The NIST Summer Institute for Middle School Science Teachers, a collaboration between NIST and local school districts, is an innovative combination of hands-on activities, lectures, tours, and visits with scientists in their laboratories. Designed to coordinate with the middle school curriculum, the teachers are provided with resources and instructional tools for teaching math and science, with an emphasis on measurement science used at NIST. Led entirely by NIST scientists, the Summer Institute translates the cutting-edge research done in the laboratory to activities designed to be carried out in the classroom. Networking among the scientists and teachers provide long-term resources through the on-going relationships for the teachers and their students.
At the NCNR the teachers have the opportunity to spend a day in the facility, learn about neutron scattering techniques, do experiments tailor to their curriculum, tour the facility, and talk to users, staff, middle school and undergraduate students.
For more information please visit the NIST Summer Institute for Middle School Science Teachers web page, or contact:
kara.robinson [at] (Kara[dot]Robinson[at]nist[dot]gov)
(301) 975-2471