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Displaying 1 - 25 of 216

RM 8376 Microbial Pathogen DNA Standards for Detection and Identification

RM 8376 consists of 20 individual gDNA components from 19 bacterial strains and 1 human reference genome. Its purpose is to enable developers and regulators to evaluate the analytical performance of metagenomic next generation sequencing (mNGS) tools. The material is certified for chromosomal copy

AAPS Interlaboratory Study: Protein Aggregation and Immunogenicity

To ensure the safety and efficacy of protein-based biotherapeutics, manufacturers strive to avoid unwanted immune responses caused by the biotherapeutic. Protein immunogenicity is a complex topic and depends on multiple factors related to the product, patient profile, and treatment. 1 , 2

Advanced Data Exchange Standards for the Biomanufacturing Supply Chain

Objective The objective of this project is to develop measurement science that includes methods, workflow models, information meta-models, interoperability metrics, and prototype tools to help U.S. manufacturers reduce the time and cost associated with making supply chain data accessible for better

Advanced Magnetic Imaging

Ultra-low field (ULF) MRI MRI systems are widely used for clinical diagnostics where imaging is typically done in high-field magnets ranging from 1.5 T to 7 T to achieve a manageable signal-to-noise ratio needed for short imaging times (few minutes) and high resolution (1 mm or less). Ultra-low

Advanced Materials Metrology

Electromagnetic devices cannot operate without the interaction of electromagnetic waves with materials, and the characterization of the interface between fields and materials will be a critical task for any device or metrology development from nanoscale to larger scales. Areas of impact over the

Advanced Spectral Analysis: Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy (2DCOS)

When a series of spectra are acquired from a sample as a function of temperature, pressure, electric field strength, concentration, or any experimental parameters, conventional spectral analysis is performed by monitoring the intensity change at a specific frequency. However, such a single frequency

Assay Development for Cell-Free Expression Systems

Current practices for characterizing cell-free expression systems are limited and unsuitable to advance these technologies beyond the state-of-the-art. To meet this measurement need, the Cellular Engineering Group is developing quantitative assays to benchmark cell extracts, reagents, and cell-free

Assessing the Environmental, Health and Safety Impact of Nanoparticles

Impact Nanomaterials have already been incorporated into a large range of commercial products including pharmaceuticals, sunscreens, automobile additives, personal care products, detergents and plastics. Although nanotechnology is changing the way we live, the accidental release of nanomaterials

Bioelectronic Sensors for Tissue/Organ-on-a-Chip Systems

We apply our expertise in micro/nanofabrication, electrokinetics and cell-based assays to develop bioelectronic sensors in microfluidic platforms. We are working on a platform that entraps cells for electrochemical monitoring in an environment that has mechanical properties more similar to those

Biofabrication of Tissue Engineered Constructs

OCT imaging was assessed using a model scaffold-cell system consisting of a polysaccharide-based hydrogel seeded with human Jurkat cells. Four test systems were used: hydrogel seeded with live cells, hydrogel seeded with heat-shocked or fixed dead cells and hydrogel without any cells. Time series

Biofilm Models to Evaluate Structure-Function Relationships

Biofilms are complex 3D microbial structures that exist throughout nature including on our skin and gut mucosa, in waterways, and in soil. They are typically composed of multiple microbial species surrounded by proteins, polysaccharides, and extracellular DNA woven together into a hydrated matrix


Imaging and image analysis are used ubiquitously in biological and biomedical research. One of the great advantages of imaging is its intuitive information content; much can be learned from just a glance at the data. On the other hand, these data generally contain a very large amount of untapped

Biomanufacturing Initiative

The objective of the NIST biomanufacturing program is to support US biopharmaceutical industry delivery of high quality and low cost protein drugs around the world. The mission is fulfilled through the development of standards, measurement science, and state of the art tools that support advances in

Biomaterials for Oral Health

NIST along with its partners has a long commitment to scientific excellence with demonstrated impact in improving the oral health of the public. NIST researchers are leaders in this field and create a community by engaging other researchers, industry, and regulatory agencies to address urgent needs

Bioprocessing Laboratory

Current Capabilities Computer controlled liquid nitrogen biostorage system Two culture areas including 4 monitored CO2 incubators 2 Six-foot BSLII biosafety cabinets Measurements- cell count and concentration, STR typing, flow cytometry, cell volume size distribution, conventional transmission and

Biosecurity for Synthetic Nucleic Acid Sequences

Emerging biotechnology, enabled by the ability to genetically engineer biological systems similar to the way we write software and program computers, can provide solutions to many pressing societal needs related to health, food security, supply chain resilience, and job growth for economic and

Biosurveillance and Pathogen Detection

NIST has established partnerships with other federal agencies to develop standards and measurement solutions to support biosurveillance. These efforts are supported in part through interagency agreements with partner agencies listed below to address their standards needs. PROGRAMS Standards for

Broadband Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (BCARS) Microscopy

Impact There is a need for label-free chemical microscopy in medicine, biology and materials science. Most of the current methods use chemical labels that often disturb the distribution and nature of chemical components being investigated. The method we are developing enables noninvasive and rapid

Building Measurement Confidence for Cell Characterization

NIST collaborates with key stakeholders in industry, other government agencies, and academia to develop measurement assurance strategies and advanced measurement capabilities for cell characterization. Data and concepts developed through workshops and laboratory programs inform the development of

Cancer Biomarker Measurements and Collaborations

Collaborations and Cooperative Research Agreements We welcome collaborations and can help with assay validation and development of reference materials. Below are some examples of our collaborations and ways we can develop test materials. Early Detection Research Network (EDRN): Interagency agreement

Cancer Genome in a Bottle

Goals: This project is an extension of the Genome in a Bottle Consortium to develop the technical infrastructure (reference standards, reference methods, and reference data) to enable translation of cancer genome sequencing to clinical practice and innovations in technologies. The priority of GIAB

Cardiac Device Reliability

Impact and Customers This project will reduce the need for surgeries to replace failed implants, thereby improving safety and quality of life for implant recipients and reducing medical expense to society. It will provide assessment tools for the external electronic devices that support the