
Demystify Careers in Cybersecurity
Develop a Highly Skilled and Diverse Workforce
A Cybersecurity Career Week commitment is your opportunity to join us in observing Cybersecurity Career Week. You can host an event, distribute career awareness materials, or post to social media. Be creative. We welcome your efforts to inspire, educate, and engage members of the community, children through adults, to pursue careers in cybersecurity. Commitments come in all sizes and don’t always require financial investment. Your commitment will be added to our online Event and Activity Portal so others can share in your efforts.
There are many ways to participate in the Cybersecurity Career Week movement. Examples include:
The Cybersecurity Career Week Planning Committee helps establish an annual theme and messaging; plan in-person and virtual competitions, open houses and field trips, and other networking activities; develop resources and materials; facilitate mentoring connections; promote Cybersecurity Career Week messages as well as events; and serve as ambassadors in promoting career opportunities in cybersecurity.
Maureen Lawrence-Kuether
Virginia Polytechnic University
Daniel P. Manson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Fran Bromley-Norwood
Clark County School District
David Raymond
Virginia Polytechnic University
Connie Bragg
Brian Correia
Jeff Grace
Critical Infrastructure
Rasha Horn
Critical Infrastructure
Mai Nguyen
DTCC Tampa
Kelly Arnold
US Department of Defense
Susana Barraza
Jennifer Dooley
U.S. Department of Defense
Ashley Greeley
US Department of Defense
Jim Means
US Department of Education
Davina Pruitt-Mentle
Karl Sickendick
United States Air Force
Cybersecurity Career Week Toolkit
Click here for more resources!