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Displaying 26 - 50 of 81

Genome in a Bottle

Consortium goals: The Genome in a Bottle Consortium is a public-private-academic consortium hosted by NIST to develop the technical infrastructure (reference standards, reference methods, and reference data) to enable translation of whole human genome sequencing to clinical practice and innovations

Impact Metrics

In response to h-index requests from NIST management and staff, Library staff provide comprehensive publication analysis studies and reports that ensure the h-index is put in proper context as one of several ways to assess the impact of an individual or group. The Library can also compile non

Interdisciplinary Projects

Current: DARPA CCU (Computational Cultural Understanding) ​ Past: IARPA MATERIAL (Machine Translation for English Retrieval of Information in Any Language) DARPA LORELEI (Low Resource Languages for Emergent Incidents) and LoReHLT (Low Resource Human Language Technologies) DARPA BOLT (Broad

Key Comparisons and International Interlaboratory Studies Project

Key comparisons serve as the technical basis for the MRA and must therefore accurately reflect the true relationships between measurement systems maintained by NMI's belonging to the CIPM. The results of key comparisons must also be extensible to members of Regional Metrology Organizations (RMO's)

Knowledge Facilitation Project

As we grow to rely on the data in our computers, and that data is shared more frequently, the need for security of that data also grows. Our staff depends upon the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data we store and process for them. Confidentiality refers to allowing access to our

Machine Learning: Educating the Next Generation Materials Workforce

Annual Bootcamp: Machine Learning for Materials Research (MLMR) The fifth annual MLMR met in the summer of 2020 with 180 attendees from 12 countries, 30% of whom were from industry. Over the 5 years of the bootcamp, we have had attendees from a total of 19 countries. We also run tutorials at MRS

Measurement Services (SRMs and Calibrations)

The objective of this project is assure that certifications and uncertainty statements associated with NIST Standard Reference Materials are on a solid scientific foundation. SRMs are artifacts or chemical mixtures that are manufactured according to strict specifications, and are then certified by


A Metrology Exchange to Innovate in Semiconductors

Metrology for Cardiac Leads

Quantifying cardiac lead reliability is not an easy task because of the vastly different conditions under which leads must operate under when installed in a human body. The committee is actively involved in many aspects of cardiac lead reliability including: gage repeatability and reproducibility

metRology for Microsoft Excel

DESCRIPTION: The current version of the metRology for Microsoft Excel add-in focuses on uncertainty analysis using the methods outlined in the JCGM Guide the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (often referred to as the GUM). These methods for uncertainty analysis are widely accepted and their

metRology Software Project

DESCRIPTION: The current version of the metRology package focuses on statistical functions for uncertainty analysis and for the analysis of interlaboratory studies and key comparisons. A number of the functions focus on uncertainty analysis using the methods outlined in the JCGM Guide to the

Modeling Dispersion Rheology for Non-Spherical Particles

The goal of this MGI project is to establish an interactive database, generated by sophisticated modeling, such as dissipative particle dynamics and smooth particle hydrodynamics, to compute the rheological properties of polymer composites, where interaction among inclusions, inclusion particle

NIST Materials Resource Registry

The MRR is a comprehensive inventory of high-level data collections, repositories, databases, tools, software, and services useful to materials research and design but located anywhere in the world. Its specialization for Materials Science is in the domain-specific metadata and vocabulary it can

NIST/SEMATECH Engineering Statistics Handbook

Description: The project began with a request from SEMATECH, a consortium of major U.S. semiconductor manufacturers, to update the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) Handbook 91, Experimental Statistics. Handbook 91, written by Mary Natrella of the NBS Statistical Engineering Lab, was a best-selling

NRC Postdoctoral Associate Program

Description: The Statistical Engineering Division (SED), within the Information Technology Laboratory, serves primarily as a research and consulting group working with the NIST scientific staff. Members of the Division engage in research in the areas of statistical graphics, reliability, linear

Ontologies and Interoperability in Evolutionary Comparative Analysis

Intended impact Nearly all scientists who regularly use online resources on genes, proteins and genomes make use of comparative data to advance biomedical research. For instance, researchers often make useful inferences by comparing human genes (as well as proteins, reactions, interactions, pathways

A Point Process Model for Evacuation Flows: The Hawkes Mode

Results from a case study of evacuations of 14 office and residential buildings in the United States led us to model occupant exit times as a Hawkes point process, N(t). N(t) the number of evacuee exits in the time interval (0,t]. Because the Hawkes model is self-similar, human to human interaction

Publishing Services

The NIST Research Library occupies the unique position of serving NIST both as publisher of the NIST Technical Series, and in an archival capacity, responsible for collecting and preserving copies of NIST's grey literature. Over the last 15 years, the Library's publishing services have evolved from

Quantifying Uncertainty in Accelerometer Sensitivity Studies

DESCRIPTION: International Key Comparisons are performed. The key comparison reference value for charge sensitivity as a function of frequency and the accompanying uncertainty are the principal objectives of these studies. In a suggested mixed effects model several methods for evaluation of this

Radiative Decay of the Neutron

When a neutron decays by its radiative decay (RDK) mode, it produces a photon with a energy spectrum predicted by Quantum Electrodynamics. These RDK photons deposit energy in scintillators which produce voltage pulses in Avalanche Photo Diodes. We are developing nonlinear calibration models to