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Displaying 1 - 25 of 38

Additive Manufacturing Part Qualification

Objective To develop and deploy test methods and protocols, standard test artifacts, exemplar data, data processing tools, and automation tools that create robust post-process measurements and non-destructive testing to enable qualification of AM parts by manufacturers. What is the Problem? To

Advanced Materials Characterization

This program seeks to continually enhance the analytical competence of MML and other major operating units at NIST. Furthermore, the program makes available technical capabilities that U.S. industry and government need in their quest to compete on a global scale through improving methods and

Advanced Materials Design: Structural Applications

Designing New High Temperature Co Superalloys In collaboration with the NIST CHiMaD center, an ICME approach in being used to develop new Co superalloys that are strengthened using an ordered FCC (L1 2) phase (similar to the related Ni-based superalloys). The design goals for these alloys include

Advanced Microscopy for Trace and Bulk Particle Characterization

The goal of this project is to help develop innovative metrologies and measurement protocols for micro/nano-scale analysis of particles. In this project, state-of-the-art optical and electron-based microscopy are used to conduct research for quantitative and qualitative analysis of chemical

Assessing Pyrrhotite in Concrete

Objective Develop a standard test method and a set of calibration reference materials to quantify pyrrhotite in concrete; document pyrrhotite/aggregate/concrete reactions and rates so that the most deleterious reactions can be efficiently reduced or eliminated; and evaluate proposed mitigation

Autonomous Scanning Droplet Cell

Corrosion impacts a broad spectrum of application areas including infrastructure, transportation, and the military. The annual price tag for corrosion mitigation and remediation is 3.4 % of the US GDP. The team is particularly interested in discovering new metallic glasses (metals without long range

Biofabrication of Tissue Engineered Constructs

OCT imaging was assessed using a model scaffold-cell system consisting of a polysaccharide-based hydrogel seeded with human Jurkat cells. Four test systems were used: hydrogel seeded with live cells, hydrogel seeded with heat-shocked or fixed dead cells and hydrogel without any cells. Time series

Biomaterials for Oral Health

NIST along with its partners has a long commitment to scientific excellence with demonstrated impact in improving the oral health of the public. NIST researchers are leaders in this field and create a community by engaging other researchers, industry, and regulatory agencies to address urgent needs

A Comparison of WD-EPMA Heterogeneity Testing Procedures

X-ray stage mapping (XSM) can be used to determine the extent of heterogeneity on the micron scale though it is more time consuming and not as accurate as the more rigorous NIST random-point (RP) testing procedure. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the advantage of the latter procedure

Electronic Material Characterization

Manufacturing optimized devices that incorporate newly-emerging materials requires predictable performance throughout device lifetimes. Unexpected degradation in device performance, sometimes leading to failure, is often traceable to poor material reliability. Reliability is rooted in the stability

Hierarchical Materials

The STG develops the methods and metrology that will lead to the understanding of the structure-property relationships of hierarchical composites in real medical PPE or protective applications, which heretofore has been lacking. This work establishes in situ monitoring of advanced manufacturing

Measurement Techniques for Membranes and Membrane Proteins

Use of synthetic cell membrane mimics allow simplification and complete control of a complicated system, and incorporation of selected elements under physiological conditions. We are furthering a technology originally developed at NIST using model lipid membranes supported on surfaces for

Measurements of Point-Defect Chemistry in Complex Oxides

Project Goal: To develop magnetic resonance, x-ray absorption, electron diffraction, and electrical conductivity measurements to better characterize dilute concentrations of point defects in oxide materials and effectively correlate electro-mechanical properties to measured defect chemistry. Oxide

Metrologies for Non-linear Materials in Impact Mitigation

Overview This project develops fundamental structure-property measurements on model materials and novel material chemistries from quasi-static to dynamic rates. The goal is to foster a materials by design approach for novel energy dissipation and force re-direction mechanisms. Processing-Structure

Metrology for Multi-Physics AM Model Validation

Objective To provide reference data for the validation of multi-physics models of metal additive manufacturing processes to enable improvement of AM process models and more rapid and predictable process development for AM production by manufacturers. What is the Technical Idea? The Metrology for

Metrology for Real-Time Monitoring of Additive Manufacturing

Objective To develop and disseminate metrology methods, tools, data, and standards applied to in-situ monitoring of AM processes, such that manufacturers and their customers can accurately and precisely determine the quality of the fabrication process and resulting parts. What is the Technical Idea

Microplastic and Nanoplastic Metrology

The Micro and Nanoplastic (MNP) Metrology Project aims to develop a toolbox of methods for size-based separations from complex matrices, chemical characterization protocols, and test materials necessary to enable quantification of micro- and nano-sized plastic particles, a need articulated by our

Microstructure-Property Tools for Structure-Property Design

Microstructure-level Structure-Property Tools OOF: Finite Element Analysis of Microstructures enables materials scientists calculate macroscopic properties from images of real or simulated microstructures. It reads an image, assigns material properties to features in the image, and conducts virtual

Multifunctional 3D Printable Polymer-Metal Composites

Recent advances in additive manufacturing (AM) have positioned metals and polymers as two key materials. Typically, AM of these two materials involves incompatible methods and conditions. The novel multifunctional polymer-metal composites in this project incorporate low-melting alloys with