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Strategic Planning Creates Jobs, Sales and Cost Savings

With the help of: FloridaMakes


Nu-Trend Plastics, a division of Corrigan and Company, Inc., was founded in 1980 as a custom manufacturer of plastic thermoformed products. Six full-time employees deliver plastic material solutions to the airline industry, food industry, and research departments around the world from their Jacksonville, Florida location. A fourth-generation family-owned company, Nu-Trend takes great pride in designing the exact packaging product to fit the customers’ needs.

The Challenge

Critical areas at Nu-Trend Plastics required attention for the company to be successful and grow. Sales were declining, and expenses were remaining the same, resulting in a negative effect on the profit margin. 

I was introduced to our Business Advisor, Paula DeLuca, at a workshop sponsored by FCMA.  In our initial meeting, Paula gained a good understanding of our needs and recommended strategic planning. With Paula’s assistance, we now have a strategic plan that has helped our business grow.


Paula’s invaluable expertise also helped us receive funding for important training that we could not have otherwise afforded. It has been a pleasure having Paula as our Business Advisor, helping us with our business planning and strategy.  We highly recommend Paula DeLuca, FCMA, and the FloridaMakes network to any other manufacturing business.

— Kelly Wood, President

MEP's Role

Nu-Trend Plastics wanted to restructure the organization to reflect changes occurring in the corporate structure and develop a strategic plan that would help them focus the business on future customer market penetration. They also wanted to invest in improving communication with employees and create a more cohesive team.

Nu-Trend was connected to FloridaMakes, part of the MEP National Network™, through their membership in the First Coast Manufacturing Association (FCMA). The FloridaMakes Business Advisor at FMCA completed an assessment and helped Nu-Trend complete a strategic plan, redirecting the business focus on current business activities and future plans. Duties were reassigned and the marketing plan and website were updated. These activities maximized efficiency and increased profit margins. The company also gained two new clients.

Created June 2, 2020, Updated July 12, 2021