- M. Zammaraano, P.H. Maupin, L. Sung, J. W. Gilman, E.D. McCarthy, Y.S. Kim, D. M. Fox, "Revealing the Interface in Polymer Nanocomposites," ACS Nano, 2011 Apr 26;5(4):3391-9.
- Sung, Y. Pang, S.S. Watson and A.M. Forster, "Mapping Heterogeneity in NanoTiO2/ Polymer Coatings Using Confocal Microscopy and Depth Sensing Indentation," Proceeding of the 239th American Chemical Society Meeting, ACS Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, 102, San Francisco, CA, March 21-25, 2010.
- Y. Pang, S. Watson, A. Forster, and L. Sung, "Correlating Nanoparticle Dispersion to Surface Mechanical Properties of TiO2/Polymer Composites," in Mechanical Behavior at Small Scales — Experiments and Modeling, edited by J. Lou, E. Lilleodden, B. Boyce, L. Lu, P.M. Derlet, D. Weygand, J. Li, M.D. Uchic, E. Le Bourhis (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Volume 1224, Warrendale, PA, 2010) 1224-FF10-16.
- L. Sung, D. Zhe, A.M. Forster, P. Krommenhoek, N.L. Lin, S. Lin-Gibson, "Effect of Nano-Silica Fillers on Surface Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Polymer-Silica Composites," Proceeding of the 238th American Chemical Society Meeting, ACS Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, 101, 889, 2009. Washington DC, August 16-20, 2009.
- N. J. Lin, H. Hu, L. Sung, and S. Lin-Gibson, "Quantification of cell response to polymeric composites using a two-dimensional gradient platform," Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 12(6), 619-625, 2009.
- S. Lin-Gibson, L. Sung, A.M. Forster, H. Hu, and N.J. Lin, " Effects of filler type and content on mechanical properties of dental composites determined by using a two-dimensional gradient platform," Acta Biomaterialia 5, 2084-2094, 2009.
- L. Sung, and H. Hu, "Characterizing Scratch Appearance on Polymer Coatings and Plastics :Effects of Illumination and Pigment Color," Proceedings of FSCT -NPCA 2009 CoatingsTech Conference, Indianapolis, IN, April 28-29, 2009.
- A.M. Forster, C. A. Michaels, L. Sung, J. Lucas, Modulus and Chemical Mapping of Multi-layer Coatings, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 1 (3), pp 597–603, 2009.
- J. K. Delaney, E. R. de la Rie, M. Elias, L. Sung, and K. M. Morales, "The role of varnishes in modifying light reflection from rough paint surfaces-A study using laser scanning confocal microscopy," Studies in Conservation, 53, 170-186, 2008.
- L. Sung, J. Comer, A. M. Forster, H. Hu, B. Floryancic, L. Brickweg, and R.H. Fernando, "Impact of Nanoparticles on the Scratch Behavior of a Polyurethane Coating," Chapter 12, in ACS Symposium Series1008: Nanotechnology Applications in Coatings, Eds: R. Fernando, L. Sung, ACS/Oxford University Press, Washington DC, June 2009. [ ISBN 978-0-8412-7448-8]
- L. Sung, X. Gu, C. Clerici, H. Hu, V. Delaurent, "Metrologies for Characterizing Optical Properties of Clear and Pigmented Coatings," in Service Life Prediction for Polymeric Materials: Global Perspectives, Eds: J. Martin, R. Ryntz, J. Chin, R. Dickie, Chapter 17, 257-272, Springer Press, 2009. [ISBN 978-0-387-84875-4]
- L. Sung, X. Gu, C. Clerici, H. Hu, E. Loizou, and D.L. Ho, "Effect of Pigment Dispersion on Optical Properties and Durability of a TiO2 Pigmented Epoxy Coating," Chapter 23, pp 276-286, in ACS 1004 / Polymer Degradation and Performance, Eds: M.C. Celina, J. Wiggins, and N. Billingham, ACS/Oxford University Press, Washington DC, Dec. 2008. [ISBN 978-0-8412-6978-1]
- L. Sung, X. Gu, H. Hu, C. Clerici, and and Vincent Delaurent, "Metrologies for Characterizing Optical Properties of Clear and Pigmented Coatings," Proceedings of 4th InternationalSymposium on Service Life Prediction of Coatings (Key Largo, FL, Dec. 2006), to be published in 2008
- C. Clerici, X. Gu, L. Sung, P. Stutzman, A. M. Forster, T. Nguyen and J. W. Martin, "Effect of Pigment Dispersion on Durability of a TiO2 Pigmented Epoxy Coating During Outdoor Exposure," submitted to Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Service Life Prediction of Coatings (Key Largo, FL, Dec. 2006), to be published in 2008.
- L. Sung, J. Comer, A. M. Forster, H. Hu, B. Floryancic, L. Brickweg, and R.H. Fernando, "Scratch Behavior of Nano-Alumina/Polyurethane Coatings" J. Coat. Technol. Res., accepte (2008)
- A. M. Forster, C. A. Michaels, J. Lucas, L. Sung, "Interfacial Characterization of Multiple Layer Coatings on Thermoplastic Olefins (TPO)" submitted to 2007 MRS Meeting Proceedings, AA Symposium: Fundamentals of Nanoindentation and Nanotribology IV (2008)
- L. Sung, C. Clerici, H. Hu, and X. Gu, "Relating Optical Properties to Pigment Dispersion of Weathered Pigmented Polymeric Coatings," FSCT•ICE 2007 Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting Technical Program, The Metro Toronto Convection Centre, Toronto, Ont, Canada, October 3-5, 2007
- X. Gu, L. Sung, B. Kidah, M. Oudina, V. Delaurent, H. Hu, D. Stanley, W. E. Byrd, J. Y.C. Jean1, T. Nguyen and J. W. Martin, "Multiscale Physical Characterization of a UV-degraded Polymeric Coating System," Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting Technical Program, The Metro Toronto Convection Centre, Toronto, Ont, Canada, October 3-5, 2007
- X. Gu, C.A. Michaels, P.L. Drzal, J. Jasmin, D. Martin, T. Nguyen, and J. W. Martin, "Probing photodegradation beneath the surface: a depth profiling study of UV-degraded polymeric coatings with microchemical imaging and nanoindentation," FSCT•ICE 2006 Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting Technical Program, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA, November 1-3, 2006. And J. Coat. Technol. Res., 4(4) p154 (2007)
- L. Sung,J. Comer, A. M. Forster, H. Hu, B. Floryancic, L. Brickweg, and R.H. Fernando, "Impact of Nanoparticles on the Scratch Behavior of Polymeric Coatings" 232nd American Chemical Society Meeting, Polymers Preprint (2006)
- L. Sung, A. M. Forster, C. Michaels, J. Comer, and P.L. Drzal, "Correlating Surface Morphology to Damage Response in Polymer Coatings through Instrumented Scratch Testing," FSCT•ICE 2006 Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting Technical Program, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA, November 1-3, 2006
- X. Gu, C.A. Michaels, D. Nguyen, Y.C. Jean, J.W. Martin and T. Nguyen, "Surface and Interface Properties of PVDF/Acrylic Copolymer Blends Before and After UV Exposure," Appl. Surf. Sci. 252, 5168 (2006)
- X. Gu, P.L. Votruba-Drzal, C.A. Michaels, J. Jasmin, D. Martin, T. Nguyen, and J.W. Martin, "Mechanical and Depth Profiling of UV-Degraded Polymeric Systems Using Nanoindentation and Micro-FTIR Imaging," Proc. Adhesion. Soc. (2006)
- L. Sung, P. L. Drzal, M. R. VanLandingham, and A. M. Forster, "Metrology for Characterizing the Scratch resistance of Polymeric Coatings Through Optical scattering ," Scratching of Materials & Applications" Chapter 5, PP. 102-123, edited by Professor Sujeet Kumar Sinha, Elsev
- P L. Drzal, H. Fukushima, L. Sung, and L. T. Drzal, "Nanomechanical Characterization and Scratch Resistance of Nylon 6 Multifunctional Nanocomposites" Proceeding of 29th. Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, inc., pp. 146-148,
- L. Sung, P. L. Drzal, M. R. VanLandingham, T-Y. Wu and S.-H. Chang "Metrology for Characterizing Scratch Resistance of Polymer Coatings," JCT Research,
- M. R. VanLandingham; "Scratch and Mar Resistance of Polymeric Materials", Service Life Prediction-Challenging the Status Quo, J.W. Martin, R.A. Ryntz, and R.A. Dickie, Editors, Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology, Chapter 23,
- M. R. VanLandingham, N.-K. Chang, C. C. White, P. L. Drzal, S.-H. Chang; "Viscoelastic Characterization of Polymers Using Instrumented Indentation – I. Quasi-Static Testing," J. Polym. Sc
- 43(14),
- C. C. White, M. R. VanLandingham, P. L. Drzal, N.-K. Chang, S.-H. Chang; "Viscoelastic Characterization of Polymers Using Instrumented Indentation – II. Dynamic Testing," J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym. Phys 43 (14),
- L. Sung, P. L. Drzal, T. Darrah, and M. E. McKnight, "Surface characterization and scratch resistance assessment of polymeric coatings and plastics by optical scattering," The Proceeding of the 8th International Coatings for Plastics Symposium, MSU Management Education Center, Troy, M
- P. L. Drzal, L. Sung, B. Britz, and R. Ryntz, "Nanomechanical Properties of Polymeric Coatings Through Instrumented Indentation," The Proceeding of the 8th International Coatings for Plastics Symposium, MSU Management Education Center, Troy, M
- X. Gu, T. Nguyen, L. Sung, M. R. VanLandingham, M.l J. Fasolka, J. W. Martin, Y. C. Jean, D. Nguyen,,N.-k. Chang, and T. Y. Wu; "Advanced Techniques for Nanocharacterization of Polymeric Coating Surfaces" JCT Research, 1(3)
- L. Sung, P. L. Drzal, M. R. VanLandingham, and T. Y. Wu; "Metrology for Characterizing Scratch Resistance of Polymer Coatings," FSCT·ICE 2004 Proceedings of the 82nd Annual Meeting Technical Pr
- M.R. VanLandingham, L. Sung, N.-k. Chang,T. Y. Wu, s.-H. Chang, and V.D. Jardret; "Measurement Approaches to Develop a Fundamental Understanding of Scratch and Mar Resistance," J. Coat. Technol. Res., 1(4)
- C.A. Michaels, D.B. Klinedinst, and D. B. Chase, "Confocal Raman Imaging of Heterogeneous Polymeric Materials," Proc. SPE ANTEC
- C. A. Michaels, X. Gu, D. B. Chase, and S. J. Stranick, "Near-field Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopy of a Thin Film PS/PEA Blend, Appl. Spe
- C.A. Michaels, D.B. Chase, and S.J. Stranick, "Chemical Imaging of Thin Film Polymer Blends with Near-Field IR Microscopy, Poly. Mat. Sci. and Eng
- X. Gu, T. Nguyen, L. Sung, M.R. VanLandingham, Y.C. Jean, and J. W. Martin, " Advanced Techniques for Nanocharacterization of Polymeric Coating Surfaces," FSCT·ICE 2003 Proceedings of the 81th Annual Meeting Technical Program, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA,
- T. Nguyen, X. Gu, M. VanLandingham, Rose Ryntz, D. Nguyen, and J. Martin, "Nanoscale Charcaterization of Coatings Surface Degradation with Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscopy," Proceedings, Adhesion Society Meetin, Myrtle Beach, SC, Febr
- M. R. VanLandingham, N.-K. Chang, T. Y. Wu, L. Sung, V. D. Jardret, S.-H. Chang; "Measurement Approaches to Develop a Fundamental Understanding of Scratch and Mar Resistance," FSCT·ICE 2003 Proceedings of the 81th Annual Meeting Technical Program, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA,
- M. R. VanLandingham, "A Review of Instrumented Indentation," Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol 108
- X. Gu, L. Sung, D.L.Ho., C.A. Michaels, D. Nguyen, J. Jean, and T. Nguyen, "Surface and Interface Properties of UV-Exposed PVDF/PMMA-co-PEA Blends," Proceedings, Adhesion Society Meeting Myrtle Beach, SC, Februar
- X. Gu, T. Nguyen, D. Nguyen, and M. VanLandingham, "Surface and Interface Properties of PVDF/Acrylic Copolymer Blends," Proceedings, Adhesion Society Meetin, Orlando, February,
- S. J. Stranick, D.B. Chase and C. A. Michaels, "Near-Field Microscopy for Chemical and Material Analysis on the Nanoscale, Poly. Mat. Sci. and Eng
- L. Sung, M. E. Nadal, M. E. McKnight, E. Marx, and B. Laurenti, "Optical Reflectance of Metallic Coatings: Effect of Aluminum Flake Orientation," Journal of Coatings Technolog 74 (932), p 55
- T. Nguyen, X. Gu, M. Van Landingham, and D. Nguyen, "Surface and Interface Microstructure of Coatings Systems and Their Implication on Durability," Proceedings, International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components Brisbane, Austral
- X. Gu, L. Sung, D.L. Ho, C.A. Michaels, D. Nguyen, Y.C. Jean, and T. Nguyen, "Surface and Interface Properties of PVDF/Acrylic Copolymer Blends Before and After UV exposure," FSCT·ICE 2002 Proceedings of the 80th Annual Meeting Technical Program, Oct. 30 – Nov 1, New Or
- T. Nguyen, X. Gu, M. Van Landingham, M. Giraud, R. Dutruc-Rosset, R. Ryntz, and D. Nguyen, "Characterization of Coating Systems Interphases with Phase Imaging AFM," Proceedings, Adhesion Society Meetin, J. A. Emerson, E
- M. R. VanLandingham, J. S. Villarrubia, W. F. Guthrie, G. F. Meyers, "Nanoindentation of Polymers: An Overview," in Macromolecular Symposi 167: Advances in Scanning Probe Microscopy of Polymers, V. V. Tsukruk and N. D. Spencer,
- B. Du, M. R. VanLandingham, Q. Zhang, T. He; "Direct Measurement of Plowing Friction and Wear of a Polymer Thin Film Using the Atomic Force Microscope," Journal of Materials Researc 16(5)
- S. J. Stranick, X. Gu, D. B. Chase, C. A. Michaels, "Chemical Imaging of Thin Film Polymer Blends With Near-Field Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy," Vibrational Spectroscop, ICAVS Spe
- S. J. Stranick, D. B. Chase, and C. A. Michaels, "Chemical Imaging with Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy," Proc.
- D. Raghavan, X. Gu, T. Nguyen, M. R. VanLandingham, "Characterization of Chemical Heterogeneity in Polymer Systems Using Hydrolysis and Tapping Mode AFM," Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physic 39(13)