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Displaying 51 - 65 of 65

Prototype Cell Assay Measurement Platform (P-CAMP)

A systematic approach to the development of robust biological assay includes identifying and ranking the sources of variability in an assay protocol. With a focus on mammalian cellular assays, the Prototype Cell Assay Measurement Platform ( P-CAMP) laboratory was designed and built to take advantage

Quantification of Cells with Specific Phenotypic Characteristics

Internationally recognized and validated reference standards are currently not available in the field of cellular phenotyping by flow cytometry. The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued an open letter to the manufacturers of CD4 + T-cell enumeration technologies for the HIV/AIDS epidemic

Quantitative, Cell-based Immunofluorescence Assays

Analysis of signaling events within individual cells with microscopy imaging has several advantages over non-imaging techniques. The principal advantage of imaging cytometry over plate reader assays and even other single cell techniques such as flow cytometry is the potential for collection of

RMAT Laboratory Programs

Examples of Current Activities: Cell Counting and viability are key measurements critical for decision making from R&D to manufacturing. We recently developed an approach for evaluating the quality of cell counting measurements through experimental design and statistical analysis that does not

Serology and Neutralization Assays for COVID-19

Multiplexed bead-based SARS-CoV-2 serological assay We have developed a validated multiplexed bead-based SARS-CoV-2 serological assay that measures different antibodies produced by a patient (IgG, IgM, IgA). In collaboration with the NIST Applied and Computational Mathematics Division, we have

Standards for Metagenomics

Metagenomics is a powerful technology combining high-throughput (a.k.a. “next-generation”) sequencing with advanced bioinformatics to identify and quantify mixtures of organisms in a sample. Metagenomics workflows consist of 4 main steps: Sample collection: location, amount, storage, etc. Extraction

Stem Cell Metrology: WSDOM

Stem cells are critical starting materials for advanced therapies and diagnostic devices. The most commonly used are induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) which can be created with any individual’s skin cells, and then can be coaxed to become cells for any tissue of the body. Therapies and

Synthetic Biology

New measurement methods and tools are required for biology to emerge fully as an enabling, practical platform for engineering. The Cellular Engineering Group works to provide a foundation of measurement assurance to support the control and rational design of biological function. Through state of the

Synthetic Fecal Metabolite Calibrant Solution (RGTM 10212)

Metabolomics is an exciting and dynamic field in life sciences that harnesses cutting-edge technologies to identify and characterize small molecules, or metabolites, within cells, tissues, or organisms, collectively known as the metabolome. The wealth of evidence in the literature underscores the

Thermodynamic Principles Describe and Predict Cell Populations

Heterogeneity of cell populations indicates the many ways cells can process information. We study heterogeneity in gene expression by inserting a gene for a fluorescent protein downstream of the gene we are interested in, and we examine large numbers of cells by imaging or flow cytometry. We think

Tissue Engineering

Tissue Engineering Measurands: Tissue engineering measurands are confusing to discuss and a charting method to improve communication is demonstrated. Measurement Assurance Strategies for Regenerative Medicine: Reliable methods for assessing product consistency and quality. Regenerative Medicine

Tissue Engineering Measurands

Making a Measurand Chart: A measurand chart can be created for any measurement by writing down all the measurands that occur during the measurement. The panels should not be procedural steps, such as “wash the sample with buffer” or “centrifuge the microfuge tubes”. Consider if the measurement has a

Validating A.I. Pipelines for Analysis of Live Cell Image Data

We are exploring methods for very high-speed cell image data collection, which is enabling the repeated sampling of thousands of cells every 2 minutes. Rapid sampling allow us to observe dynamic processes in cells (such as cell division) on a relevant time scale. Such rates of sampling allows us to