During the last several years, ATN has assisted JX Nippon Oil & Energy USA Inc with several Quality Systems and Environment, Health and Safety Projects. Due, in part, to our partnership with ATN, JXNOEUSA has achieved and maintained an outstanding environmental and safety record.
ATN delivered an 8-hour Hazwoper Refresher to fourteen employees who had already taken the Hazwoper24 hour course and wished to maintain their HAZWOPER training status. The refresher course is required each year under the provisions of 29 CFR 1910.120, OSHA's standard regulating hazardous waste operations and emergency response. Employees were re-familiarized with concepts surrounding the safe assessment and response to chemical spills and other emergencies that have the potential for exposure to and handling of hazardous materials and situations.
Topics included HAZWOPER regulations, site characterization, toxicology, hazard recognition, personal protective equipment, decontamination, confined space entry, and emergency procedures. In addition, new regulations and environmental laws pertaining to hazardous waste operations and emergency response were introduced.